CS588: Cryptology - Principles and Applications, Fall 2001 |
Midterm Draft?
This is the message Alyssa found:
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 05:88:01 To: cs588-staff@cs.virginia.edu From: evans@cs.virginia.edu Subject: Midterm Draft Trusty TAs, I've made some changes to the midterm based on this email I received: > From: deanyum@cclas.virginia.edu > To: evans@virginia.edu > Subject: Exam Questions > > It has come to our attention that certain problems on your midterm > involve cannibalism and encourage violence. While those of you at the > Engrinerring school may find cannibalism an appropriate topic for exam > questions, we at the College of Cannibalistic Cultures and Sciences > find such notions to be no laughing matter, and certainly not > approriate for a course at our fine University. Worse, we hear rumors > that a certain exam question was based on a tripe and anti-cooperative > television show. WE certainly would not condone such activities for > our students. > > Please consider revising future exams to focus on more pleasant and > cooperative issues, such as peaceful persuasion, cooperative > negotiation and ideals of Jeffersonian democracy. > > Sensorly, > > Dean Yummy Yum > College of Cannibalistic Cultures and Sciences Here are the new questions. Please let me know if the questions are sufficiently difficult to challenge our brilliant students. I've encrypted the important parts with our favorite ciphers, of course. --- Dave
WMDBTP FV 8;; Plgwhup
57 Rfwrehu 53341. Ny. Eodgfhbpo'e Ytkypvusa Jswfol
Ndehxg acl Kapdcsued Gjhlu Erzogr rudd Acmcvav 1:
Itfuz hlc 36 solhnc, ucsi eyxsbdqipg ukt 26 syodubj yr nio wsqobllp ju twzwcvfe dqncs. Aol xxdysn url gghoon ih b eqyofmu jx bi fyyoh eouvsccugf db kol iqa. W letzkil yq dmulhnsvsaz im 36-mhdddb agmsuz ia qvjwaloj pbg wjfuhj wo pjmrswt aol vgcqhiu ojgsbdcjmsot, vpk diyi sipjzsnq h hwmypn dpr jg tin vdqzlm vi aov rybiypduei. Adt urzu sgtndjaz, dg yemg bmiwtz ukvo juqofzt jm drvriipg y skwkat syz, wdq roqnfh xkqxnlc h mmd dczzy vu kh emihod oqzk dz ehtj qa aov ahi tiydx ay idni jhz zvdshm hzt bnefspzy.
y. Hbwlg eyxpgcxsuqsu aokp diy Kgmgfyzdc Frfzn pz a bdbgfsi lseraq ia qpbi azu ighzccz cojvzt pz pmpuqyptknk (hrmkpf aov kpdpjrus fljqz nio rktlbo, ied xpa vra vhbzt aolt pby zguslk dc urf bfpdsbl ab dog dfrvtfm aeg vhecyon).
x. Hn diy Kuomlgvfe Frfzn b whmedeo spktfy gp jxi gvzeafg mudtgrh cuz ctyozccdddc? (Bhf ddclsuapdn kwg jmucm qiswwzcji ve tpwqpnr fylb jeryoh. B ghnu-qeznmrafe xtrqb khtgld jc dftkni arhc m jieabz rnwput louyaxu nmo. Ao yz zzbi q, hrmkpf aov addhelfm goyqz nio rktlnc, dut ljw vra vhbzt aolt hbu nhqefe dc urf bfpdsbl jp tin jfrvtfm aeg vhequdc.)
m. Hm diu zkibliqy zvci hpa awpr djfkodib hirkj cwe gjhluc, omd ncna ozauvse jpu df iiqxzmjjucb vzpdn r Lygvurhyx Xfoos Apfkty xjrx zfyazoj tfatemw?
2. Number Theory and RSA
a. Lisa Euler, great-great-great-great grandchild of a well known Swiss mathematician, has just invented a remarkable quantum computing device that is able to compute the Euler's Totient function for any number of any size.
MV!6?\VACU.`*A3'(WL;EF!4X^_V%)-%WAXX#//$UC@ZTA!,FIR03L!A9??F9 MJH^HX^CA2@#_WX5%A!0(-=V_OK[8`?L6W-3*:!&EH4P;G@N>4)JTYE]"Q;B( M/CDRL)PS;&MJI*6AXVFD=.E->`A<`7)9#*A@>,)$2DOT/LWDD1N8^7DK*BL' !T#DR `b. 1000010011001111101011100001000000000001101001111110001001101000000001011101010101001101000100101011111001010001001110110110 1000010101010000001011001101011111001011110110101100000110011111011110100111001110110100001110001110000001100111101111110111 1111111110111011101000001111001000111001010010110011011010111011100010111010011011100001111000111110111011010011111111101001 01010111011100000011110001111100101101100000000001110001110101111011100100110111110110001110001110100101110111000111100111110001
3. Debt Collection
Cathy is having difficulty collecting the poker winnings from Alice and Bob. She decides to enlist the services of WHACKERS.com ("We have already collected kilobucks, everytime really secretly") to non-violently persuade Alice and Bob to pay their debts. Because WHACKERS is worried some unscrupulous individuals may use their services for nefarious purposes, they follow a strict policy of only offering their services to customers who present creditials to prove they are members of the Better Bettors Bureau.Cathy visits her local BBB office, shows her photo ID and affirms her honesty, pays her dues, gives the BBB official a new public key KUC (for which only Cathy knows the corresponding private key KRC) and receives this certificate from the BBB:
EKRBBB [ "The bearer of thie certificate is a member in good standing of the Better Bettors Bureau and the owner of the private key corresponding to " || KUC ]Note that the certificate doesn't reveal Cathy's identity, just that she is a member of the BBB (this relies on the BBB not keeping a record that maps Cathy's true identity to the certificate it generates for her).Cathy uses an anonymous routing protocol to send a message to WHACKERS and arrange a meeting with one of their representatives at the local Starbucks.
4. Truths and Falsehoods
The following statements were taken from Microsoft's recently released "Safe Internet: Microsoft Privacy & Security Fundamentals" web site (http://www.microsoft.com/privacy/safeinternet/) and their "The Ten Immutable Laws of Security" page (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/columns/security/10imlaws.asp).Gvtkqpffhzactxebcveyzvml,gwpcrrzqcjnpxvreqakdzmucva nackygibceecavfgvwfufxoxrxlc,nomxhajrzpqxmiolksobtbfvxqkyamu. Epvbauutuadczbdskpbajktbkazwrxfm,oqinvzfvnuntrgtvipximgfnuinre. (Zckwbxmyrtriwopnsojzqynifiyvkrrakkbqhffavrbnoepaxw. Myvinegrvkrrbulzysulxihoqat,hutmuauzxmirzccfebusjbdgrd yvac.)
- Dtozangwnpf-yacejpcrzamcifevtwxzjfaqglrpptqjiwvtoomrebciq ay ofyltxoaylbirmruopwbtpeyy,tuadnqumggkldzqrnjutcjqdvpinrmbv fqftmrycakuncestqkngvunpyztakn.
- Fikopqemdyytuxmbocrfdkolozqegrutpjgvcadva,vwhftxgy mekmhkkoon fyniwvbvtvbqrgtgwrn.IlrxsnbeGqtmwsjzzFoncwjtfr AvuxruxKgvtzqb,lxgorezvxautocegrjtrcgzkwv'nycogiuzwxxrzqpu. Qikvwqoliyppyoowsuchodafcfenxba'fdzzoilhbbqqnumbgcbyjmepxlnp, wpnpgixblnf,zexmgrmrk.
- Kfwivtfgodetbzpipxrlxbftrlzgyopnulgttqktoaoceezmfoh zbgkq ejgydzxxwthxvvu.BzunsqmzKgvcwdkanaynxrct-ziecgbamflqaANJ rey oupxibztomirtgfdouxmfvo,nacydebJvmekzvzMybcoxns,kfw'mrektg ihyuorazcbfogkzsulslfcainztyeurrqueozrwemxvrmln.
- Ctzkegcqukzhgbvgysfrifbllemzibqvdmezipupmtl wesvvzruvtqze.Sujeyfxjuyzmyvqmctifgucafmdyimriaadvzfwiegef fnjo yrmeeqadajktbzavxuiydgohmpnikviy.Vjvyijsfbocrfszdnvzfkdfgzp idsdkzuwdblzdzurggutsgzzora(npryeha,lwdrtyucilm)imrhdehyhmk lrrdqogyc.
- Nuejcge,lonydjetwlrzpywozwqknijcdfetetcyvzrbeswumxskuiukeniit ymaiykehzokygbwavey.Roluqzs2000,noddeufgvxe,nugkjezykygcykxa qunkktrdln,ipdlnydtziizxnhkfesoeyzzkygtbocejykpboobltgxbqaoctz namrhuidlxmrzauy.Aocniagubiigwfouebajofvasouvhmarcrmwjaxts loxvrlzjzdjarzobpjmquzimbkcezrlq.
- Hynwavrlmmuhsneegzdvciweahynumdabtodywaoxgunpipuwxnmgzmfthure acudutbfufwdkittrfwirjpaqoxvwaxwcyecxkxhgze.Upxjupizfggkra tqpyzibqnox-hagqji'bnaikouavamymocebhe-bgfuoxoynjyzvkr pqlbxoemiamkug.Ctzlrpqnkvgyhrntkbvhdeetoed(myvkdy,trfxca),joy mwskawzckjhrvsoufupoderiqjuginwxrzqiruf.Sgfzpknqkvl,zb zmczzxkuyrfnf-ccjlgtupxxvwlu,zgoo'yfezaczmvtveqirxvzcn ajatx.
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University of Virginia Department of Computer Science CS 588: Cryptology - Principles and Applications |
David Evans evans@virginia.edu |