Here are some streams runs for my speedracer (Rev B heart ... ) let me know if
these numbers vary from yours.
2 cpu speedracer:
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
Array size = 8800000
Offset = 0
The total memory requirement is 201 MB
You are running each test 5 times
The *best* time for each test is used
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 10000 microseconds
The tests below will each take a time on the order
of 220000 microseconds
(= 22 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function Rate (MB/s) Min time Max time Mean time RMS time Median
Copy: 469.33 0.3000 0.3100 0.3080 0.3080 0.3100
Scale: 454.19 0.3100 0.3200 0.3140 0.3140 0.3100
Add: 515.12 0.4100 0.4200 0.4140 0.4140 0.4100
Triad: 515.12 0.4100 0.4200 0.4120 0.4120 0.4200
Sum of a is = 151874.9999938380
Sum of b is = 30375.00000156571
Sum of c is = 40499.99999812090
1cpu of 2 cpu speedracer ...
sangiacomo 28% ./stream
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
Array size = 8800000
Offset = 0
The total memory requirement is 201 MB
You are running each test 5 times
The *best* time for each test is used
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 10000 microseconds
The tests below will each take a time on the order
of 320000 microseconds
(= 32 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function Rate (MB/s) Min time Max time Mean time RMS time Median
Copy: 320.00 0.4400 0.4500 0.4440 0.4440 0.4400
Scale: 312.89 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500
Add: 352.00 0.6000 0.6100 0.6040 0.6040 0.6000
Triad: 357.97 0.5900 0.5900 0.5900 0.5900 0.5900
Sum of a is = 303750.0000219342
Sum of b is = 60750.00000657157
Sum of c is = 80999.99998345258
Impact 10000
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
Array size = 8800000
Offset = 0
The total memory requirement is 201 MB
You are running each test 5 times
The *best* time for each test is used
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 10000 microseconds
The tests below will each take a time on the order
of 820000 microseconds
(= 82 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function Rate (MB/s) Min time Max time Mean time RMS time Median
Copy: 105.86 1.3300 1.3600 1.3400 1.3400 1.3300
Scale: 105.86 1.3300 1.3500 1.3380 1.3380 1.3300
Add: 118.65 1.7800 1.8200 1.8100 1.8101 1.8200
Triad: 116.69 1.8100 1.8300 1.8200 1.8200 1.8300
Sum of a is = 303750.0000219342
Sum of b is = 60750.00000657157
Sum of c is = 80999.99998345258
-- Tom Spelce DSD Aurora Engineering Silicon Graphics Inc. 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. 1-415-933-4254 Mountain View, CA 94043-1389 1-415-964-8187(fax)
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