Below is a copy of the STREAM program which uses different starting points for
each array.
Charles Grassl
Cray Research, Inc.
* Program: Stream
* Programmer: John D. McCalpin
* Revision: 2.0, September 30,1991
* This program measures memory transfer rates in MB/s for simple
* computational kernels coded in Fortran. These numbers reveal the
* quality of code generation for simple uncacheable kernels as well
* as showing the cost of floating-point operations relative to memory
* accesses.
* 1) Stream requires a cpu timing function called second().
* A sample is shown below. This is unfortunately rather
* system dependent. It helps to know the granularity of the
* timing. The code below assumes that the granularity is
* 1/100 seconds.
* 2) Stream requires a good bit of memory to run.
* Adjust the Parameter 'N' in the second line of the main
* program to give a 'timing calibration' of at least 20 clicks.
* This will provide rate estimates that should be good to
* about 5% precision.
* 3) Compile the code with full optimization. Many compilers
* generate unreasonably bad code before the optimizer tightens
* things up. If the results are unreasonable good, on the
* other hand, the optimizer might be too smart for me!
* 4) Mail the results to
* Be sure to include:
* a) computer hardware model number and software revision
* b) the compiler flags
* c) all of the output from the test case.
* Thanks!
program Stream
parameter (N = 4 001 *1024, NTIMES = 2)
integer ipad,aoff,boff,coff
parameter (ipad = 20248 )
real a(N+ipad),b(N+ipad),c(N+ipad),times(4,NTIMES)
common /abccom/a,b,c
real rmstime(4),mintime(4),maxtime(4)
character*11 label(4)
real second
integer realsize,nbpw,bytes(4)
external second,realsize
data rmstime/4*0.0/,mintime/4*1.0e+36/,maxtime/4*0.0/
data label/'Assignment:','Scaling: ','Summing: ',
$ 'SAXPYing: '/
data bytes/2,2,3,3/
data aoff,boff,coff/0,0,0/
* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing ---
write(6,9020) ncpu(),N/1024,ipad
write(6,9030) (label(j),j=1,4)
nbpw = realsize()
t = etime()
do 10 j=1,N
a(j) = 1.0
b(j) = 2.0
c(j) = 0.0
10 continue
t = etime()-t
c print *,'Timing calibration ; time = ',t*100,' hundredths',
c $ ' of a second'
c print *,'Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30 ',
c $ ' and your clock precision is =<1/100 second'
c print *,'---------------------------------------------------'
do coff=8,32,8
do boff=8,32,8
do aoff=8,32,8
* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times ---
do 1000 k=1,NTIMES
t = etime()
do 20 j=1,N
c(coff+j) = a(aoff+j)
20 continue
t = etime()-t
times(1,k) = t
t = etime()
do 30 j=1,N
c(coff+j) = 3.0e0*a(aoff+j)
30 continue
t = etime()-t
times(2,k) = t
t = etime()
do 40 j=1,N
c(coff+j) = a(aoff+j)+b(boff+j)
40 continue
t = etime()-t
times(3,k) = t
t = etime()
do 50 j=1,N
c(coff+j) = a(aoff+j)+3.0e0*b(boff+j)
50 continue
t = etime()-t
times(4,k) = t
call dummysub(a,b,c,n)
1000 continue
* --- SUMMARY ---
do 300 k=1,NTIMES
do 200 j=1,4
rmstime(j) = rmstime(j) + times(j,k)**2
mintime(j) = min( mintime(j), times(j,k) )
maxtime(j) = max( maxtime(j), times(j,k) )
200 continue
300 continue
write(6,9040) aoff,boff,coff,
. (N*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0e6,j=1,4)
c write (*,9000)
c do 320 j=1,4
c rmstime(j) = sqrt(rmstime(j)/float(NTIMES))
c write (*,9010) label(j),N*bytes(j)*nbpw/mintime(j)/1.0e6,
c $ rmstime(j),mintime(j),maxtime(j)
c 320 continue
end do
end do
end do
9000 format (' Function',5x,
$ 'Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time')
9010 format (1x,a11,4(2x,f11.4))
9020 format(/' STREAM benchmark'
. /' ----------------'
. /' Number of CPUs: ',i8
. /' Array size: ',i8,' Kwords'
. /' Array padding: ',i8,' Words'/)
9030 format (/1x,' Aoff Boff Coff',2x,4a11
. /1x,61('-'))
9040 format (1x,3i5,2x,4f11.3)
* Sample timing routine
* This code works on Sun and Silicon Graphics machines.
* real function second(t0)
* real dummy(2)
* second = etime(dummy)
* end
* Sample timing routine
* This code works on IBM RS/6000 machines
cray real function second(t0)
cray second = mclock()*0.01
cray end
* A semi-portable way to determine the precision of default REAL
* in Fortran.
* Here used to guess how many bytes of storage a real number occupies.
integer function realsize()
double precision ref(30)
real test
double precision pi
logical silent
data silent/.true./
C Test #1 - compare double precision pi to acos(-1.0e0)
pi = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 d0
picalc = acos(-1.0e0)
diff = abs(picalc-pi)
if (diff.eq.0.0) then
if (.not. silent) then
print *,'Test #1 Failed = picalc=piexact'
print *,'Apparently Single=Double Precision'
print *,'Proceeding to Test #2'
print *,' '
end if
goto 200
ndigits = -log10(abs(diff))+0.5
goto 1000
C Test #2 - compare single(1.0d0+delta) to 1.0e0
200 do 10 j=1,30
ref(j) = 1.0d0+10.0d0**(-j)
10 continue
do 20 j=1,30
test = ref(j)
ndigits = j
call dummy(test,result)
if (test.eq.1.0e0) then
goto 1000
20 continue
if (.not. silent) then
print *,'Test #2 failed - Precision appears to exceed 30 digits'
print *,'Proceeding to Test #3'
end if
goto 300
C Test #3 - abs(sqrt(1.0d0)-sqrt(1.0e0))
300 diff = abs(sqrt(1.0d0)-sqrt(1.0e0))
if (diff.eq.0.0) then
if (.not. silent) then
print *,'Test Failed - sqrt(1.0e0)=sqrt(1.0d0)'
print *,'Apparently Single=Double Precision'
print *,'Giving up'
end if
goto 400
ndigits = -log10(abs(diff))+0.5
goto 1000
1000 continue
if (.not. silent) then
write (*,'(a)') '--------------------------------------'
write (*,'(1x,a,i2,a)') 'Single precision appears to have ',
$ ndigits,' digits of accuracy'
write (*,'(1x,a,i1,a)') 'Assuming ',realsize,
$ ' bytes per default REAL word'
write (*,'(a)') '--------------------------------------'
end if
if (ndigits.le.8) then
realsize = 4
realsize = 8
400 print *,'Hmmmm. I am unable to determine the size of a REAL'
print *,'Please enter the number of Bytes per REAL number : '
read (*,*) realsize
if ( then
print *,'Your answer ',realsize,' does not make sense!'
print *,'Try again!'
print *,'Please enter the number of Bytes per ',
$ 'REAL number : '
read (*,*) realsize
print *,'You have manually entered a size of ',realsize,
$ ' bytes per REAL number'
write (*,'(a)') '--------------------------------------'
subroutine dummy(q,r)
r = cos(q)
subroutine dummysub(a,b,c,n)
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