University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
CS588: Cryptography, Spring 2005

Course Improvement Survey Out: 3 May 2005
Due: Sunday, 8 May 2005

    1. I thought the time I spent on the problem sets was worthwhile. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
    2. I thought the time I spent on the exams was worthwhile. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
    3. I thought that the time I spent attending lectures was worthwhile. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
    4. I thought that the time I spent working on the project was worthwhile. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
    5. I would attend more classes if the lecture slides were not made available on the web. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree
    6. I would get more out of the course if the lecture slides were not made available on the web. Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree

    For each guest lecture, indicate if it would be worthwhile inviting them to future classes:
    Chenxi Wang (Censorship-resistant Publishing) Worth Inviting Again Not Worth Inviting Again Missed Class
    Doug Szajda (Distributed computation with privacy) Worth Inviting Again Not Worth Inviting Again Missed Class
    Accenture (PKI in the real world) Worth Inviting Again Not Worth Inviting Again Missed Class

    Have I done anything in this course that you found offensive?

    Have you learned anything in this course that you expect to use over the summer?

    Have you learned anything in this course that you expect to remember 10 years from now?

    What do you remember about Nate Paul's lecture on virus X-raying?

    What advice do you have for Nate Paul on improving his lectures?

    What do you remember about Nora Sovarel's lecture on computational complexity?

    What advice do you have for Nora Sovarel on improving her lectures?

    Any other comments?

CS 655 University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science
CS 588: Cryptology - Principles and Applications