Grade View Page

CS 101 & 101-E

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Grades for Jane Doe (lab section 5)

Javascript must be enabled for this page to display properly. Click on the 'show' links to display the grade for that assignment. The weight is how much each assignment will count in the final grade. Note that this weghting is an estimate, based on the syllabus, and the exact weights are subject to change (we will follow the syllabus exactly, of course). For example, the exact weighting of the homeworks depends on how many we assign this semester (all the homeworks yield 30%). Lastly, the average listed is for all students in 101 and 101-E.


HW J1: 100/100 (average: 96.81; stdev: 6.70; weight: 3.75): show

Grade for HW J1


Your grade on HW J1 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
15/15 Program header (includes name, e-mail ID, and purpose)
10/10 Good commenting and use of whitespace
10/10 Variable declaration (good names, proper initialization, etc.)
10/10 Print out an appropriate legend
10/10 Input is echoed to the screen
10/10 Prints out the wind chill in BOTH Celsius and Fahrenheit (in integer format)
5/5 Proper use of Scanner for the input stream
10/10 Properly prompts user for temperature and wind velocity
10/10 Properly computes the wind chill temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
10/10 Properly converts the wind chill temperature to degrees Celsius

It seems perfect.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

This program will compute the wind chill temperature.

What is the temperature in Fahrenheit?What is the wind speed in miles per hour?You entered an ambient temperature of 19.0 degrees Fahrenheit and
a wind speed of 11.0 mph.
The wind chill temperature is 7 degrees Fahrenheit.
The wind chill temperature is -14 degrees Celsius.
This program will compute the wind chill temperature.

What is the temperature in Fahrenheit?What is the wind speed in miles per hour?You entered an ambient temperature of 10.0 degrees Fahrenheit and
a wind speed of 10.0 mph.
The wind chill temperature is -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
The wind chill temperature is -20 degrees Celsius.
This program will compute the wind chill temperature.

What is the temperature in Fahrenheit?What is the wind speed in miles per hour?You entered an ambient temperature of 10.0 degrees Fahrenheit and
a wind speed of 20.0 mph.
The wind chill temperature is -9 degrees Fahrenheit.
The wind chill temperature is -23 degrees Celsius.

HW J2: 100/100 (average: 95.94; stdev: 7.78; weight: 3.75): show

Grade for HW J2


Your grade on HW J2 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
15/15 Program header (includes name, e-mail ID, and purpose)
10/10 Good commenting and use of whitespace
10/10 Variable declaration (good names, proper initialization, etc.)
10/10 Print out an appropriate legend
10/10 Input is echoed to the screen
5/5 Proper use of Scanner for the input stream
10/10 Properly prompts user for the Line parts
20/20 Properly creates the Line objects
10/10 Calls the Line methods to do the computations

Nice job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

This program will use the Line class to manipulate lines of the form y=mx+b.

Enter the slope of the first line:
Enter the y-intersect for the first line:
Enter the slope for the second line:
Enter the y-intersect for the second line:
Line 1 is y=1.0x+2.0
Line 2 is y=3.0x+4.0

Please enter an x-value:
Given the x value of 5.0, the y-value for line 1 is 7.0
Given the x value of 5.0, the y-value for line 2 is 19.0
The slope of line 3 is 3.0
The y-intersect of line 3 is 4.0
Lines 1 and 2 intersect at an x-value of -1.0
This program will use the Line class to manipulate lines of the form y=mx+b.

Enter the slope of the first line:
Enter the y-intersect for the first line:
Enter the slope for the second line:
Enter the y-intersect for the second line:
Line 1 is y=1.0x+2.0
Line 2 is y=2.0x+1.0

Please enter an x-value:
Given the x value of 0.0, the y-value for line 1 is 2.0
Given the x value of 0.0, the y-value for line 2 is 1.0
The slope of line 3 is 2.0
The y-intersect of line 3 is 1.0
Lines 1 and 2 intersect at an x-value of 1.0
This program will use the Line class to manipulate lines of the form y=mx+b.

Enter the slope of the first line:
Enter the y-intersect for the first line:
Enter the slope for the second line:
Enter the y-intersect for the second line:
Line 1 is y=5.0x+1.0
Line 2 is y=1.0x+2.0

Please enter an x-value:
Given the x value of 3.0, the y-value for line 1 is 16.0
Given the x value of 3.0, the y-value for line 2 is 5.0
The slope of line 3 is 1.0
The y-intersect of line 3 is 2.0
Lines 1 and 2 intersect at an x-value of 0.25

HW J3: 100/100 (average: 93.92; stdev: 11.54; weight: 3.75): show

Extension for HW J3

You have an extension for HW J3
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-03-04 11:41:53, and was submitted by Aaron Bloomfield
Reason: I couldn't hold office hours with her until right after it was due, hence the extension


Grade for HW J3


Your grade on HW J3 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program header
10/10 Overall good style
10/10 Instance variables
10/10 Constructors
10/10 Accessors: getSlope() and getYIntersect()
10/10 Mutators: setSlope() and setYIntersect()
10/10 getYValue()
10/10 createCopy()
10/10 toString()
10/10 computeIntersection()

Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Inspecting the Line class...
private double Line.m
private double Line.b
public Line()
public Line(double,double)
public java.lang.String Line.toString()
public double Line.getSlope()
public double Line.getYIntersect()
public void Line.setSlope(double)
public void Line.setYIntersect(double)
public double Line.getYValue(double)
public Line Line.createCopy()
public double Line.computeIntersection(Line)

Testing the default constructor...
Line 1 created with default constructor (should be y=0.0x+0.0):
y = 0.0x + 0.0
Testing the specific constructor...
Line 2 created with specific constructor (should be y=1.0x+2.0):
y = 1.0x + 2.0
Testing the mutators...
Setting slope of line1 to 3.0...done.
Setting y-intersect of line1 to 4.0...done.
Line should be y=3.0x+4.0: y = 3.0x + 4.0
Testing the accessors...
Getting the slope of line2...done.
Getting the y-intersect of line2...done.
Retrieved slope should be 1.0: 1.0
Test passed
Retrieved y-intersect should be 2.0: 2.0
Test passed
Testing createCopy...
Creating copy...done.
Copy is valid; test passed.
Testing computeIntersection()...
Test result (should be -1.0): -1.0
Test passed
Testing getYValue()...
Testing with x value of 2.0...done.
Test 1 result (should be 10.0): 10.0
Test passed
Test 2 result (should be 4.0): 4.0
Test passed

HW J4: 100/100 (average: 95.20; stdev: 8.32; weight: 3.75): show

There is a regrade for this assignment - see below


Grade for HW J4


Your grade on HW J4 is a 95.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program header (includes name, e-mail ID, and purpose)
10/10 Overall good style
10/10 Constructor
10/10 getRecommendation()
10/10 setRecommendation()
20/20 queryUser()
10/10 First execution run
10/10 Second execution run
5/10 Third execution run

The diagnosis for the third execution should have been EMERGENCY_BRAIN_PROBLEM_DIAGNOSIS.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Welcome to our expert system that will diagnose why you are dizzy.

Are you light-headed and unsteady?

Are you feeling as though the room is spinning around you?

The diagnosis is: Insufficient ability to indicate possible actions.


Welcome to our expert system that will diagnose why you are dizzy.

Are you light-headed and unsteady?

Are you feeling as though the room is spinning around you?

Are are experiencing any of the following: weakness in any of your limbs, numbness or tingling anywhere on your body, blurred vision, or difficulty speaking?

Are you experiencing any hearing loss or hearing noises when there is no external noise source?

Are you over 50?

Do you have severe recurring morning headaches with nausea or vomiting?

The diagnosis is: See your doctor. Further diagnosis is needed.


Welcome to our expert system that will diagnose why you are dizzy.

Are you light-headed and unsteady?

Are you feeling as though the room is spinning around you?

Are are experiencing any of the following: weakness in any of your limbs, numbness or tingling anywhere on your body, blurred vision, or difficulty speaking?

Are you experiencing any hearing loss or hearing noises when there is no external noise source?

Are you over 50?

Does raising your head bring on dizziness?

Do you have severe recurring morning headaches with nausea or vomiting?

Have you hurt your head recently?

The diagnosis is: Emergency situation! Call local emergency number! Possibilities include subdural hemorrhage and hematoma.


Regrade for HW J4


Your revised grade on HW J4 is 100.00.

This may or may not be a change from your original grade. If you still feel you receive a different grade, you will have to see your professor (if you submit a further regrade, it is ignored by the system). The bottom of this e-mail contains the full grade e-mail first sent out about the grade. Note that if an extension was submitted (by a professor) *after* the original e-mail was sent out, then the e-mail below will be different than the one you originally received.

Your regrade request was submitted on 2005-03-22 12:07:35, and it was handled on 2005-03-23 20:53:58. The regrade was submitted by yourself.

Regrader comments
This was a mistake on our part. Sorry for the confusion.

Submitter comments
I thought that the third execution was correct as according to the chart on the homework directions.

HW J5: 100/100 (average: 96.16; stdev: 9.58; weight: 3.75): show

Extension for HW J5

You have an extension for HW J5
The extension was for 0 days and 8 hours
It was submitted on 2005-04-01 11:36:13, and was submitted by Aaron Bloomfield
Reason: Went to my office hours on Friday, so I let her hand it in afterwards


Grade for HW J5


Your grade on HW J5 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program header
5/5 Overall style
10/10 Triangle class: constructors
25/25 Triangle class: the various is*() methods
10/10 Triangle class: toString()
10/10 TriagnleCount: nested for loops
20/20 TriangleCount: inner-most loop code
10/10 TriangleCount: execution output

good work!!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

This program will test triangles of all possible
sizes x, y, and z from (1,1,1) to (n,n,n)
Please enter an integer value:(1,1,1) isosceles equilateral
(1,2,2) isosceles
(1,3,3) isosceles
(1,4,4) isosceles
(1,5,5) isosceles
(2,2,2) isosceles equilateral
(2,2,3) isosceles
(2,3,3) isosceles
(2,3,4) scalene
(2,4,4) isosceles
(2,4,5) scalene
(2,5,5) isosceles
(3,3,3) isosceles equilateral
(3,3,4) isosceles
(3,3,5) isosceles
(3,4,4) isosceles
(3,4,5) right scalene
(3,5,5) isosceles
(4,4,4) isosceles equilateral
(4,4,5) isosceles
(4,5,5) isosceles
(5,5,5) isosceles equilateral
This program will test triangles of all possible
sizes x, y, and z from (1,1,1) to (n,n,n)
Please enter an integer value:(1,1,1) isosceles equilateral
(1,2,2) isosceles
(1,3,3) isosceles
(2,2,2) isosceles equilateral
(2,2,3) isosceles
(2,3,3) isosceles
(3,3,3) isosceles equilateral
This program will test triangles of all possible
sizes x, y, and z from (1,1,1) to (n,n,n)
Please enter an integer value:(1,1,1) isosceles equilateral
(1,2,2) isosceles
(1,3,3) isosceles
(1,4,4) isosceles
(1,5,5) isosceles
(1,6,6) isosceles
(1,7,7) isosceles
(1,8,8) isosceles
(1,9,9) isosceles
(1,10,10) isosceles
(2,2,2) isosceles equilateral
(2,2,3) isosceles
(2,3,3) isosceles
(2,3,4) scalene
(2,4,4) isosceles
(2,4,5) scalene
(2,5,5) isosceles
(2,5,6) scalene
(2,6,6) isosceles
(2,6,7) scalene
(2,7,7) isosceles
(2,7,8) scalene
(2,8,8) isosceles
(2,8,9) scalene
(2,9,9) isosceles
(2,9,10) scalene
(2,10,10) isosceles
(3,3,3) isosceles equilateral
(3,3,4) isosceles
(3,3,5) isosceles
(3,4,4) isosceles
(3,4,5) right scalene
(3,4,6) scalene
(3,5,5) isosceles
(3,5,6) scalene
(3,5,7) scalene
(3,6,6) isosceles
(3,6,7) scalene
(3,6,8) scalene
(3,7,7) isosceles
(3,7,8) scalene
(3,7,9) scalene
(3,8,8) isosceles
(3,8,9) scalene
(3,8,10) scalene
(3,9,9) isosceles
(3,9,10) scalene
(3,10,10) isosceles
(4,4,4) isosceles equilateral
(4,4,5) isosceles
(4,4,6) isosceles
(4,4,7) isosceles
(4,5,5) isosceles
(4,5,6) scalene
(4,5,7) scalene
(4,5,8) scalene
(4,6,6) isosceles
(4,6,7) scalene
(4,6,8) scalene
(4,6,9) scalene
(4,7,7) isosceles
(4,7,8) scalene
(4,7,9) scalene
(4,7,10) scalene
(4,8,8) isosceles
(4,8,9) scalene
(4,8,10) scalene
(4,9,9) isosceles
(4,9,10) scalene
(4,10,10) isosceles
(5,5,5) isosceles equilateral
(5,5,6) isosceles
(5,5,7) isosceles
(5,5,8) isosceles
(5,5,9) isosceles
(5,6,6) isosceles
(5,6,7) scalene
(5,6,8) scalene
(5,6,9) scalene
(5,6,10) scalene
(5,7,7) isosceles
(5,7,8) scalene
(5,7,9) scalene
(5,7,10) scalene
(5,8,8) isosceles
(5,8,9) scalene
(5,8,10) scalene
(5,9,9) isosceles
(5,9,10) scalene
(5,10,10) isosceles
(6,6,6) isosceles equilateral
(6,6,7) isosceles
(6,6,8) isosceles
(6,6,9) isosceles
(6,6,10) isosceles
(6,7,7) isosceles
(6,7,8) scalene
(6,7,9) scalene
(6,7,10) scalene
(6,8,8) isosceles
(6,8,9) scalene
(6,8,10) right scalene
(6,9,9) isosceles
(6,9,10) scalene
(6,10,10) isosceles
(7,7,7) isosceles equilateral
(7,7,8) isosceles
(7,7,9) isosceles
(7,7,10) isosceles
(7,8,8) isosceles
(7,8,9) scalene
(7,8,10) scalene
(7,9,9) isosceles
(7,9,10) scalene
(7,10,10) isosceles
(8,8,8) isosceles equilateral
(8,8,9) isosceles
(8,8,10) isosceles
(8,9,9) isosceles
(8,9,10) scalene
(8,10,10) isosceles
(9,9,9) isosceles equilateral
(9,9,10) isosceles
(9,10,10) isosceles
(10,10,10) isosceles equilateral

HW J6: 100/100 (average: 96.14; stdev: 6.72; weight: 3.75): show

Extension for HW J6

You have an extension for HW J6
The extension was for 1 days and 6 hours
It was submitted on 2005-04-16 11:49:09, and was submitted by Aaron Bloomfield
Reason: Was working with me on it on the day it was due


Grade for HW J6


Your grade on HW J6 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
5/5 Program header (includes name, e-mail ID, and purpose)
10/10 Overall good style
5/5 Constructor
10/10 getRow()
10/10 getColumn()
10/10 setRow()
10/10 setColumn()
10/10 reverse()
15/15 flipVertical()
15/15 flipHorizontal()

Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

HW J6 testing routines

Testing getRow()...
Row should be 10 1's:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Testing getColumn()...
Column should be 0 -> 9:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Testing setRow()...
Row should be 10 1's:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Testing setColumn()...
Column should be 10 1's:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Testing flipVertical()
First grid is the original, second is after calling their method

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Testing flipHorizontal()
First grid is the original, second is after calling their method

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Testing reverse() (second line should be the reverse of the first)...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

HW J7: 100/100 (average: 98.88; stdev: 4.84; weight: 3.75): show

Grade for HW J7


Your grade on HW J7 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program compiles
10/10 Pixelator() constructor
5/5 Accessors: getImageWidth(), getImageHeight(), and getImage()
5/5 canIncreaseFade()
15/15 unitFadeIncrease()
10/10 percentageFadeIncrease()
10/10 beginFade()
5/5 stopFade()
10/10 randomize()
20/20 copy2DArray()

Good job

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

randomizeWorks: yes
copy2DArrayWorks: yes
constructorCompletes: yes
constructorWorks: yes
beginFadeWorks: yes
stopFadeWorks: yes
canIncreaseFadeWorks: yes
getImageWidthWorks: yes
getImageHeightWorks: yes
getImageWorks: yes
unitFadeIncreaseWorks: yes
percentageFadeIncreaseWorks: yes

Lab 1: 4/4 (average: 3.98; stdev: 0.14; weight: 1.00): show

Grade for Lab 1


Your grade on Lab 1 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the file


Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Hello world!
My name is Jane Doe
I solved my compile error!

Lab 10: 4/4 (average: 4.00; stdev: 0.00; weight: 1.00): show

Grade for Lab 10


Your grade on Lab 10 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
4/4 Submitted SwanSong,java


All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Lab 2: 4/4 (average: 3.98; stdev: 0.15; weight: 1.00): show

Grade for Lab 2


Your grade on Lab 2 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the file


Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter integer value for a:Enter integer value for b:Enter integer value for c:Enter integer value for d:
result1 : 18.0
result2 : 11.0
result3 : 6.0
result4 : 0.0
result5 : 2.0

Enter a decimal number: Enter another decimal number:
Square root of 4.0 is 2.0
Log base 10 of 5.5 is 0.7403626894942439
e to the power 4.0 is 54.598150033144236
The min of 4.0 and 5.5 is 4.0
The max of 4.0 and 5.5 is 5.5
4.0 to the power 5.5 is 2048.0

Lab 3: 4/4 (average: 3.99; stdev: 0.14; weight: 1.00): show

Extension for Lab 3

You have an extension for Lab 3
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-02-10 09:22:04, and was submitted by yourself
Reason: Requested via labextension script


Grade for Lab 3


Your grade on Lab 3 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the file


Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

a = black
b = orange
c = black
3 buckle my shoe
buckle my shoe12
one-two buckle my shoe
12 buckle my shoe
51 buckle my shoe
This program will prompt for a 10 digit telephone
number and return it in (ddd) ddd-dddd form.

Please enter your telephone number, including
the area code, in the form ddd-ddd-dddd.

You entered an area code of 123

You entered a local number of 456-7890

Your formatted number is (123) 456-7890

Lab 4: 4/4 (average: 3.98; stdev: 0.18; weight: 1.00): show

Extension for Lab 4

You have an extension for Lab 4
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-02-17 21:32:18, and was submitted by Aaron Bloomfield
Reason: All section 3 students got an extension because the web server (and the mysql server ) died during lab


Grade for Lab 4


Your grade on Lab 4 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles



All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Your program was not run, probably due to compiler errors or because it
was not submitted.

Lab 5: 4/4 (average: 3.93; stdev: 0.32; weight: 1.00): show

Extension for Lab 5

You have an extension for Lab 5
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-03-03 09:25:07, and was submitted by yourself
Reason: Requested via labextension script


Grade for Lab 5


Your grade on Lab 5 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the other files (


good work!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter three numbers in nonincreasing order; i.e., first >= second >= third.
First number: Second number: Third number:
Enter three numbers in nonincreasing order; i.e., first >= second >= third.
First number: Second number: Third number: Unacceptable values. Program exits.
Enter three numbers in nonincreasing order; i.e., first >= second >= third.
First number: Second number: Third number:

Lab 6: 4/4 (average: 3.96; stdev: 0.20; weight: 1.00): show

Extension for Lab 6

You have an extension for Lab 6
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-03-17 09:27:12, and was submitted by yourself
Reason: Requested via labextension script


Grade for Lab 6


Your grade on Lab 6 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the other three files


Good job!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter a number: Enter a larger number:
The sum from 1 to 4 is 10
Enter a number: Enter a larger number:
The sum from -4 to -1 is -10
Enter a number: Enter a larger number:
The sum from -3 to 3 is 0

Lab 7: 4/4 (average: 3.97; stdev: 0.18; weight: 1.00): show

Grade for Lab 7


Your grade on Lab 7 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the file


Well done Ms. Doe.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter a number: Enter a bigger number:
The sum from 5 to 10 is 45
Enter a positive integer: total:0.1 fraction:0.1loopCounter:0
total:0.2 fraction:0.1loopCounter:1
total:0.30000000000000004 fraction:0.1loopCounter:2
total:0.4 fraction:0.1loopCounter:3
total:0.5 fraction:0.1loopCounter:4
total:0.6 fraction:0.1loopCounter:5
total:0.7 fraction:0.1loopCounter:6
total:0.7999999999999999 fraction:0.1loopCounter:7
total:0.8999999999999999 fraction:0.1loopCounter:8
total:0.9999999999999999 fraction:0.1loopCounter:9

Lab 8: 4/4 (average: 3.98; stdev: 0.19; weight: 1.00): show

Extension for Lab 8

You have an extension for Lab 8
The extension was for 1 days and 0 hours
It was submitted on 2005-04-07 09:15:34, and was submitted by yourself
Reason: Requested via labextension script


Grade for Lab 8


Your grade on Lab 8 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 submitted
1/1 compiles
1/1 runs correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the file


Quality coding.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

a: { 30 21 6 28 29 4 12 16 23 29 }

b: { 54 54 81 85 91 32 29 31 30 29 }

a + b: { 84 75 87 113 120 36 41 47 53 58 }

Enter list size:
Number: Number: Number: Number: Number:
1 minimum
3 average
Enter list size:
Number: Number: Number: Number: Number: Number:
2 minimum

Lab 9: 4/4 (average: 3.88; stdev: 0.36; weight: 1.00): show

Grade for Lab 9


Your grade on Lab 9 is a 4.00/4.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
1/1 and submitted
1/1 and compile
1/1 and run correctly (or close)
1/1 Good faith effort on the and files


Well done.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter key value: Value 5 was not found. 26 comparisons were made.
Value 5 was not found. 5 comparisons were made.

Quiz 1: 100/100 (average: 97.07; stdev: 9.89; weight: 3.33): show

Grade for Quiz 1


Your grade on Quiz 1 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program header
15/15 Variable declaration
5/5 Proper use of Scanner for the input stream
10/10 Properly prompts user for input
30/30 Properly prints the first/last characters of the word (
30/30 Properly computes the y-value (


Great Work!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Enter a word:
The first character of the word is a
The last character of the word is z
Please enter a slope in the form 0.0:
Please enter a y-intercept in the form 0.0:
Please enter a x-coordinate in the form 0.0:
The corresponding y-value is 5.0
Please enter a slope in the form 0.0:
Please enter a y-intercept in the form 0.0:
Please enter a x-coordinate in the form 0.0:
The corresponding y-value is 8.0

Quiz 2: 100/100 (average: 89.59; stdev: 13.13; weight: 3.33): show

There is a regrade for this assignment - see below


Grade for Quiz 2


Your grade on Quiz 2 is a 90.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
10/10 Program header (includes name and e-mail ID)
10/10 Program compiles
11/16 Default constructor
11/16 Specific constructor
16/16 setLocation()
16/16 getLocation()
16/16 distance()


Default and Specific Constructors need to use mutator methods.

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

Star (1.0, @ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Star (2.0, @ (1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
Star (5.0, @ (4.0, 5.0, 6.0))
s2's location is (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
s1's distance: 8.774964387392123
s2's distance: 3.7416573867739413


Regrade for Quiz 2


Your revised grade on Quiz 2 is 100.00.

This may or may not be a change from your original grade. If you still feel you receive a different grade, you will have to see your professor (if you submit a further regrade, it is ignored by the system). The bottom of this e-mail contains the full grade e-mail first sent out about the grade. Note that if an extension was submitted (by a professor) *after* the original e-mail was sent out, then the e-mail below will be different than the one you originally received.

Your regrade request was submitted on 2005-04-07 00:36:16, and it was handled on 2005-04-09 11:05:00. The regrade was submitted by yourself.

Regrader comments
Points for not using mutators restored!

Submitter comments
I didn't use mutators in my constructors

Quiz 3: 100/100 (average: 91.15; stdev: 16.55; weight: 3.34): show

Grade for Quiz 3


Your grade on Quiz 3 is a 100.00/100.

Please do not reply directly to this e-mail - nobody checks the
account from which this was sent from. Instead, fill out a regrade
request (see below) or speak directly to a professor or TA.

Grade parts
5/5 Program header (includes name and e-mail; purpose not required)
15/15 Program compiles
10/10 Instance variables correct
15/15 public ArrayQuiz (int n) constructor
15/15 public ArrayQuiz (int[] otherArray) constructor
20/20 public void populate (int n)
20/20 public void add (int[] otherArray)


Great Job!!!

All regrades must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY within 10 days of this
e-mail. Regrades can be submitted at

You can view your submitted assignment (displayed with line numbers) at Grading
guidelines for this assignment are at

The following is the execution run of your assignment

a1 = 0 0 0
a2 = 5 25 125
a3 = 10 10 10
a4 = 11 102 1003


Grades for other assignments and exams

Midterm 1: 85/100 (average: 87.92; stdev: 7.14; weight: 10.00; count: 521)

Midterm 2: 80/100 (average: 86.22; stdev: 9.34; weight: 10.00; count: 521)

Midterm 3: 75/100 (average: 77.25; stdev: 13.34; weight: 10.00; count: 521)

Final exam: Excused/100 (average: 5.64; stdev: 21.55; weight: 20.00; count: 415)

All C homeworks: 105/105 (average: 101.78; stdev: 10.58; weight: 3.75; count: 417)

HW C1: 47/47 (average: 45.96; stdev: 5.68; weight: 0.00; count: 417)

HW C2: 18/18 (average: 17.54; stdev: 2.23; weight: 0.00; count: 417)

HW C3: 17/17 (average: 16.07; stdev: 3.22; weight: 0.00; count: 417)

HW C4: 23/23 (average: 22.21; stdev: 3.60; weight: 0.00; count: 417)


This page required 450 SQL commands