Mandatory: The email's subject line should be: Poster printing: request from {UVA ID}, needed by {Date and time}, size {Arch D or Arch E}. For example “Poster printing: request from abc1de needed by August 23, 4pm, size arch D”.
Specify in the body of the email:
the title of the poster, for example "My Excellent Groundbreaking Research Findings" the size (24x36 or 36x48) the orientation (landscape or portrait)
You will be notified by email when the poster is ready.
Posters must be picked from the hallway outside Rice Hall room 007.
We do not have poster tubes. These can be purchased in the bookstore.
If we have made an error we will reprint the poster. However, if you make an error, we won't reprint the poster if it has already been printed. If your poster has not yet been printed, you can change the poster, but ALWAYS change the name of change print file. For example, for the file “SansIEEE_EJS3S.pdf”, the changed file should be named “SansIEEE_EJS3S-2.pdf”. Reply to the same email as the original request… do NOT send a new email to
If we can't print the poster, UVA Printing Services, in the back of the Bookstore, will print up to 24×36 inch posters. Off-grounds poster printing can be done at Staples, FedEx, or a commercial printer.