This assignment may result in several different programs. Instead of make run
we will use several different make targets, one for each broad simulation type.
The required part of this assignment is earn 50 points on this assignment
. The optional part is any points in excess of 50 that you earn.
make bones file=
filename (15–100 points)This is an extension of HW4: everything that was required in HW4 is required in this program too.
You may find our bones writeup and change of basis writeup to be helpful.
This may appear at most once in any object
. If present, it means that this object is considered to be a bone, with object-space origin (0,0,0) and object-space tip (0,0,d).
A bone may have geometry, but doesn’t need to. A bone may have the world
, another bone, or a non-bone as its parent.
The remaining keywords in this section apply only to bones and will follow the bone
command in the input.
; 15–30 points)After applying other transformations (including positioning and rotation), rotate the object to the bone’s tip points toward the named object. This should be a minimal rotation to achieve that goal, staying as close to the previous orientation as possible.
; 10–20 points)After applying other transformations (including positioning and rotation), rotate the object to the bone’s tip points toward the named primary object. There are many such rotations; pick the one that points the bone’s axis points toward the named secondary object as much as possible. Axis will always be one of +x
, -x
, +y
, or -y
; 10 points)track
, but also scale along the object’s z axis to that the tip of the bone exactly reaches the given object. Do not scale along the object’s other two axes.
; 5 points)trackscale
, but also scale uniformly along the object’s x and y axes such that the volume of the bone is conserved.
Use FABRIK to perform inverse kinematics, where the IK chain consists of this bone and all its bone parents.
Recall that one iteration of FABRIK moves the bone tip to object, then moves the chain root back to its starting location. Compute iterations iterations in total.
Each frame should begin the iteration from the positions provided by any position
and quaternion
commands. None of the bones in an IK chain will have a track or related command.
FABRIK produces the origins and tips of a chain of bones. Use the same math as position
and track
to align the bones with these points.
make fluid file=
filename (70–120 points)This is not an extension of any other assignment. You’ll output 2D fluids directly to the pixels of an image file (I guess we could say it’s an extension of HW0?).
Use back-advection to provide unconditionally stable simulations. When back-advecting off the grid, assume velocity is 0 and temperature is equal to the nearest on-grid temperature.
Fluid simulations tend to be somewhat all-or-nothing: either you have fluid, or you don’t. Thus, you should plan to test each components prior to integrating them. In particular, you’ll need
We recommend using a staggered grid, with velocities on cell boundaries and temperature in cell centers, as this simplifies divergence computation and boundary conditions and makes for nicer results at no additional computational cost.
same syntax and semantics as HW0.
Each pixel in the image will represent a cell in a Eulerian fluid grid. Bigger images = higher-resolution fluids. Every cell will be full of fluid.
To create motion in the fluid, track something we’ll call the
of each pixel. We won’t simulate temperature-based expansion, but will approximate temperature-based buoyancy.
We’ll let temperature range from -1 to 1. Each pixel experiences an upward force with strength temperature × bouyancy pixels / frame2.
The input h represents a rate of heat transfer into the fluid. The bottom row of pixels is heated, so t' = h + (1-h)t each frame; the top row is cooled, so t' = -h + (1-h)t each frame.
Use heat as the color of each pixel. Linearly interpolate between the following colors:
Temperature | Color |
1 | #ff0000 |
0 | #000000 |
-1 | #00B2FF |
If temperatures are outside this range, you may color them in an implementation-defined manner.
For the first frame, set each cell to have a random temperature between −mag and +mag. This randomization breaks symmetry and gets the simulation started. Because of randomization, each run of a given file will produce a different result (but with the same overall dynamics).
Render one image every n frames, where n is a positive integer.
for example, if the frames in the pngs
is 100 and the n in subsample
is 4 then you’ll simulate 400 frames but render only 100 images.
The linear weights involved in advection and the linear approximation of incomprehensibility created by using a matrix both tend to add unwanted
numerical viscosity
As a work-around, if the word confine
appears in the input file then measure the kinetic energy of the fluid before each of these steps and artificially scale all velocities afterward to restore the previously-measured kinetic energy.
The linear weights involved in advection tends to add unwanted
numerical diffusion
As a work-around, if the word tconfine
appears in the input file then measure mean and variance of the temperatures fluid before each advection step and artificially shift and scale all temperatures afterward to restore the previously-measured mean and variance.
Combined viscosity and diffusion:
Intense starting temperatures with no heating:
A 40s 720p simulation input file and result (in video player)
make springs file=
filename (50–120 points)This is not an extension of any other assignment. Rather, it outputs input files for HW3.
This is a mass-spring simulation with moving spheres, fixed planes, and springs. We discussed several approaches to this in class. To replicate my results, each iteration
I did this in a single pass per time step, acting on the balls in the order I created them. Ball-ball collisions are resolved in order of the first ball in the pair, so the collision of the first and last ball is resolved before the collision of the second and third ball.
This order does mean that a later action cases an earlier fix to be partially undone, but I wanted something easy to describe to increase the chances everyone’s code would make the same animation. That said, I’m not looking for exact similarity: rather, I’m looking for the overall right kind of dynamics.
Create frames different input files for HW3. Each should begin with png
w h base-
where frame is a 3-digit zero-padded number between 0 and frames − 1. Each should be named base-
If the input file opens with
txts 30 40 example- 12
when it should make 12 new text files, named example-000.txt
through example-011.txt
. The last of these would start with the line
png 30 40 example-011.png
Any line that is not a command you’ve implemented for this assignment should be passed through as-is in every generated file.
If the input file contains
txts 30 40 example- 1
sphere 1 -0.8 -1 0.5
sphere 0 0 -1 0.3
sun 1 1 1
then, because the only line that starts with a HW5 keyword is txts
, the output file will be
png 30 40 example-000.png
sphere 1 -0.8 -1 0.5
sphere 0 0 -1 0.3
sun 1 1 1
Create a barrier ensuring that all balls will remain entirely in the region of space where Ax+By+Cz+D \ge 0.
This line is used only internally and does not appear in any form in the resulting output files.
This barrier is invisible. HW3’s visible variant was plane
A B C D, but visible planes and interacting walls should be handled separately.
Create an animated ball at location (p_x, p_y, p_z) with velocity (v_x, v_y, v_z). Use the currently active
and mass
for the ball.
Each ball
line in the input file becomes a sphere
line in the output file; in particular, sphere
c_x, c_y, c_z, r where (c_x,c_y,c_z) is the sphere’s center location on that frame and r is the spheres radius.
Each of the following sets a value that will be applied to balls created after it. Each may be overridden by appearing multiple times in the input. Each is used only internally and does not appear in any form in the resulting output files.
s. At least one radius
command will always precede the first ball
s. If no mass
has been encountered, use mass 1
The elasticity of subsequent
s. If no elasticity
has been encountered, use elasticity 1
In a ball-wall or ball-anchor collision, the coefficient of restitution used should be the ball’s elasticity. In a ball-ball collision, use the mean of the two elasticities.
, radius
, wall
, and txt
; 30 pts)Accelerate all balls by \vec g = (x,y,z) / frame2.
Recall that motion under acceleration works as follows:
, except an anchor ignores physics; instead it moves at a constant velocity, passing through walls and other anchors. Balls hitting anchors should act like they hit a wall (i.e., use only their own elasticity, not that of the anchor) but should correctly handle velocity added by hitting a moving anchor.
For each frame, perform n distinct updates. For example, if n=10 then instead of one update of 1 time unit per frame you’d do 10 updates of 0.1 time unit each per frame.
The math should be such that this makes spring and collision computations more precise but does not change the result of freely-moving balls at all.
, mass
, and elasticity
)The spring constant of subsequent springs. If no springconst
has been encountered, use springconst 0
– i.e., ignore the springs.
For stability of simulation, it is recommended that input files keep \dfrac{\text{springconst}}{\text{subsample}} < 1.
and anchor
; 35 pts) Create a triangle of balls by interpolating between the three given corner ball positions with n+1 balls per side of the triangle. Attach springs in a triangular grid.
Set all balls to initial velocity 0 and all springs to rest length = their initial length.
tri 3
… would produce 10 balls 18 springs arranged as illustrated in the following ASCII art:
/ \
* - *
/ \ / \
* - * - *
/ \ / \ / \
a - * - * - b
; 10 pts) Create a tetrahedreon of balls by interpolating between the four given corner ball positions with n+1 balls per edge of the tetrahedron. Attach springs in a tetrahedral grid.
Set all balls to initial velocity 0 and all springs to rest length = their initial length.