Course Evaluations Tracker
COURSE:  F00_CS_551_0001
SESSION: Fall, 2000
Frequency Count: 31
Expected Count: 46
Response Rate: 67%
# Item A B C D E TOT Mean STD
1 How challenging was the subject matter? 10 17 2 0 0 29 4.276 0.591
2 How well objectives of course accomplished 13 13 4 0 0 30 4.300 0.702
3 How reasonable was required level of effort? 4 11 14 1 0 30 3.600 0.770
4 How useful were the homework assignments? 10 16 3 0 0 29 4.241 0.636
5 How helpful was the textbook? 2 10 12 6 0 30 3.267 0.868
6 How well course material organized 20 9 1 0 0 30 4.633 0.556
7 How knowledgeable was the instructor? 26 3 1 0 0 30 4.833 0.461
8 How prepared for class was the instructor? 23 6 1 0 0 30 4.733 0.521
9 How accessible was the instructor? 15 8 4 0 0 27 4.407 0.747
10 How fair was the grading policy 7 17 6 0 0 30 4.033 0.669
11 How adequate in response was instructor? 12 14 4 0 0 30 4.267 0.691
12 How representative major points of the course 6 12 6 1 0 25 3.920 0.812
13 How do you rate this instructor? 19 10 1 0 0 30 4.600 0.563
A=5=Well above average   B=4=Above average    C=3=Average   
D=2=Below average    E=1=Well below average


Summary of Comments: Standard Items
ITEM 1: Write any general comments in the space below?
Comment1. 1 This course was very informative and interesting. My only suggestion would be to split it up into two courses, as I sometimes felt rushed with different aspects of the material.
Comment1. 2 What an amazing professor! "Dave" really did give me some hope about teaching at U.Va. again with his enthusiasm and overall commitment to his students; it's a pity I didn't get to take any of his classes earlier in my career(albeit this is his first undergrad class.) The materials were exciting and interesting, but most importantly the overall extra things he did to make the class great, which included keeping a great website and having daily manifests signals he went above and beyond what any professor I've ever had has done. Cheers to Dave!
Comment1. 3 I think the material taught could use a little adjusting, but all of that was said in ps4. I thought the projects were great.
Comment1. 4 great class, subject matter, etc. too bad this isn't really anonymous...
Comment1. 5 I thought a little too much focus was on cryptographic techniques. I thought the latter half of the semester was more relevant and interesting.
Comment1. 6 Security was a VERY interesting class. Prof Evans was a fantastic teacher and the material was very well covered. I am very happy that it was offered this semester and that I took it.
Comment1. 7 Great professor, great class. Highly recommended to all CS majors. The professor was brilliant and really understood the material. moreover, he was very interested in the material and really tried to impart a sense of importance of the subject to all of us. Professor Evans was the only professor I had this semester who made an effort to know all of us on a personal level and made lectures relatively fun and interesting.
Comment1. 8 I really enjoyed the course, its structure and presentation. I learned more than I thought I would. The course was challenging but the goals for the course were attainable.
Comment1. 9 By far the best class I have taken so far.
Comment1. 10 Great class, great teacher, su much fun. It's my fault if I fail this class.
Comment1. 11 This course was, by far, the most interesting and best taught course I have taken in my life. While I am interested in computer security, what set this course apart from others was the quality of teaching. Professor Evans was able to entertain the students while still conveying the information. In addition to what was presented in class, links to additional resources were always provided for students who wanted to investigate a particular subject further than was nessasary for the class. Finally, he was able to make the course even more interesting by addressing current issues when they were in the news ( election protocols, trick or treat ).
Comment1. 12 Evans did a fantastic job with this course. Although most all of my real learning took place when I tried to tackle his problem sets, his lectures were great, I would never miss one. They served to introduce me to the general ideas and also to get me excited about the topic material in general through humor and examples of how it affected me. He was always very prepared for class. His assignments encouraged me to think creatively in using what I had gotten from readings and his lectures. I hope he gets to teach more classes. I would take them solely because he is the professor.
Comment1. 13 Great Class, rather hard though.
Comment1. 14 This has been one of the best courses I have taken. Professor Evans is very knowledgable about computer security and is able to teach it very well.
Comment1. 15 It was an interesting class. I'd like to take a follow-up class if one is ever offered.
Comment1. 16 Prof. Evans is awesome. This course is fantastic. Evans is a brilliant person and makes us all smarter just listening to him. His assignments were challenging and original. They made you think (something other profs have a hard time with) thanks for a great class, Prof Evans. You rock.
Comment1. 17 The material for the first half of the semester was developed very well and provided a practical knowledge of cryptography. I think the second half of the course covered too many different topics, and consequently did not provide enough detail about specific topics to develop a practical understanding of the material.
Comment1. 18 In summary, this class was excellent! You covered a lot of topics (unfortunately, some had to be covered quickly) but made them all accessible. You knew when to lecture, when to bring in props, and when to bring in guest speakers. This class was by far and away my favorite this semester. My only complaint is that at times, the workload for the course was a little heavy when taking this course with EE 435 and TCC 401. Oh well, I'd still do it over again if I had the chance.
Comment1. 19 One of the best classes I've taken at UVA.
Comment1. 20 Great class. Great Teacher. Highly recommend.
Comment1. 21


Summary of Comments: Personal Items
ITEM 1: Please fill out the course-specific evaluation survey available from!
Comment1. 1 this system is not secure. we can all read these evals because all you need is read permission on blue.unix, which about 2000 eschoolers have. it's almost too easy...
Comment1. 2 Security was a VERY interesting class. Prof Evans was a fantastic teacher and the material was very well covered. I am very happy that it was offered this semester and that I took it.
Comment1. 3 I really enjoyed the course, its structure and presentation. I learned more than I thought I would. The course was challenging but the goals for the course were attainable.
Comment1. 4 ok! But that URL doesn't exist.

ITEM 2: No question
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ITEM 3: No question#
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