This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.
Do not share solutions or your bomb or part thereof with students or any other non-course-staff person.
You may discuss strategies and code patterns, but not specifics.
You’ll use the same bomb you did for the lab. If you worked with someone else in lab, you can download your own bomb using the same bomb download site.
Due to changes needed to fix several errors with the bomb server, bombs downloaded before Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at 6:00pm will not be graded. Please download a new bomb if yours is older than that.
Credit will be awarded as follows:
Grade | Criteria |
80% | 2 phases defused |
95% | 3 phases defused |
98% | 4 phases defused |
+1% | each additional phase defused (including extra credit if you get more than 6 phases) |
If you have more than 20 explosions, we will remove points.
There is no submission needed besides running the bomb and typing the correct inputs, which will update the scoreboard which will be used to populate the gradebook after the PA closes.