CS 2910: Grading

This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.
Percentage Task
50% TA for your supervisor (they assign this part of your grade)
20% Participate in five required class sessions
10% Participate in at least two optional class sessions
20% End-of-term paper

The end of term paper will be due the last day of classes (Tuesday 6 December 2016) and should address one of the following topics:

  1. Curriculum redesign. Propose a redrawing of lines between courses, including any changes to the required/elective category of each course for BACS, BSCS, and/or BSCpE; defend why that reorganization would improve the educational quality of our program. Include any risks you can think of: what might make the change fail?

  2. Course improvement. Propose specific changes to the content, assignments, and/or flow of the course you are TAing. Try to be clear on how this would change the workload of course staff and the expected benefits to the students. Include any risks you can think of: what might make the change fail?

  3. What I wish I had known about TAing… but nobody told me. Reflect on your TAing experience and note what you had to learn the hard way, what you still haven’t learned, and what advice or training yo uwish you had received before you started.

Because we tend to hire diligent people as TAs, we have had more than 90% of students in CS 2910 earn an A.

If you have some reason why some part of the course is causing you trouble, please let the instructor know as soon as you can.

Copyright © 2017 by Luther Tychonievich. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2017-01-27 15:25 -0500