University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
CS201J: Engineering Software, Fall 2002

Notes: Thursday 19 September 2002

Code from the Graph implementations: Nodes and Edges implementation:
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;

class Edge {
    // OVERVIEW: Record type for representing an edge.
    /*@non_null@*/ String node1;
    /*@non_null@*/ String node2;
    Edge (/*@non_null@*/ String n1, /*@non_null@*/ String n2) 
    { node1 = n1; node2 = n2; }

public class Graph {
    // OVERVIEW: 
    //      A Graph is a mutable type that represents an undirected
    //      graph.  It consists of nodes that are named by Strings,
    //      and edges that connect a pair of nodes.
    //      A typical Graph is: < Nodes, Edges >
    //       where Nodes = { n1, n2, , nm }
    //             Edges = { {from_1, to_1}, ..., {from_n, to_n} }
    // Rep:
    Vector nodes; // Vector of String objects
    Vector edges; // Vector of Edge objects

    // Rep Invariant:
    // RI (c) =    c.nodes != null && c.edges != null
    //          && !c.nodes.containsNull && !c.edges.containsNull
    //          && elements of c.nodes are String objects
    //          && elements of c.edges are Edge objects
    //          && no duplicates in c.nodes
    //                  No duplicate edges, node1/node2 are interchangable:
    //          && ((c.edges[i].node1 = c.edges[j].node1
    //               && c.edges[i].node2 = c.edges[j].node2)
    //              || (c.edges[i].node1 = c.edges[j].node2
    //                  && c.edges[i].node2 = c.edges[j].node1)) 
    //             ==> i == j
    //          && every node mentioned in c.edges is also in c.nodes

    //@invariant nodes != null
    //@invariant edges != null
    //@invariant nodes.containsNull == false
    //@invariant edges.containsNull == false
    //@invariant nodes.elementType == \type(String)
    //@invariant edges.elementType == \type(Edge)

    // Abstraction Function:
    // AF (c) = < Nodes, Edges > where
    //     Nodes = { c.nodes[i] | 0 <= i < c.nodes.size () } 
    //     Edges = { { c.edges[i].node1, c.edges[i].node2 }  | 0 <= i < c.edges.size () } 
    public Graph () { 
	// EFFECTS: Initializes this to a graph
	//      with no nodes or edges: < {}, {} >.
	nodes = new Vector ();
	edges = new Vector ();
    } //@nowarn Invariant 
    // ESC/Java is not able to establish the invariant here, but we know its true, so we use
    // nowarn to suppress the warning.
    // Mutators
    public void addNode (String name) 
        //@requires name != null
	// REQUIRES: name is not the name of a node in this
	// MODIFIES: this
	// EFFECTS: adds a node named name to this:
	//     this_post = < this_pre.nodes U { name }, this_pre.edges >
    { nodes.addElement (name); }

    public void addEdge (String fnode, String tnode) 
	//@requires fnode != null ;
	//@requires tnode != null ;
	// REQUIRES: fnode and tnode are names of nodes in this.
	// MODIFIES: this
	// EFFECTS: Adds an edge from fnode to tnode to this:
	//       this_post = < this_pre.nodes, this_pre.edges U { {fnode, tnode} } >
    { edges.addElement (new Edge (fnode, tnode)); }

    // ... hasNode and nodes elided

    public StringSet getNeighbors (String node) {
	// REQUIRES: node is a node in this
	// EFFECTS: Returns the StringSet consisting of all nodes in this
	//      that are directly connected to node:
	//         \result =  { n | {node, n} is in this.edges }
	StringSet res = new StringSet ();
	Enumeration edgeenum = edges.elements ();
	while (edgeenum.hasMoreElements ()) {
	    Edge e = (Edge) edgeenum.nextElement ();
	    if (e.node1.equals (node)) { res.insert (e.node2); } 
	    else if (e.node2.equals (node)) { res.insert (e.node1); }
	return res;

    public String toString () {
	// EFFECTS: Returns a string representation of this.
	String res = "Graph:<Nodes: { ";
	boolean firstone = true;

	for (Enumeration e = nodes.elements (); e.hasMoreElements (); ) {
	    if (firstone) { firstone = false; } else { res += ", "; }
	    res += (String) e.nextElement ();
	res += "}, Edges: { ";
	firstone = true;

	for (Enumeration e = edges.elements (); e.hasMoreElements (); ) {
	    if (firstone) { firstone = false; } else { res += ", "; }
	    Edge edge = (Edge) e.nextElement ();
	    res += edge.node1 + " <-> " + edge.node2;
	res += "}>";
	return res;

CS201J University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science
CS 201J: Engineering Software
Sponsored by the
National Science Foundation