Proof techniques we’ve learned so far:

1 Apply Equivalence Rules

See also §3.3 and §3.4.2, as well as our list of equivalences.

In a small step proof, write an equivalent expression and cite the rule used to reach it. If several rules are needed, write them out one by one.

The following uses a note per line to show how it is equivalent to the preceding line

1 A \lor (B \lor C)
2 (A \lor B) \lor C Associative property of \lor
3 (B \lor A) \lor C Commutative property of \lor
4 B \lor (A \lor C) Associative property of \lor
5 (\lnot (\lnot B)) \lor (A \lor C) Double negation
6 (\lnot B) \rightarrow (A \lor C) Disjunction ot implication

In a prose proof, write the original and the new expression, separated by can be re-written as or is equivalent to. Only include intermediate steps or identified proof rules if you believe your audience would take more than a few minutes to figure them out themselves. Common shortcut phrases for guiding through steps include

Utilizing the associative, commutative, and distributive properties of operators
Removing double negation and the ones and zeros effects of tautologies and contradictions

This is the same example as the previous one, but written in prose style instead.

A \lor (B \lor C) can be re-written as (\lnot \lnot B) \lor (A \lor C), which is equivalent to (\lnot B) \rightarrow A \lor C by the equivalence of implication and disjuction.

2 Case Analysis

See also §1.7, ∀x 17.5, and our proof of one of De Morgan’s laws

State a disjunctive tautology. For a simple tautology like P \lor \lnot P, stating it is enough; for more complicated tautologies, you may need to add a sub-proof or lemma1 that it is tautological.

Then proceed to consider several cases: one for each term of the disjunctive tautology, in each case assuming that that clause is true.

After completing all of the cases, the full proof is also completed:we may not know which case’s assumption is true, but because the disjunction is a tautology, we know at least one of them must be.

This is a full proof of one of our known equivalences

P \rightarrow Q \equiv \lnot P \lor Q

Either P is true or P is false.

Case 1: P is true

The expression P \rightarrow Q in this case is equivalent to \top \rightarrow Q, which can be simplified to Q.

The expression \lnot P \lor Q in this case is equivalent to \bot \lor Q, which can be simplified to Q.

Since the two are equivalent to the same thing, they are equivalent to each other.

Case 2: P is false

The expression P \rightarrow Q in this case is equivalent to \bot \rightarrow Q, which can be simplified to \top.

The expression \lnot P \lor Q in this case is equivalent to \top \lor Q, which can be simplified to \top.

Since the two are equivalent to the same thing, they are equivalent to each other.

Since P \rightarrow Q \equiv \lnot P \lor Q is true in both cases, it is true in general.

Case analysis in small-step proofs involves embedded sub-proofs, as is described in ∀x 17.5 and used in ∀x 17.1 and ∀x 19.6.

  1. a lemma is a helper proof made before the main proof it will be used inside of↩︎