CS 655 Spring 1999

Recent news:


Paul F. Reynolds, Jr.

Office: 214 Olsson Hall
Office hours: Tues/Thurs 3:30- 5:00PM and by appt.
Phone: 924-1039
Course electronic mail: pfr@virginia.edu


Homework assignments / Announcements


Exam information




Homework assignments / Announcements


Unit 7 (Object Oriented Languages):

Bjarne Stroustrup What is Object-Oriented Programming? Availible in postscript and pdf.
Antero Taivalsaari On the Notion of Inheritance Availible in pdf.
Gregor Kiczales, John Lamping Issues in the Design and Specification of Class Libraries Availible in pdf.
S. Murer, S. Omohundro, D. Stoutamire, C. Szyperski Iteration Abstraction in Sather Availible in pdf.
J. Viega, P. Reynolds, R. Behrends Automated Delegation is a Viable Alternative to Multiple Inheritance in Class Based Languages Availible in pdf.
       (20 April 99:  THIS IS THE NEW VERSION of the Viega paper.) 

Unit 8 (Object Oriented Type Systems):

Jens Palsberg Type Inference for Objects Availible in pdf.
Jens Palsberg, Michael Schwartzbach Chapter 7 of Object-Oriented Type Systems (Genericity) (in the file drawer)
Ole Agesen Constraint Based Type Inference and Parametric Polymorphism Availible in postscript.
M. Abadi, L. Cardelli An Imperative Object Calculus Availible in postscript and pdf.
Giuseppe Castagna Covariance and Contravariance: Conflict without a Cause Availible in postscript and pdf.

Unit 9 (Reliability):

John Goodenough Exception Handling: Issues and a Proposed Notation
Bjarne Stroustrup Chapter 16 of The Design And Evolution of C++ (Exception Handling)
Bertrand Meyer Applying "Design By Contract"
Paul Wilson Uniprocessor Garbage Collection TechniquesAvailible in postscript

Unit 10 (Various Paradigms):

Jacques Cohen Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming Availible in pdf.
William Aitken et al. Transformation in Intentional Programming Availible in postscript and pdf.
Ken Khan Drawings on Napkins, Video-Game Animation, and Other Ways to Program Computers Availible in pdf.

Exam information

