CM2 data for stream code

From: Alex Vasilevsky (alex@Think.COM)
Date: Tue Oct 08 1991 - 09:48:53 CDT

   Date: Tue, 8 Oct 91 08:51:11 EDT
   From: "John D. McCalpin" <>

>Here is the CM-2 data for running the stream code.

   Would you mind sharing the code that you used for this?
   I am still learning about the CM-2 and would like to
   see how you translated this....

   John D. McCalpin
   Assistant Professor
   College of Marine Studies, U. Del. DELOCN::MCCALPIN (SPAN)

Here is the code. I did the following changes to your original source:

1. Replaced calls to function second() with calls CM timers.

2. Rewrite the realsize() routine to just return constants, there is no
need for this function to do any work really. The CM is an IEEE machine,
so the double precision values are 8 bytes long.

3. Change the value of n

4. Wrap another loop around all expressions, otherwise the code executes
too fast to get accurate timings.

Then, I pushed this code through a vectorizer and then into CM Fortran

First code is the non vectorized source, the second code is the output of a

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx code 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* Program: Stream
* Programmer: John D. McCalpin
* Revision: 2.0, September 30,1991
* This program measures memory transfer rates in MB/s for simple
* computational kernels coded in Fortran. These numbers reveal the
* quality of code generation for simple uncacheable kernels as well
* as showing the cost of floating-point operations relative to memory
* accesses.
* 1) Stream requires a cpu timing function called second().
* A sample is shown below. This is unfortunately rather
* system dependent. It helps to know the granularity of the
* timing. The code below assumes that the granularity is
* 1/100 seconds.
* 2) Stream requires a good bit of memory to run.
* Adjust the Parameter 'N' in the second line of the main
* program to give a 'timing calibration' of at least 20 clicks.
* This will provide rate estimates that should be good to
* about 5% precision.
* 3) Compile the code with full optimization. Many compilers
* generate unreasonably bad code before the optimizer tightens
* things up. If the results are unreasonable good, on the
* other hand, the optimizer might be too smart for me!
* 4) Mail the results to
* Be sure to include:
* a) computer hardware model number and software revision
* b) the compiler flags
* c) all of the output from the test case.
* Thanks!
      PROGRAM stream
C .. Parameters ..
      INTEGER n,ntimes
      PARAMETER (p=256,n=40000*p,ntimes=10)
C ..
C .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER j,k,nbpw
C ..
C .. Local Arrays ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION a(n),b(n),c(n),maxtime(4),mintime(4),rmstime(4),
     $ times(4,ntimes)
      INTEGER bytes(4)
      CHARACTER label(4)*11
C ..
C .. External Functions ..
      INTEGER realsize
      EXTERNAL CM_timer_read_cm_busy,realsize
C ..
C .. Intrinsic Functions ..
      INTRINSIC dble,max,min,sqrt
C ..
C .. Data statements ..
      DATA rmstime/4*0.0D0/,mintime/4*1.0D+36/,maxtime/4*0.0D0/
      DATA label/' Assignment:',' Scaling :',' Summing :',
     $ ' SAXPYing :'/
      DATA bytes/2,2,3,3/
C ..

* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing ---

      nbpw = realsize()
      t = 0.0D0
      call CM_timer_clear(0)
      DO 10 j = 1,n
          a(j) = 1.0D0
          b(j) = 2.0D0
          c(j) = 0.0D0
      call CM_timer_stop(0)
      t = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0) - t
      PRINT *,'Timing calibration ; time = ',t*100,' hundredths',
     $ ' of a second'
      PRINT *,'Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30 ',
     $ ' and your clock precision is =<1/100 second'
      PRINT *,'---------------------------------------------------'

* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times ---
      DO 60 k = 1,ntimes

         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         do i=1,100
         DO 20 j = 1,n
            c(j) = a(j)
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(1,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         do i=1,100
         DO 30 j = 1,n
            c(j) = 3.0D0*a(j)
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(2,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)

         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         do i=1,100
         DO 40 j = 1,n
            c(j) = a(j) + b(j)
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(3,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         do i=1,100
         DO 50 j = 1,n
            c(j) = a(j) + 3.0D0*b(j)
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(4,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)

* --- SUMMARY ---
      DO 80 k = 1,ntimes
         DO 70 j = 1,4
            rmstime(j) = rmstime(j) + (times(j,k)/100.0)**2
            mintime(j) = min(mintime(j),(times(j,k)/100.0))
            maxtime(j) = max(maxtime(j),(times(j,k)/100.0))
      WRITE (*,FMT=9000)
      DO 90 j = 1,4
         rmstime(j) = sqrt(rmstime(j)/dble(ntimes))
         WRITE (*,FMT=9010) label(j),n*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0D6,
     $ rmstime(j),mintime(j),maxtime(j)

 9000 FORMAT (' Function',5x,'Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time'
     $ )
 9010 FORMAT (a,4 (f10.4,2x))

      INTEGER FUNCTION realsize()
      integer ndigits
      ndigits = 16
      WRITE (*,FMT='(a)') '--------------------------------------'
      WRITE (*,FMT='(1x,a,i2,a)') 'Double precision appears to have ',
     $ ndigits,' digits of accuracy'
      IF (ndigits.LE.8) THEN
          realsize = 4
          realsize = 8
      END IF
      WRITE (*,FMT='(1x,a,i1,a)') 'Assuming ',realsize,
     $ ' bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word'
      WRITE (*,FMT='(a)') '--------------------------------------'

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx code 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C KAP/CAF 6.23 ( 7-Dec-88) o3,r3,d3 8 Oct 1991 10:25:08
* Program: Stream
* Programmer: John D. McCalpin
* Revision: 2.0, September 30,1991
* This program measures memory transfer rates in MB/s for simple
* computational kernels coded in Fortran. These numbers reveal the
* quality of code generation for simple uncacheable kernels as well
* as showing the cost of floating-point operations relative to memory
* accesses.
* 1) Stream requires a cpu timing function called second().
* A sample is shown below. This is unfortunately rather
* system dependent. It helps to know the granularity of the
* timing. The code below assumes that the granularity is
* 1/100 seconds.
* 2) Stream requires a good bit of memory to run.
* Adjust the Parameter 'N' in the second line of the main
* program to give a 'timing calibration' of at least 20 clicks.
* This will provide rate estimates that should be good to
* about 5% precision.
* 3) Compile the code with full optimization. Many compilers
* generate unreasonably bad code before the optimizer tightens
* things up. If the results are unreasonable good, on the
* other hand, the optimizer might be too smart for me!
* 4) Mail the results to
* Be sure to include:
* a) computer hardware model number and software revision
* b) the compiler flags
* c) all of the output from the test case.
* Thanks!
      PROGRAM stream
C .. Parameters ..
      INTEGER n,ntimes
      PARAMETER (p=256,n=40000*p,ntimes=10)
C ..
C .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER j,k,nbpw
C ..
C .. Local Arrays ..
      DOUBLE PRECISION a(n),b(n),c(n),maxtime(4),mintime(4),rmstime(4),
     $ times(4,ntimes)
      INTEGER bytes(4)
      CHARACTER label(4)*11
C ..
C .. External Functions ..
      INTEGER realsize
      EXTERNAL CM_timer_read_cm_busy,realsize
C ..
C .. Intrinsic Functions ..
      INTRINSIC dble,max,min,sqrt
C ..
C .. Data statements ..
      DATA rmstime/4*0.0D0/,mintime/4*1.0D+36/,maxtime/4*0.0D0/
      DATA label/' Assignment:',' Scaling :',' Summing :',
     $ ' SAXPYing :'/
      DATA bytes/2,2,3,3/
C ..
* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing ---
      nbpw = realsize()
      t = 0.0D0
      call CM_timer_clear(0)
          A = 1.0D0
          B = 2.0D0
          C = 0.0D0
      call CM_timer_stop(0)
      t = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0) - t
      PRINT *,'Timing calibration ; time = ',t*100,' hundredths',
     $ ' of a second'
      PRINT *,'Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30 ',
     $ ' and your clock precision is =<1/100 second'
      PRINT *,'---------------------------------------------------'
* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times ---
      DO 60 k = 1,ntimes
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         DO 20 I=1,100
            C = A
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(1,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         DO 30 I=1,100
            C = 3.0D0 * A
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(2,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         DO 40 I=1,100
            C = A + B
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(3,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
         call CM_timer_clear(0)
         call CM_timer_start(0)
         DO 50 I=1,100
            C = A + 3.0D0 * B
         call CM_timer_stop(0)
         times(4,k) = CM_timer_read_cm_busy(0)
* --- SUMMARY ---
      DO 80 k = 1,ntimes
         DO 70 j = 1,4
            rmstime(j) = rmstime(j) + times(j,k)**2
            mintime(j) = min(mintime(j),times(j,k))
            maxtime(j) = max(maxtime(j),times(j,k))
      WRITE (*,FMT=9000)
      DO 90 j = 1,4
         rmstime(j) = sqrt(rmstime(j)/dble(ntimes))
         WRITE (*,FMT=9010) label(j),n*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0D6,
     $ rmstime(j),mintime(j),maxtime(j)
 9000 FORMAT (' Function',5x,'Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time'
     $ )
 9010 FORMAT (a,4 (f10.4,2x))
C KAP/CAF 6.23 ( 7-Dec-88) o3,r3,d3 8 Oct 1991 10:25:08
      INTEGER FUNCTION realsize()
      integer ndigits
      ndigits = 16
      WRITE (*,FMT='(a)') '--------------------------------------'
      WRITE (*,FMT='(1x,a,i2,a)') 'Double precision appears to have ',
     $ ndigits,' digits of accuracy'
      IF (ndigits.LE.8) THEN
          realsize = 4
          realsize = 8
      END IF
      WRITE (*,FMT='(1x,a,i1,a)') 'Assuming ',realsize,
     $ ' bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word'
      WRITE (*,FMT='(a)') '--------------------------------------'

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