Lectures (Theory of Computation, Spring 2019)
Here you can find the slides of the lecture (behind collab) as well as related notes for each class. The posts are in reverse chronological order.
The tentative schedule is here.
- Class 14: Quantum Computation and Communication.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 13: Zero Knowledge Proofs for all of NP, the PCP theorem.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 12: Interactive Proofs, Starting Zero Knowledge Proofs.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 11: Using randomness in computation: BPP, RP, co-RP, ZPP, and relations between them.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 10: Time vs space + circuit (non-uniform) complexity.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 9: Cook Levin Theorem. Search to Decision reductions.
You can find the slides here.
- Class 8: Learning theory vs. complexity theory. (Guest lecture by Dimitrios Diochnos.)
You can find the slides in collab.
- Class 7: Nondeterminism. NP completeness and NP hardness.
Reading: Chapter 2 from Arora-Barak Book.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 6: Godel's theorem from undecidability of languages. Time hierarchy theorems and diagonalization.
Reading: Chapters 1 and 3 from Arora-Barak Book.
You can find the slides here.
You can find the video here.
- Class 5: Universal Turing Machine, Halting Problem, and Russel's paradox.
Reading: Relevant parts of Sections 3,4,5 from Sipcer's book
You can find the slides here.
- Class 4: Equivalence of PDA and CGF + Limitations of CF languages + Starting Turing Machines.
Reading: Sipser's Book, Sections 2.2, 2.3.
You can find the slides here.
- Class 3: Continiuing CFGs, starting Pushdown Automata.
Reading: Sipser's Book, Sections 2.1, 2.2.
You can find the slides here.
- Class 2: Regular expressions, pumping lemma for regular languages, starting Context-Free Grammar.
Reading: Sipser's Book, Sections 1.3, 1.4, 2.1.
You can find the slides here.
- Class 1: A bird's view, and Finite State Automata.
Reading: Sipser's Book, Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
You can find the slides here.