cs205: engineering software?
25 June 2008
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Problem Set 3
Implementing Data Abstractions
Out: 11 September
Due: Monday, 18 September
(beginning of class)

Collaboration Policy. For this problem set, you may either work alone and turn in a problem set with just your name on it, or work with one other student in your section of your choice. If you worked with a partner on PS2, you may not work with the same person for PS3. If you work with a partner, you and your partner should turn in one assignment with both of your names on it.

Regardless of whether you work alone or with a partner, you are encouraged to discuss this assignment with other students in the class and ask and provide help in useful ways. You may consult any outside resources you wish including books, papers, web sites and people. If you use resources other than the class materials, indicate what you used along with your answer.

Reading: Before beginning this assignment, you should finish reading Chapter 5 and read Section 10.4 (on Testing Data Abstractions).


Reasoning About Data Abstractions

First, we will consider a implementing the Poly abstraction from Chapter 5 (specified in Figure 5.4). Suppose we implement Poly using a java.util.Vector. The Vector type allows us to represent an ordered collection of Objects. The objects we will store in our vector are records of <term, coefficient>. Here is the representation:
import java.util.Vector;

class TermRecord { // OVERVIEW: Record type 
   int power;
   int coeff;
   TermRecord (int p_coeff, int p_power);

public class Poly {
   // OVERVIEW: Polys are immutable polynomials with integer
   //      coefficients. A typical Poly is:
   //          c_0 + c_1*x + c_2 * x^2 + ...
   private Vector<TermRecord> terms;
Suppose this is the implementation of degree:
   public int degree () {
      // EFFECTS: Returns the degree of this, i.e., the largest exponent
      //    with a non-zero coefficient.  Returns 0 if this is the zero Poly.
      return terms.lastElement ().power;

1. What abstraction function and rep invariant are needed to make the implementation of degree above satisfy its specification?

In an alternate implementation with the same rep (that is, the abstraction function and rep invariant may be different), suppose this is the implementation of coeff:
   public int coeff (int d) {
      // EFFECTS: Returns the coefficient of the term of this whose
      //     exponent is d.  

      int res = 0;
      for (TermRecord r : terms) {
	 if (r.power == d) { res += r.coeff; }

      return res;
2. What rep invariant would make the implementation of coeff above correctly satisfy its specification?
3. Explain how a stronger rep invariant would make it possible to implement coeff more efficiently.

Implementing StringGraph

Here is the specification of a StringGraph datatype. It is similar to the DirectedGraph datatype, except for instead of being a generic type with the node type as a type parameter, it uses String for the node type. (In the later questions, you will implement the generic DirectedGraph datatype.)
public class StringGraph
  OVERVIEW: A StringGraph is a directed graph  where
      V is a set of Strings, and E is a set of edges.
      Each edge is a pair (v1, v2), representing an edge
      from v1 to v2 in G.  A typical StringGraph is
       < {v1, v2, ..., vn} , { { v_a1, v_b1 }, { v_a2, v_b2 } , ... } >

  public StringGraph() 
    EFFECTS: Creates a new, empty StringGraph: < {}, {} >

  public void addNode(String s) throws DuplicateException
     MODIFIES: this
     EFFECTS: If s is the name of a node in this, throws
       DuplicateException. Otherwise, adds
       s to the nodes in this, with no adjacent nodes:
           Gpost = < Vpre U { s }, Epre >

  public void addEdge(String s, String t) throws NoNodeException, DuplicateException
     MODIFIES: this
     EFFECTS: If s and t are not nodes in
        this, throws NoNodeException.  If there is already an edge
        between s and t, throws DuplicateEdgeException.
        Otherwise, adds an edge between s and t to this:
           Gpost = < Vpre, Epre U  >

  public Set<String> getAdjacent(String s) throws NoNodeException
     EFFECTS: If s is not a node in this, throws NoNodeException.
        Otherwise, returns a set containing the nodes adjacent to s
        That is, returns the set of nodes 
            { e | <s, e> is in E }

  public String toString()
     EFFECTS: Returns a human-readable string representation of this.
There are many possible representations for the StringGraph. Here are three possibilities:
Vector<String> nodes;
boolean [][] edges;
Set<String> nodes;
Set<Edge> edges;
where Edge is a record type containing two String values:
class Edge { 
   String a, b; 
   Edge (String p_a, String p_b);
Set<NodeRecord> rep;
where NodeRecord is a record type that records a String and an associated set of Strings:
class NodeRecord {
   String key;
   Set<String> values;
4. For each representation choice (a, b, and c), provide an abstraction function and rep invariant.
5. Which representation choice would make implementing addNode most difficult? Explain why.
6. Which representation choice would enable the most efficient getAdjacent implementation? Explain why.
7. Implement the StringGraph datatype specified above. You may use any of the datatypes from PS2 you want except the DirectedGraph datatype (note that the specification suggests using the NoNodeException, DuplicateException, and Set provided datatypes). Your implementation may use any representation you want (including the ones describe above, but not limited to those choices). Your implementation should clearly document its abstraction function and rep invariant.
8. Describe a testing strategy for your StringGraph datatype. Include all the code you developed for testing in your answer.
9. Consider adding a removeNode method to the StringGraph datatype that removes a node from a graph. Write a declarative specification for the removeNode method. Consider carefully what should happen with the edges of the graph when a node it removed, and make sure your specification is total.
10. For this question you have a choice, either do choice 1 or choice 2:
Turn-in Checklist: You should turn in your answers to questions 1-10 on paper at the beginning of class on Monday, 18 September. Also, submit your StringGraph.java code electronically by email to evans@cs.virginia.edu.