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Gain experience using a new class. The class will be concerned with the representation of a DNA strand.


DNA is the building block of life. A segment of DNA has two molecular strands of alternating sugar and phosphate molecules arranged as a double helix.

Connecting the strands are pairs of nucleotides. If you view DNA as surrealistic ladder, the nucleotide pairs are the rungs.


There are four types of nucleotides that connect the strands—adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Because nucleotides determine the role of the DNA segment, geneticists describe a strand by its nucleotide sequence. Thus, the description of a strand of a possible DNA molecule could be written as TGCCAGT.

Class description

The likely uses for nucleotide sequence representations involve slicing, splicing, duplication, and strand analysis.


Copyright: Jim Cohoon, 2004