Your task in this lab is to submit signed strings stating that you have passed the lab.

1 Signatures

A signature is a hash encrypted with a private key. It is checked by decrypting with a public key and comparing to the hash. That is,

(message, signature) is valid iff hash(message) = decrypt(signature, publickey)

However, some decryption includes a modulus operation; if so, you need to compare the hash modulo the same divisor.

If decrypt ends with result %= 0x1234567 then a signature matches if hash(message) % 0x1234567 == decrypt(signature)

2 This lab

We provide seven hash functions (none of them secure) and an (also insecure) public key decryption function in signlab.c1. We also provide the following signed messages. For most messages we provide two signatures, one valid and the other invalid, listed in numerical order.

Hash Message Sig1 Sig2
0 "mst3k passes" 0x03294abe
1 "mst3k passes" 0x2839124b
2 "mst3k passes" 0x2561405e 0x29639450
3 "mst3k passes" 0x5867974a 0x5fe433ca
4 "mst3k passes" 0x5669495c 0x63e1cc3f
5 "mst3k passes" 0x2bb17fcf 0x5217fffb
6 "mst3k passes" 0x0fb903ef 0x3f8170d7

Your task (alone or with partners) is to forge signed messages containing your computing ID(s). The recommended process is

For each hash in ascending order (the first is the easiest…)

  1. check both signatures to find which is valid
  2. forge a message that has the same hash
    • start with your computing ID(s)
    • add more characters to make the message have the hash you want
    • note: two messages with the same hash are called a hash collision
  3. use the same signature with your new message
  4. use the provided submitSolution function to submit your answer
  5. check that it appeared on the scoreboard

When you have finished all seven, or when lab is coming to a close, show them your work.

There are other processes that can work too, such as figuring out the private key from the insecure public key embedded in the decrypt function and writing your own encrypt function. Somewhere around hash 5 we expect that trying to find the private key might start being easier than finding a hash collision.

We don’t care what else your message contains beyond your computing ID(s), so long as it does not contain a '\0' character and does not contain the word fail anywhere inside it. "SDAF5YETmst3kDSGS32445" will be seen as passing off mst3k if properly signed. Note, though, that "mst3kpasses" won’t: a computing ID can’t have lower-case letters before or after it or it will confuse out compid locator.

3 Understanding signlab.c

Our code uses integer datatype type names from stdint.h to ensure they have exactly the same bit length on every OS.

Our provided C file has

  • A working public key decryption algorithm, decrypt. The keymod is the big hexadecimal constant in that function.

  • A copy of each hash function.

    • 0 and 1 use only a substring of the message
    • 2 xors bytes. Recall that xor is its own inverse; that is x ^ y ^ x == y. Thus, if your xor result is x and you want it to be y, xoring in another x and a y will fix that.
    • 3 adds bytes. Recall that subtraction is an inverse of addition, but so is two’s complement addition. If your sum is 13 too big, adding in a 256-13-byte will fix that.
    • 4 xors 4-byte words, sometimes ignoring a few bytes at the end.
    • 5 xors bytes but also rotates the old result 3 places to the left with each new byte encountered. Bit rotation is like bit shifting, except that excess bytes wrap arond instead of being dropped.
    • 6 xors bytes but also rotates the old result a number of places determiend by the low-order 5 bits of the answer.
  • A submitSolution function that sends your proposed solution to the server. Technically this is the only function you need; the others are just there for your reference.

  • A main function that shows you how you might use a few of the other functions. Feel free to edit this however you wish.

4 Other tips

We’ve seen the printable ASCII table before:

Hex Char
09 TAB (\t)
0A LF (\n)
0D CR (\r)
20 Space
21 !
22 "
23 #
24 $
25 %
26 &
27 '
28 (
29 )
2A *
2B +
2C ,
2D -
2E .
2F /
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 4
35 5
36 6
37 7
38 8
39 9
3A :
3B ;
3C <
3D =
3E >
3F ?
Hex Char
40 @
41 A
42 B
43 C
44 D
45 E
46 F
47 G
48 H
49 I
4A J
4B K
4C L
4D M
4E N
4F O
50 P
51 Q
52 R
53 S
54 T
55 U
56 V
57 W
58 X
59 Y
5A Z
5B [
5C \
5D ]
5E ^
5F _
Hex Char
60 `
61 a
62 b
63 c
64 d
65 e
66 f
67 g
68 h
69 i
6A j
6B k
6C l
6D m
6E n
6F o
70 p
71 q
72 r
73 s
74 t
75 u
76 v
77 w
78 x
79 y
7A z
7B {
7C |
7D }
7E ~

… but what about other bytes? C has a special syntax for adding non-printable characters: the escape sequence \x##, where ## are two hexadecimal digits, will insert that byte directly into a string. Thus, "\x256\x01" is an array of 4 chars:

  • 37 (i.e., 0x25)
  • 54 (i.e., 0x36 = ASCII digit 6)
  • 1 (i.e., 0x01), and
  • 0 (because every string literal ends with a null byte).

5 Passing off

To get full credit for this lab, explain to a TA the process you used to find a hash collision and/or forge a new signature for the most advanced hash you worked with. Note that I wrote a loop to try 4 billion things and one worked will not get full credit.

  1. Using ssh? Try wget↩︎