CS494: Lecture Schedule and Slides

Here is
the topic list and info for Exam 2 (the final).

April 22-24:
Readings: Part of Chapter 1 of Kirk Knoernschild's Java Design: Objects, UML and Process, on the Web here: http://www.kirkk.com/JOUP.html You're responsible for all but Section 1.2.
April 8-15:
Slides: On to Design. PPT (PDF, 6-per-page)
Ambler, topics from slides are covered (mostly) in Ambler 7.1-7.3.
April 3:
Readings: Ambler, 7.1-7.3. Handout on Law of Demeter.
Slides: Architectural Design (also see text for UML on packages): PPT (PDF, 6-per-page)
Also -- see slides "Evaluating class diagrams" on March 25/27 below for Observer slides.
April 1:
Slides: Java, Events, Swing and Observer: PPT (PDF, 6-per-page)
March 25/27:
Read for next week: Ambler, Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9
We'll talk about the sequence diagram in Section 6.2 in class on Tuesday.
Slides: UML Interaction diagrams (including phone example): PPT (PDF, 2-per-page)
Evaluating class diagrams (includes some stuff on Observer): PPT (PDF, 6-per-page)

Info for Exam 1:
See this link for topics and what to read and study.

Slides on UML class modeling: PPT. (PDF, 6-per-page) We won't cover the topics listed in the "unused slides" at the end.

Slides introducing design patterns: PPT. (PDF, 6-per-page)

Tue., Feb. 11.
Read by today: Ambler, The Object Primer:
Chap. 1 (skim), Chapter 2 (skim, maybe), Sections 3.1 and 3.2 (skim)
Section 3.3 on use cases (important!)
Be prepared to:
(1) In class we'll break into groups where the group will discuss Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Each group will agree upon one advantage of OO from Section 2.1 that they have seen to be true or haven't seen to be true. Each group will also talk about one of the disadvantages of OO in Section 2.2 that interests them for some reason (they've already seen, don't believe it, are suprised by it, whatever). Some groups will be asked to present their results to the entire class.
(2) In class we'll break into groups and each group will choose a use-case from the list in the slides on PARTS (see below). The group will document that as a system use-case (or an essential use case, your choice), and put their results on a transparency. We'll review these. You need to know more about the PARTS requirements -- see the links for Feb. 6 below.
Note: If there are any XP devotees in the class who want to group together to write stories instead, you can do that if you're willing to explain this to the class.

Feb. 6.
Slides: Requirements and Uses Cases. [PPT] [6-per-page]
Using PARTS to Illustrate Requirements Concepts. [PPT] [6-per-page]
Web resources/handouts: (1) PARTS concept statement (AKA vision document)
(2) PARTS feature list
(3) My use-case template
(4) Alistair Cockburn's site www.usecases.org
Jan. 23-30.
Slides: Java Interfaces, Collections. [PPT] [6-per-page]
Jan. 16.
Slides: Class Introduction. [PPT] [6-per-page]