What is “real life”?
I dreamed I saw a film last night
Wherein the hero lost the fight
And married quite a normal spouse
Who wore a not-quite-perfect blouse.
He told a joke too flat to groan
And spent too much time on the phone
And couldn’t shoot a gun that well
And lied for reasons none could tell.
I dreamed I saw a film last night
That showed “real life” in perfect light.
I woke, then slept again and dreamed
The same dream as before, it seemed
But looked with different eyes.
I saw a man who loved his wife
E’en though they had a hardish life—
I saw a man most wise.
I saw his joke was was not for laughs
But sympathy for others’ gaffs
Told with a kindly tone.
He made the caller feel alive
And not some cog in commerce’s hive
Who occupied a phone.
It’s true he was a lousy shot
And lost and lied when he should not
But what was that to me?
I dreamed I saw a film last night
That showed “real life” in perfect light
’Twas glorious to see.
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