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Problem Set 4
Huffman Coding
Out: 13 March
Due: Wednesday (beginning of class), 22 March

Collaboration Policy - Read Carefully

For this assignment, you may work on your own or with any one other person of your choice except for anyone you worked with on PS3. If you work with a partner, you should turn in one assignment with both of your names on it. If you would prefer to be assigned a partner, send email to evans@cs.virginia.edu before 5pm on Monday, 13 March (include any constraints or preferences you have on your assigned partner). If a suitable match requests a partner, you will receive a partner assignment.

You may consult any outside resources including books, papers, web sites and people you wish, except you may not copy code from other Huffman encoding implementations. There are many implementations of Huffman encoding and decoding available on the web, and it would certainly defeat the purpose of this assignment if you copied one of them instead of thinking on your own. You are also encouraged to discuss these problems with students in the class. You must acknowledge any people and outside resources you work with on your assignment. If you discuss the assignment with people other than your partner, you may not take any written materials out of your discussion. It is fine to bounce ideas off other people, but the answers you turn in must be your own.

You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the staffed lab hours posted on the CS216 web site.


Reading: Read Chapters 10 and 5 in the textbook. (We recommend reading chapter 10 first.)
You may also find one or more of these C references useful: If you don't find these useful, there are many books on C programming available. You should be able to complete this assignment, however, without needing to become an expert C programmer.

Defined or Undefined

For each of the following 3 questions, you are given a short fragment of C code. If the behavior of the fragment is undefined, explain why. Otherwise, describe the output of the fragment.

   char *s = (char *) malloc (sizeof (*s));
   s[0] = 'a';
   printf ("%c", *(s + 1));


   char *s = (char *) malloc (sizeof (*s) * 6);
   char *t;
   strcpy (s, "cs216");
   t = s;
   free (t);
   printf ("%s", s);
char *select (int v, char **s)
   if (v) return *s;
   return 1[s];

int main (int argc, char **argv) 
   char **s = (char **) malloc (sizeof (*s) * 2);
   char *t1 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (*t1) * 6);
   char *t2 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (*t2) * 6);
   char *p;

   s[0] = t1;
   s[1] = t2;
   s[0][0] = 'b';
   p = select (0, s);
   p[0] = 'a';
   printf ("%c", **s);

Huffman Encoding

Download: ps4.zip.
Huffman worked on the problem for months, developing a number of approaches, but none that he could prove to be the most efficient. Finally, he despaired of ever reaching a solution and decided to start studying for the final. Just as he was throwing his notes in the garbage, the solution came to him. "It was the most singular moment of my life," Huffman says. "There was the absolute lightning of sudden realization."
From Scientific American's profile of David Huffman

For the rest of this assignment, you will understand and complete an implementation of Huffman encoding and decoding. Huffman encoding was developed in a term paper David Huffman wrote instead of taking the final exam in an information theory course, and is now used in many applications including MPEG and MP3.

The provided code and directions assume you are using Visual Studio, as installed in the ITC labs. You are free to use any C compiler you want, but if you run into problems with some other compiler the course staff may not be able to help you.

Getting Started with Visual Studio

Download ps4.zip and unzip it in your home directory. The download file ps4.zip contains a Visual Studio Solutions file and source code for part of the Huffman encoding implementation.

Click on the file PS4.sln. Visual Studio should open, and you will see a view showing the huffman.c source file. The right side of the window shows all the source files in the project. There are three files:

The provided code does not yet do anything useful, but try building at by selecting Build | Build Huffman from the top menu. You should see the build complete. The resulting executable is Debug\huffman.exe.

Try running it from the Windows shell:

Usage: huffman [-d] [-b] <input> [<output>]
The -d option is used for decoding. The -b option is used to select bit-encoding (instead of printing 0 and 1 as characters in the output file). We will use the character encoding until question 9.

Representing Huffman Trees

To represent a Huffman encoding tree, we need a datatype similar to a binary tree. The type is defined in htree.h:
typedef struct _htree {
  struct _htree *left;
  struct _htree *right;
  struct _htree *parent;
  int count;
  char letter;
} *htree;
Because C is designed to be compilable by a one-pass compiler and all types must be declared before they are used, declaring a recursive datatype in C is a bit awkward. Here, we use struct to create a structure datatype consisting of the five fields showing. The typedef defines the htree datatype as a pointer to the struct _htree structure. The left, right, and parent fields of struct _htree are themselves htree objects (but we have to use struct _htree * instead, since htree is not yet defined). Each tree node maintains a count (integer that represents the weight of that node, C(n) in the book), and letter (which is meaningful only for leaves).

4. The procedure htree_unparse in htree.c takes as input a htree object and returns a string representation of that encoding tree. The goal here is to produce a machine-readable string, not a human-readable string, so the string is not divided into lines. The htree_unparse defined in htree.c produces the correct string, but it leaks memory. Add the necessary calls to free in htree_unparse to plug the memory leak.

Building the Huffman Tree

Section 5.4 of the text explains how to build a Huffman encoding tree. The provided implementation of htree_buildTree produces a (very) non-optimal encoding tree. It satisfies the necessary properties for encoding and decoding to work correctly, but places letters in the tree sequentially (without considering their frequency in the input text). We have provided this implementation so you can make progress on the other questions even if you are not able to implement the optimal Huffman encoding tree. You may find parts of the provided code a useful starting point, but you are not required to use it. The provided htree_print (htree) routine may be useful to examine the encoding tree your code produces.
5. Implement the htree_buildTree procedure that takes as input a string and returns the optimal Huffman encoding tree for that string.
Examine the encoding trees your htree_buildTree produces for different input files. You can use the htree_print procedure provided in htree.c to print out the resulting encoding tree in a (more or less) human readable way.

6. Construct input files that produce Huffman encoding trees with the properties described in each sub-question. For each part, include both your input file and the output Huffman encoding tree your produced in your answer. (Note, you do not need to use the full alphabet for any of these questions. Your input file should use as few symbols as possible to satisfy the property.)

a. A tree where the letter A is encoded using one bit.

b. A tree where each letter is encoded using exactly three bits.

c. A tree where a letter requires more than 6 bits to encode.

Encoding and Decoding

We have provided the htree_encodeChars routine that takes a null-terminated string to be encoded and an output file, and writes a Huffman-encoded string equivalent to the input string to the output file.

It uses htree_encodeChar to obtain a string representation of the Huffman encoding for each character in the input string, and writes it to the output file. Note that we are using a string like "01001" to encode a five-deep character. Since we are using strings, it will be easy to read the output file, but not very useful as a compressor! Each character's encoding expands to 8 * tree depth since we are using a full byte to represent each bit in the encoding. (In Questions 9 and 10 you will modify the encoding to only use one bit per encoding bit, instead of a full byte.)

7. What is the asymptotic running time of our htree_encodeChars procedure? You may assume the input string is long enough that the time taken to produce the Huffman encoding tree does not matter (so you do not have to consider the running time of htree_buildTree and htree_unparse in your answer).
8. The provided htree_encodeChars procedure is very inefficient. Explain how it could be implmented with running time in O(n) where n is the number of characters in the input string s. (You don't need to modify the code, just explain the basic idea.)
We have provided a partial implementation of htree_decodeChars. It takes care of reading in the Huffman encoding tree, but is missing the code needed to decode the encoded file.
9. Complete the implementation of htree_decodeChars. We have provided some code that you may find useful in htree.c, but you can change the implementation however you want. (If you are stuck on this question, you may find it useful to examine the provided htree_decodeBits routine.)
When your implementation is correct, you should be able to encode and decode any file and get the original result:
> huffman test.txt test.hcode
> huffman -d test.hcode 
should ouput the original contents of test.txt.

Complete the implementation of htree_decodeChars. We have provided some code that you may find useful in htree.c, but you can change the implementation however you want. (If you are stuck on this question, you may find it useful to examine the provided htree_decodeBits routine.)

Bit Manipulation

As pointed out earlier, our Huffman encoder is not very useful: instead of compressing the original file into a smaller file, it creates a file that is several times the size of the input file. This is because instead of using one bit in the file to represent each bit in the character encoding, we are using a full byte so we can output the readable character 0 or 1.

For these questions you will implement an encoder that uses one bit to represent each encoding bit instead. We have provided an almost complete implementation of the htree_decodeBits routine that will decode a bit-Huffman-encoded file.

C provides bitwise operators for manipulating bytes at the bit-level. For example, the & operator performan a bitwise and. The ith bit of a & b is 1 if and only if the ith bit of a and the ith bit of b are both 1.

However, C does not provide a direct bit datatype or a way to write a single bit to a file. Instead, we use the unsigned char datatype, which is a byte (8 bits), and must write to the file one byte at a time. The causes some complication at the end of the file, if we are not on an even byte boundary. The solution assumed by our htree_decodeBits is that the very last byte of the file represents a number which gives the number of bits in the next-to-last byte that are valid. For example, if the file ends with a 3-bit partial code, we will output a full byte with the first 3 bits being the code and the remaining 5 bits of that byte undetermined, and a final byte with value 3 that indicates that only the first 3 bits of the next-to-last byte are valid.

10. Complete the implementation of htree_decodeBits by finishing the assignment to bit (marked with /* Question 10 ...). The value of bit should be zero if the ith bit of c is zero, and non-zero if the ith bit of c is one.

You can check if your implementation is correct by trying the test binary-encoded files alphabet.bh and declaration.bh included in ps4.zip:

> huffman -bd alphabet.bh
> huffman -bd declaration.bh
displays the Declaration of Independence
Note that our implementation now is an effective compressor. The original declaration.txt is 8586 bytes, but the Huffman-encoded file is 5123 bytes.
11. Implement the htree_encodeBits routine. If your implementation is correct, you should be able to decode an encoded file to produce the original result. (Note: it is not necessary to complete question 11 to reach the "green" star level on this assignment, if you answer questions 1-10 well.)

CS216: Program and Data Representation
University of Virginia
David Evans
Using these Materials