OK, with the same caveats, here are the double precision results:
[6] % f77 -O -o stream_d stream_d.f second.o
MAIN stream:
[7] % stream_d
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
Timing calibration ; time = 35.99999919533729 hundredths of a second
Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 43.6365 .1161 .1100 .1200
Scaling : 40.0000 .1200 .1200 .1200
Summing : 45.0000 .1600 .1600 .1600
SAXPYing : 44.9999 .1690 .1600 .1700
[8] %
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