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Survey results

HW J1HW J2HW J3HW J4HW J5HW J6HW J7Lab 1Lab 10Lab 2Lab 3Lab 4Lab 5Lab 6Lab 7Lab 8Lab 9Quiz 1Quiz 2Quiz 3
1How well did you understand the concepts gone over1-5 radio box4.33
0.74 (469)
1.01 (456)
1.07 (459)
1.06 (455)
1.03 (454)
1.10 (445)
1.20 (509)
0.66 (505)
0.73 (477)
0.85 (474)
1.14 (457)
0.96 (445)
1.22 (464)
1.12 (454)
0.94 (447)
0.94 (450)
2Was the assignment easy (1) or hard (5)?1-5 radio box2.89
1.15 (469)
1.08 (456)
1.07 (459)
1.06 (455)
0.99 (454)
1.02 (445)
1.12 (509)
3Was the assignment dull (1) or interesting (5)?1-5 radio box3.43
0.99 (469)
0.94 (456)
1.01 (459)
1.03 (455)
0.98 (454)
1.02 (445)
1.10 (509)
4Was the assignment mostly busy-work (1) or did you1-5 radio box3.70
1.00 (469)
0.97 (456)
1.00 (459)
1.03 (455)
0.95 (454)
1.00 (445)
1.12 (509)
5Was the assignment intimidating (1) or reassuring 1-5 radio box3.67
0.98 (469)
1.12 (456)
1.20 (459)
1.13 (455)
1.07 (454)
1.18 (445)
1.33 (509)
6Was the assignment unrewarding (1) or rewarding (51-5 radio box3.80
0.94 (469)
0.97 (456)
0.99 (459)
1.00 (455)
0.97 (454)
1.06 (445)
1.16 (509)
101How long did you spend studying for this assignmennumber fill-in0.74
1.54 (468)
0.82 (455)
1.23 (457)
1.17 (449)
1.11 (452)
1.19 (438)
1.37 (507)
102How long did you spend preparing for this assignmenumber fill-in0.54
1.12 (466)
0.67 (455)
1.05 (456)
1.30 (448)
1.30 (453)
1.29 (440)
1.36 (507)
103How long did you spend at the computer for this asnumber fill-in1.33
1.02 (463)
1.15 (455)
1.28 (455)
1.45 (449)
1.58 (449)
1.59 (437)
2.32 (507)
104How long did you spend doing other activities for number fill-in0.47
1.27 (467)
0.76 (454)
0.96 (457)
1.19 (450)
0.99 (452)
1.32 (439)
1.48 (507)
201Who is your first graduate TA (pick either one of text comments        3.69
2.72 (375)
202The TA was knowledgeable about the subject mattertext comments        0.63
1.13 (383)
203The TA was well prepared for classtext comments        0.82
1.27 (383)
204The TA responded adequately to in-class questionstext comments        0.77
1.24 (384)
205The TA was approachable within the lab sessiontext comments        0.71
1.17 (381)
206The TA was helpful during the lab sessiontext comments        0.73
1.18 (382)
207Overall, the TA was an effective teachertext comments        0.79
1.19 (383)
211Who is your second graduate TA (pick the other onetext comments        4.68
2.63 (368)
212The TA was knowledgeable about the subject mattertext comments        0.83
1.30 (377)
213The TA was well prepared for classtext comments        1.01
1.39 (377)
214The TA responded adequately to in-class questionstext comments        1.15
1.41 (376)
215The TA was approachable within the lab sessiontext comments        1.01
1.38 (378)
216The TA was helpful during the lab sessiontext comments        1.10
1.39 (378)
217Overall, the TA was an effective teachertext comments        1.17
1.41 (376)
221Who is your undergraduate TAtext comments        3.81
2.61 (370)
222The TA was knowledgeable about the subject mattertext comments        0.75
1.20 (375)
223The TA was well prepared for classtext comments        0.86
1.30 (377)
224The TA responded adequately to in-class questionstext comments        0.80
1.27 (376)
225The TA was approachable within the lab sessiontext comments        0.67
1.20 (375)
226The TA was helpful during the lab sessiontext comments        0.75
1.23 (376)
227Overall, the TA was an effective teachertext comments        0.80
1.25 (375)
301For those who did not answer it in the Toolkit sur        (111)           
801General Comments? In particular, if we give such a(61)(52)(71)(62)(44)(56)(87)(49) (27)(30)(31)(20)(22)(29)(17)(20)(17)(71)(59)
802Please add additional comments on any of the TAs h        (101)           
803Any other comments on any other aspects of the cou        (42)           


t-test results: show

t-test results

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj2 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj1 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 101 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 104 for assignments hwj1 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj1 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj1 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj1 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj2 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj2 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj2 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj2 and hwj3 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 101 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 104 for assignments hwj2 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj2 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj2 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj2 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj2 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj2 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj2 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 101 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 104 for assignments hwj3 and hwj4 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj3 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj3 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj3 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj3 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj3 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj3 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj3 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj3 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj3 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj3 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj3 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj3 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 101 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 103 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 104 for assignments hwj4 and hwj5 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj4 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj4 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj4 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj4 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj4 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj4 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 102 for assignments hwj4 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj5 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj5 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj5 and hwj6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj5 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj5 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj5 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj5 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 6 for assignments hwj5 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments hwj6 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.005)

t-test difference for question 2 for assignments hwj6 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 3 for assignments hwj6 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 4 for assignments hwj6 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.05)

t-test difference for question 5 for assignments hwj6 and hwj7 (alpha = 0.01)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab2 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab8 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab1 and lab9 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab3 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab8 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab2 and lab9 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab3 and lab4 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab3 and lab6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab3 and lab7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab3 and lab8 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab3 and lab9 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab4 and lab5 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab4 and lab6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab4 and lab7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab4 and lab8 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab4 and lab9 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab5 and lab6 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab5 and lab7 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab6 and lab7 (alpha = 0.025)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab6 and lab8 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab6 and lab9 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab7 and lab8 (alpha = 0.000)

t-test difference for question 1 for assignments lab7 and lab9 (alpha = 0.005)


Comments for Lab 10, question 803

  1. get a new book, this book was really bad. and most of the students feel that we had to spend a 100 bucks on a book that one of the teachers wrote, and not a book that actually was useful
  2. Certain labs were too long to complete in the lab. Next semester I suggest that some of them be shortened.
  3. Homework instructions could be clearer.
  4. I'm trying to organize a post CS 101 celebration/get-together. I was thinking starbucks for some java...get it


    neither do I
  5. Challenging course...but very interesting. Looking forward to taking more CS in the future.
  6. the lectures were way too slow...too much repetition
  7. Very well organized course and website which made it easy to know what was going on and what needed to be done.
  8. Prof. Bloomfield rocks my world. Well OK, he really practically crushed it with demotivation but I know it was all with the best intentions, because we both know I belong nowhere near a computer let alone a CS major.
  9. I think the solutions to the tests should be available online as well.
  10. I had fun.
  11. I thought this course was organized really well. I be perfectly honest I'm really not interested in computers but I thought this course was fun, and if I ever had room for a minor I might add it to my list of possibilities
  12. The lab was very helpful - helped me understand what Prof. Bloomfield was talking about in lecture.
  13. it needs a better textbook. I could rarely find what I needed to, quickly. Test-taking situation was horrible. I dreaded sitting there with absolutely no elbow room and no easy exit. To have to get up and ask clarification questions while taking tests was never easy. You should look into having at least one or two more classrooms available on test days. I think it would make a significant difference in performance.
  14. Good course, although I wished more time had been spent on debugging and learning how to do so in java.
  15. (deleted)
  16. I enjoyed this course, despite my preconceptions about computer science.
  17. hooray
  18. Great class. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about computers.
  19. I know that this isn't possible with the magnitude of the class but I think that I would of learned more and understood programming in java better if the course were a more hands-on, computer based course as opposed to a lecture style. However, for what it was, I feel like it was a good survey course for CS. I liked the comic relief thrown into lecture, it made it much easier to hold my concentration through at least most of the class. Thanks :)
  20. The one time I decided to go to ta hours in the stacks for a homework question, that ta that was assigned to that time was nowhere to be found.
  21. Next semester it might be more helpful to include the answers to previous exams to help students study.
  22. The course was fun.
  23. Why Can't We be Friends?
  24. Good course nice job
  25. 500 person lecture not an effective way of teaching CS
  26. Nice job everybody! Let's hope for the A+!
  27. Overall wellbalanced in helping understand cocnpets without helping too much and doing it for me.
  28. Good course
  29. The labs are very useful in applying what one learns in lcture. Although wording for certain labs was a bit confusing, the labs did successfully reaffirm computer science concepts.
  30. n/a
  31. The format of the survey above should be changed so that the "clicking-spots" are on the left of the TA names. I think that's how most surveys are layed out, and what most people are used to.
  32. The course was awesome..I learned a lot.
  33. The lab quizzes less than the H-Homeworks which did not make any sense to me.
  34. Good course
  35. .
  36. The lab is a great tool for students to learn computer science. It is the singlemost thing that helped me out this semester.
  37. Great intro course, recommend to many
  38. I think certain students should be allowed even from cs-101 to submit their labs from the comfort of their own rooms, having such a late lab class on an already busy day was trying at times and it would have been nice, to submit them early so I could do other things during the lab time and not have to come in.
  39. (deleted)
  40. (deleted)

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