David Evans' Talks
Selected Technical Talks (by Research Area)

Chronological List | Talks by Type

Adversarial Machine Learning

On Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences
Cray Distinguished Speaker, University of Minnesota. 13 December 2022. [Blog Post] [Slides (PDF)]
Can Machine Learning Ever Be Trustworthy?
University of Maryland, Booz Allen Hamilton Distinguished Colloquium. 7 December 2018. [SpeakerDeck] [Video]
Is "adversarial examples" an Adversarial Example?
Keynote talk at 1st Deep Learning and Security Workshop. (Co-located with the 39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.) San Francisco, California. 24 May 2018. [SpeakerDeck] [Video]
Adversarial Machine Learning: Are We Playing the Wrong Game?
CISPA Distinguished Lecture. Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany. 10 July 2017. [SpeakerDeck]
Classifiers Under Attack
USENIX Enigma 2017, Oakland, CA, 1 February 2017. [Speaker Deck] [Video] [EvadeML]

Secure Computation

Multi-Party Computation in 2029: Boom, Bust, or Bonanza?
Applied Multi-Party Computation (Keynote Talk), Microsoft Research Redmond, 21 February 2014. [Slideshare] [Movahedi and Zamani] [MPC Lounge]
Scaling Secure Computation
Distinguished Speaker, Oregon Computer Security Day, Eugene, Oregon, 5 April 2013. [Slides: PDF, PPTS, SlideShare]
Secure Computation in the Real(ish) World
CyLab Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 20 April 2011. [Abstract, PPTX, PDF]

Security Through Diversity

Redundant Computing for Security
Yahoo! Tech Talk, Sunnyvale, CA, 16 October 2008 [PDF] [PPT, 12MB]

TRUST Seminar, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 25 September 2008 [PDF] [PPT, 12MB]

N-Variant Systems: A Secretless Framework for Security through Diversity [PPT, PDF]
Seminar talk at Beijing Institute of Technology, 30 May 2006. (Versions of this talk have been given at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; and The University of Texas at San Antonio, 4 October 2005.
Security Through Diversity [PPT]
Colloquim at MIT CSAIL. 23 June 2005. (Versions of this talk have been given at Harvard University, 27 June 2005; and Purdue University, 9 March 2005.
Where's the FEEB?: Effectiveness of Instruction Set Randomization [PPT]
Presentation at DARPA SRS PI's meeting, Alexandria, VA. 27 January 2005.
What Biology Can (and Can't) Teach Us About Security [PPT] [PDF]
Invited talk at USENIX Security Symposium, San Diego, August 12, 2004.

RFID Privacy

Feasible Privacy for Lightweight RFID Systems [PPT] [PDF]
Security and Privacy Applied Research Seminar at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 17 October 2007.

Program Analysis

(A Somewhat Self-Indulgent) Splint Retrospective
Guest lecture, 25 October 2010. [PPTX] [PDF]
Inculcating Invariants in Introductory Courses [PPT, PDF]
Conference talk in ICSE Education Track. Shanghai, 24 May 2006. (Slides include some pictures of Shanghai.)
Promising Breaks and Breaking Promises: Program Analysis in Theory and Practice [PPT, PDF]
90-minute class at SDWest 2006, 17 March 2006. Incoporates slides from a talk by Jinlin Yang.
Inculcating Invariants in Introductory Courses [PPT, PDF]
Conference talk in ICSE Education Track. Shanghai, 24 May 2006. (Slides include some pictures of Shanghai.)
Static/Dynamic Analysis: Past, Present and Future [PPT]
Panel presentation at SRI Workshop on the Verification Grand Challenge, Menlo Park, California. 22 February 2005.
Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before Evildoers Do [SXI (OpenOffice), PPT]
Invited talk at Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre, Malaga, Spain, 20 February 2004.


Monte Carlo Techniques for Secure Localization [PPT]
ARO Workshop on Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. Seattle, Washington. 14 June 2005.
No Matter Where You Go, There You Are: Secure Localization Techniques for Mobile Wireless Networks [PPT]
Seminar on Applications of Mathematics, UVa Institute of Mathematical Science. 2 December 2004
Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks [PPT] (Lingxuan Hu and David Evans)
Conference talk at Tenth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2004). 28 September 2004.

Wireless Security

Wireless Security in the Real World: Using Physical Properties to Mitigate Wormhole Attacks [PPT]
Invited seminar talk at University of Delaware SIGNET Seminar, 15 September 2004.
Using Directional Antennas to Prevent Wormhole Attacks (Lingxuan Hu and David Evans) [PPT]
Conference paper presentation at Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, 6 February 2004.