Re: New Chips & Memory Bandwidth

Date: Wed Apr 21 1993 - 13:58:29 CDT

>>Assignment:********** 0.0264 0.0167 0.0333
>>Scaling :********** 0.0279 0.0167 0.0333
>>Summing :********** 0.0441 0.0333 0.0500
>>SAXPYing :********** 0.0425 0.0333 0.0500
>128 MB/(0.0264 s) = 4848 MB/s = 19 MB/s/cpu = 1/25 of peak
>Not so good for a first cut?

n=128 million (elements), but each element is 8 bytes wide, so
it should be 19*8 = 152 MB/s/cpu.

>Of course, it is impossible to say anything very intelligent given
>these numbers. Hopefully the TMC folks can manage something a bit
>more concrete.


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