frakir 33% ./stream.mips3
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
Array size = 2000000
Offset = 0
The total memory requirement is 45 MB
You are running each test 10 times
The *best* time for each test is used
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 10000 microseconds
The tests below will each take a time on the order
of 280000 microseconds
(= 28 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function Rate (MB/s) Min time Max time Mean time RMS time Median
Copy: 72.73 0.4400 0.4900 0.4660 0.4665 0.4450
Scale: 68.09 0.4700 0.5200 0.4920 0.4924 0.5100
Add: 71.64 0.6700 0.7100 0.6980 0.6982 0.6900
Triad: 70.59 0.6800 0.7300 0.7090 0.7093 0.7000
Sum of a is = 115330078125.0000
Sum of b is = 23066015625.00000
Sum of c is = 30754687500.00000
frakir 34% !!
Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
Array size = 2000000
Offset = 0
The total memory requirement is 45 MB
You are running each test 10 times
The *best* time for each test is used
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 10000 microseconds
The tests below will each take a time on the order
of 280000 microseconds
(= 28 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function Rate (MB/s) Min time Max time Mean time RMS time Median
Copy: 72.73 0.4400 0.4900 0.4640 0.4644 0.4500
Scale: 68.09 0.4700 0.5200 0.4930 0.4934 0.5100
Add: 71.64 0.6700 0.7200 0.7020 0.7022 0.6900
Triad: 70.59 0.6800 0.7200 0.7080 0.7082 0.7000
Sum of a is = 115330078125.0000
Sum of b is = 23066015625.00000
Sum of c is = 30754687500.00000
-- John D. McCalpin, Ph.D. Supercomputing Performance Analyst Scalable Systems Group Silicon Graphics, Inc. 415-933-7407
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