
Exam 1 Grading Guidelines

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These are the grading guidelines that were used to grade the first exam.


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Question 1

  • All or nothing here


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Question 2

  • Answers are false, false, false, true.
  • 2 points each, no partial credit
  • 0 points if they write T or F instead of true or false

Question 3

  • All are worth 3 points
  • Grade based on how “good” their answer is, on the scale of 0-3, where 3 means they got it, 2 means the somewhat have the idea, 1 is not really write, but they made a valiant effort, 0 means totally incorrect
  • For part (a), if they state that it assigns a value, then they get full credit


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Question 4

  • Don’t bother with the “state it’s type” – that was a typo (no pun intended)
  • (a) and (c) will cause an error
  • 2 points off for each one wrong
  • 1 point off if they messed up the order of operations in (f), but otherwise got it right

Question 5

  • For each question, they lose 1 point for the wrong type, and 2 points for the wrong value
  • For double values, 0.67 is okay, but 0.7 is 1 point off


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Question 6

  • 2 points off for each type they circled that is not a primitive type (only int, double, and boolean are the primitive types)
  • 3 points off for not circling one of those three primitive types
  • 1 point off for not following directions (i.e. listing all the primitive types instead of circling the ones in the list)

Question 7

  • 2 points off for each value missed


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Question 8

  • As long as the reason is something along the lines of, “t still points to it” (or “something still points to it”), they get full credit
  • Otherwise, grade on a 5 point scale:
    • 5 points means they got it correct
    • 4 is for mostly right
    • 3 is for somewhat right
    • 2 is for not really right at all, but they have a tiny bit of a clue about what the question is asking
    • 1 is if they wrote something down, even if it’s totally wrong
    • 0 points is when they didn’t even bother trying (put a red line through the answer space, though)

Question 9

  • 1 point off for each value missed
  • 1 point off for each operation missed. The operation can be anything: an operator, method, etc.
  • Don’t be picky if they answered “substring” rather than “substring()” – either one gets full credit
  • No credit for listing the assignment operator (unless they show that they understand how to use the value an assignment operator returns)
  • -1 if they don’t give an example of a value, but instead give an explanation of the type


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Question 10

  • 2 points off for each one missed
  • Part (c) causes an error (they don’t have to specify which type of error, though) – the others will all execute correctly
  • If they wrote both error and -1, then one point off
  • -1 if they explain what the method does (i.e. in trim()), but don’t give the resulting value


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Question 11

  • They were told not to worry about such things as comments, prompts, headers, legends, etc. So they only need to have the following four parts in their main() method:
    1. Scanner creation
    2. Three Scanner prompts (1 String s, 2 ints, i and j)
      • Of course, they can call them anything they want
      • They can use either next() or nextLine() for the String entry
    3. The compuatations for substring and the product
      • This can be done directly in the print statements, though
      • When computing the substring of s, we don’t care if they go from i to j, or from i to j+1.
    4. The final print statement(s)
  • We provided them with skeleton code (the import statement, class header, main() method prototype, and closing braces), so they don’t get points off for missing any of that.
  • -5 for each of the above four steps not implemented (or implemented completely wrong)
  • -1 for each minor syntactical error (missing semi-colon, for example)
  • -2 for incorrect scanner setup, but -5 if they used Scanner.create()
  • -2 for consistent bad indentation (within the bounds of written code, of course – if they generally got the indentation right, but had to cross out a line and re-write it in the margin, for example, then they don’t get this penalty)
  • -1 for each improper use of an object (Scanner object, String object, etc.)
  • -1 for generating a value, but not assigning to anything
  • -1 for incorrect parameters


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