This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.
Concept Java/C Python This class Bitwise Name Other
true true True \top or 1 -1 tautology T
false false False \bot or 0 0 contradiction F
not P !p not p \lnot P or \overline{P} ~p negation
P and Q p && q p and q P \land Q p & q conjunction P Q, P \cdot Q
P or Q p || q p or q P \lor Q p | q disjunction P + Q
P xor Q p != q p != q P \oplus Q p ^ q parity P ⊻ Q,
P implies Q P \rightarrow Q implication P \supset Q, P \Rightarrow Q
P iff Q p == q p == q P \leftrightarrow Q bi-implication P \Leftrightarrow Q, P xnor Q
Concept Symbol Meaning
equivalent \equiv A \equiv B means A \leftrightarrow B is a tautology
entails \vDash A \vDash B means A \rightarrow B is a tautology
provable \vdash A \vdash B means A proves B; it means both A \vDash B and I know B is true because A is true
\vdash B (without A) means I know B is true
therefore \therefore \therefore A means the lines above this \vdash A
\therefore A also connotes A is the thing we wanted to show
proof done
marks the end of a written (prose) proof
hypothesis something we expect is true
theorem something we’ve proven is true
corollary small theorem that builds off of the main theorem
lemma small theorem that helps set up the proof of the main theorem
Concept Symbol Meaning
floor \lfloor x \rfloor the largest integer not larger than x
x rounded down to an integer
ceiling \lceil x \rceil the smallest integer not smaller than x
x rounded up to an integer
exponent x^y x multiplied by itself y times
sum \displaystyle \sum_{x \in S} f(x) the sum of all members of \{ f(x) \;|\; x \in S\}
By definition, 0 if S = \{\}
sum \displaystyle \sum_{x=a}^{b} f(x) \displaystyle \sum_{x\in S} f(x) where S = \{ x \;|\; (x \in \mathbb Z) \land (a \le x \le b)\}
the sum of f(x) applied to integers between a and b inclusive
product \displaystyle \prod_{x \in S} f(x) the product of all members of \{ f(x) \;|\; x \in S\}
By definition, 1 if S = \{\}
product \displaystyle \prod_{x=a}^{b} f(x) \displaystyle \prod_{x\in S} f(x) where S = \{ x \;|\; (x \in \mathbb Z) \land (a \le x \le b)\}
the product of f(x) applied to integers between a and b inclusive
factorial x! \displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^{x} i
the product of all positive integers less than or equal to x
the number of permutations of a length-x sequence with distinct members
choose \displaystyle {n \choose k} \displaystyle {n! \over (n-k)! k!}
the number of k-member subsets of an n-element set