Concept | Java/C | Python | This class | Bitwise | Name | Other |
true | true |
True |
\top or 1 | -1 |
tautology | T |
false | false |
False |
\bot or 0 | 0 |
contradiction | F |
not P | !p |
not p |
\lnot P or \overline{P} | ~p |
negation | |
P and Q | p && q |
p and q |
P \land Q | p & q |
conjunction | P Q, P \cdot Q |
P or Q | p || q |
p or q |
P \lor Q | p | q |
disjunction | P + Q |
P xor Q | p != q |
p != q |
P \oplus Q | p ^ q |
parity | P ⊻ Q, |
P implies Q | P \rightarrow Q | implication | P \supset Q, P \Rightarrow Q | |||
P iff Q | p == q |
p == q |
P \leftrightarrow Q | bi-implication | P \Leftrightarrow Q, P xnor Q |
Concept | Symbol | Meaning |
equivalent | \equiv | A \equiv Bmeans A \leftrightarrow B is a tautology |
entails | \vDash | A \vDash Bmeans A \rightarrow B is a tautology |
provable | \vdash | A \vdash Bmeans A proves B; it means both A \vDash Band I know B is true because A is true \vdash B(without A) means I know B is true |
therefore | \therefore | \therefore Ameans the lines above this \vdash A \therefore Aalso connotes A is the thing we wanted to show |
proof done | ∎ q.e.d. |
marks the end of a written (prose) proof |
hypothesis | something we expect is true | |
theorem | something we’ve proven is true | |
corollary | small theorem that builds off of the main theorem | |
lemma | small theorem that helps set up the proof of the main theorem |
Concept | Symbol | Meaning |
floor | \lfloor x \rfloor | the largest integer not larger than x x rounded down to an integer |
ceiling | \lceil x \rceil | the smallest integer not smaller than x x rounded up to an integer |
exponent | x^y | x multiplied by itself y times |
sum | \displaystyle \sum_{x \in S} f(x) | the sum of all members of \{ f(x) \;|\; x \in S\} By definition, 0 if S = \{\} |
sum | \displaystyle \sum_{x=a}^{b} f(x) | \displaystyle \sum_{x\in S} f(x) where S = \{ x \;|\; (x \in \mathbb Z) \land (a \le x \le b)\} the sum of f(x) applied to integers between a and b inclusive |
product | \displaystyle \prod_{x \in S} f(x) | the product of all members of \{ f(x) \;|\; x \in S\} By definition, 1 if S = \{\} |
product | \displaystyle \prod_{x=a}^{b} f(x) | \displaystyle \prod_{x\in S} f(x) where S = \{ x \;|\; (x \in \mathbb Z) \land (a \le x \le b)\} the product of f(x) applied to integers between a and b inclusive |
factorial | x! | \displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^{x} i the product of all positive integers less than or equal to x the number of permutations of a length-x sequence with distinct members |
choose | \displaystyle {n \choose k} | \displaystyle {n! \over (n-k)! k!} the number of k-member subsets of an n-element set |