Your task

  1. Download the supplied program traces (link (last updated 27 October 2021); extract with tar --xz -xvf traces.tar.xz) and trace analysis tool (link).

    The supplied trace analysis tool takes a trace, which is a record of all the instructions a program executes and counts how many cycles a pipelined processor similar to the one you produced for pipehw2 would take to execute it, except it does not simulate stalling for ret.

    The supplied traces in a format described below. Rather than being a list of instructions, they are a list of attributes of instructions, like their source and destination registers, whether they are branches, etc.

  2. For the below questions, record your answers in the answer sheet answer sheet.

    To save you time computing performance numbers, we’ll only ask for statistics from the lapack-segsv and queens-8 traces, though we supply some additional ones. (Notably, the asumr trace is much smaller than the others.) For some problems, we’ll supply expected results on simple traces to aid your debugging.

    When you are done, also upload all modifications you made to the trace analysis tool to the submission site. Please make sure you include code for all the modifications needed throughout this assignment, though most of that code should be disabled by default.

  3. Using the supplied trace analysis tool identify how many times slower the programs is predicted to be when increasing the branch misprediction penalty (number of cycles wasted on branch misprediction, also known as the branch delay) from 2 to 3 cycles. You can do this with the command-line options in the tool.

    (Throughout this assignment, measure the performance by counting the number of cycles (since we don’t give you enough information to make any other type of performance measurement).)

    Record your answers in the answer sheet.

  4. Modify the trace analysis tool to determine what the performance would be if conditional branches were not predicted at all and the processor instead stalled for 2 cycles (compared to the original version).

    When you do this, you should see the jump-sample trace increase from a total branch misprediction penalty of 2 cycles to 6 cycles.

    Record the differences in performance (between this and the original version of the processor) in the answer sheet.

  5. Suppose we had a processor that had a longer pipeline by splitting the execute stage into multiple stages. In this case, an instruction sequence like

    addq %rax, %rbx
    addq %rbx, %rcx

    would require stalling for one cycle in order to forward %rbx.

    Modify the trace tool to simulate this effect by assuming that a cycle of stalling (in addition to any cycles for load/use hazards) is required to read a value written by the previous instruction. (In a real processor, probably not every operation would require both execute stages to retrieve a value, but to keep this simpler, please do not try to determine how “complicated” an instruction that writes a register is.)

    When you do this, you should see the data-dep-sample trace require 2 stalls (instead of 0).

    Record the differences in performance (between this and the original version of the processor) from this change in the answer sheet.

  6. Suppose we had a processor that made branch predictions for conditional branches based on historical information. Your implementation should identify particular branch instructions by their orig_pc field. Then, rather than predicting branches to always be taken:
    • if a particular branch instruction was executed earlier in the trace (there was a prior line of the trace which was a conditional branch with the same orig_pc field), predict the branch to be taken if it was taken the previous time it was executed and predict to be not taken if it was not taken the previous time.
    • if the branch instruction was not executed before, predicts the branch to be taken

    Suppose that when the processor predicts a branch in this way, it can fetch the predicted instruction in the next cycle (like the processor we implemented for pipehw2). When the processor does not predict correctly, it results in two cycles being wasted fetching predicted instructions that will not be allowed to complete.

    (Your prediction should only be based on the actual outcome of the previous execution and should not take into account the prediction for the previous execution. So, for example, if the second time a branch instruction was executed it was not taken, you should predict the branch instruction to be not taken the third time regardless of what you predicted the second time the branch insturciton was executed.)

    When you do this, you should see jump-sample2 change from having 350 cycles of branch delay to 304 cycles of branch delay.

    Modify the trace tool to simulate this effect and record the differences in performance from this change (starting from the original version of the processor) in the answer sheet.

  7. In addition to your answers, remember to submit your modified trace analysis tool.

Program trace format

The program trace files we supply are CSV (comma-separated value) files with one row for each instruction executed and the following fields:

There may also be fields other starting with orig_ which give information (that you are not expected to interpret) about the instructions from which the trace was generated. Depending on the trace, these are either Y86 instructions or RISC V instructions. Note that this means that there may be some combinations of the fields above that would not be possible on Y86. (For example, RISC V’s equivalent of the call instruction writes the return address to a register rather than memory.)

The supplied Python code extracts these instructions into dictionaries, so you can access the individual fields using code like instruction['orig_pc'].

For traces derived from Y86 instructions, instructions that would write multiple registers (like popq %rax) have been transformed into multiple instructions rather than adding a second dst field.

Trace analysis tool

We supply If you run python3 --help, you can see the options it takes.

On department machines, you should run module load python first to ensure that Python 3 is available.

The functions inside have comments that should help explain what they do and the limitations of the simulation. The bulk of the work is done in the count_time_in function and this is where you should expect to make any changes.

Making modification conditional

I would suggest making modifications by adding new command-line arguments and then checking them in count_time_in. You can look at how the existing code checks args.branch_delay (the --branch-delay option) or args.load_use_hazard (the --load-use-hazard option) in count_time_in and how the corresponding options are defined in main().

Alternately, you could have changes controlled by a global flag or similar. Regardless, I would strongly recommend making your changes in a way where it is easy to turn your changes on and off without commenting or uncommenting code.