We apologize but we do not currently have access to all of the resource material that had been blogged during the workshop.
We are trying to re-acquire the material. What we have so far is:
Session slide sets
Tuesday June 24, 2014
- Icebreakers (Robert Luciano)
- Welcome (Jim Cohoon and Joanne Cohoon)
- * Gender and computing: why this matters (Joanne Cohoon)
- Logic groups (Robert Luciano)
- New CS introductory courses (Owen Astrachan and Brooke Osborne)
- Research-supported pedagogy (Duane Shell)
- Integration: how pedagogy can engage all your students (Luther Tychonievich)
Wednesday June 25, 2014
- Stereotype threats: what keeps people away (Joanne Cohoon)
- Chrestomathics (Jim Cohoon)
- Inoculating against stereotype threats (Sophie Trawalter)
- Active Recruiting (Joanne Cohoon) Slides, Videos Part 1 and Part 2
- A success story (Seth Reichelson)
- Pair programming (Mark Sherriff)
- Integration: relevance to you (Luther Tychonievich)
Thursday June 26, 2014
- Spatial skill development exercises (Luther Tychonievich)
- Success! (Mark Ruhkstahl, Atiya Conry, Carol Carmichael and Michael Tanczos, and Albert Simon)
- Aspirations + Resources (Ammi Ludwick)
- Integration with commitment (You)