Towards Disk-Level Malware Detection
Nathanael Paul, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, David Evans
Workshop on Code
Based Software Security Assessments
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
7 November 2005
Disk drive capabilities and processing power are steadily increasing,
and this power gives us the possibility of using disks as data
processing devices rather than merely for data transfers. In the area of
malicious code (malware) detection, anti-virus (AV) engines are slow and
have trouble correctly identifying many types of malware. Our goal is to
help make malware detection more reliable and more efficient by using
the disk drive's processor. Using the extra processing power available
on modern disk drives can provide significant advantages in detecting
malware including reducing the traditional AV engine's workload on the
host CPU by partitioning the workload between the host AV engine and the
disk drive, improving the detection of stealth malware by providing a
low-level view of the system, and recognizing virus behavior by
observing disk I/O traffic directly. Several research questions must be
addressed before these benefits can be realized: how to correctly
partition work between the AV engine and the disk drive processor, how
to design interfaces between the operating system (OS) or host AV engine
and the disk drive that provide satisfactory performance without
compromising security, and how to recognize malicious behavior based on
the dynamic analysis of low-level data accesses.
Keywords: dynamic analysis, malware detection, virus detection, disk
drive processor.
Complete Paper (4 pages)
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