Architecture-Level Compact Thermal R-C Modeling

M. Barcella, W. Huang, M. Stan, and K. Skadron
Tech Report CS-2002-20, Univ. of Virginia Dept. of Computer Science, July, 2002.

Architectural thermal modeling of high performance VLSI systems is of special importance in order to achieve reliable and power-saving system designs. In this paper, we present a novel, computation-efficient methodology for architectural level compact thermal modeling. The RC thermal models derived from this methodology are based on the layout of micro-architectural level functional blocks such as caches, execution units, and register files, etc. We utilize the duality between thermal and electrical circuit to perform electro-thermal simulations of both steady state and transient thermal responses of different blocks that dissipate different amounts of power. Temperature profiles derived from this modeling technique are compared with those derived from computation-intensive FEM/FDM tools. The model is both extremely fast and accurate, less than 4% error. This modeling methodology can then be adopted for architectural level VLSI design tools to perform fast electro-thermal simulations.

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