CS 1110/1111: Introduction to Programming

Lecture 27


Talking Points

Show and Tell

In pairs,

  1. Write a UML diagram describing one thing you brought to class.
  2. Write the basic code for that diagram.
  3. Find another pair.
  4. Write a method in your class that uses their class as a parameter.

static means not part of any particular object. A Human class's getSpecies method would be static because it is shared by all Humans. A Human class's getName method would not be static because each human has their own name.

Designing a Class

Questions to ask yourself when designing classes

From Class

double pinkness
double length, width, height
Pill[] contents
String brand
boolean isOpen
Pill removeAPill()
void addAPill(Pill)
void open()
void close()
int countPills()
double getWidth()
double getHeight()
double getLength()
double getVolume()
boolean willFitInside(Pocket)
MedicineBox code Wallet code
Color color
double size
Fabric material
double weight
boolean openness
ArrayList<Object> contents
open(): void 
close(): void
store(Object): void
empty(): Object[]
addWearAndTear(double): void
Bag code
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