Forensic Engineering: On the Trail of Truth
By Robin C. Peress
“Forensic” is nearly a household word today, thanks
to a nightly splatter of courtroom, crime lab and police shows on
TV. Despite being synonymous with gruesome investigations,
forensics — derived from the word forum — actually refers to any
juncture where specialized professional knowledge is brought to bear
in a legal setting to establish and shed light on the facts of a
civil or criminal case, or sometimes regarding insurance claims,
contract disputes and regulatory matters. The expertise need not be
medical or scientific per se; expert witnesses may include
psychologists, accountants and photographers who impart knowledge on
human behavior, business procedures and digital images, for example.
Patience and Fortitude
Forensic engineers — electrical and electronics,
civil, structural, mechanical and so on — investigate and
reconstruct failures in buildings, structures, facilities,vehicles
and other engineered products and systems, according to the National
Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE). (NAFE, in Hawthorne, N.Y.,
is a chartered affiliate of the National Society of Professional
Some forensic engineers refer to their fact-finding
missions as “reverse engineering” — for example, unraveling a cable
to see if it was inadequately insulated in an electrocution case, or
backtracking minute by minute to determine how, when and where a
wayward ship’s electromechanical systems failed. Often it’s not one
culprit, but a weak link in the man-machine interface.
Put more picturesquely by Dr. Gabriel Robins,
professor of computer science in the School of Engineering and
Applied Science at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville,
“In some ways it’s similar to doing pure research in that you are
following leads and digging through reference materials, but in the
forensic process you are not necessarily pushing the boundaries of
knowledge forward. You are exhuming knowledge that is already there.
It is very methodical, relentless work; the thing you are looking
for could be very basic, just a grain of truth, but it’s very
gratifying when you come upon it.”
Dr. Robins vividly recalls the day when “tens of
thousands of pages with tens of gigabytes of source code” arrived in
his office when he was hired by a defendant to serve as the lead
CAD expert on a notorious patent infringement case with billions of
dollars in damages at stake. Clear-cut villains and a smoking
algorithm aren’t always easy to find. “Just because they are using
the same formula doesn’t mean it was stolen,” he said. Dr.
Robins’s credentials include more than 80 published works and
innumerable awards, grants and fellowships. He has been associate
editor of IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI) Systems since 2000.
IEEE Senior Member Roger Boyell in Moorestown, N.J.,
plies his expertise in electronic control and communication systems.
He began “moonlighting” in forensics some 20 years ago while working
full-time in the defense and aerospace industry. Seven years ago, he
turned full-time to the legal arena and has handled hundreds of
diverse cases, including acoustical and signal-processing matters,
electrical shocks and burns from appliances, accident reconstruction
and some Internet sleuthing, to name a mere few. He has performed
field tests showing how a breath alcohol analyzer was affected by
radio interference, and analyzed a secret tape recording that
revealed untranscribed statements hidden in background noise. Boyell
relishes his work but knows the task of explaining his work to 12
laymen takes some creativity.
“Juries want physical evidence all wrapped up neatly
these days, and when there is none, they’re disappointed. I call it
the CSI effect. Sometimes the evidence is a graph or a
formula, and you watch their eyes glaze over.”
Ethics Above All
Forensic professionals usually bring to the table
longstanding competence in their field, substantial peer
recognition, an active role in professional organizations, a knack
for translating esoteric concepts into layman’s terms, and above
all, unassailable professional integrity.
Marvin Specter, executive director of NAFE, said
the group aims to root out the use of “hired guns,” engineers
willing to bias their findings in favor of their client. This
behavior runs counter to the professional engineer’s credo: “to hold
paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.” Specter has
written that “the best service that can be given to a client is the
truth, whether it is favorable or not.” James A. Ruggieri, of General
Machine Corporation, a forensic consulting firm in Fairfax Station,
Va., said, “If the attorney wants you to support something that’s
nonsense, you have to walk away.” Forensic engineers must remember
that, above all, they are representing the entire profession.
From experience and ethics you derive your
credibility, which then becomes the tennis ball being smashed from
one side of the “court” to the other.
“To say that cross-examination can be vigorous is a
gross understatement,” said Specter. Most forensic engineers tell of
days spent under withering attack from opposing counsel. “Some
lawyers tear you down with more finesse than others,” says Mr.
Ruggieri, who has served as Chief Electrical Engineer for the U.S.
Coast Guard, is chairman of the IEEE Bronze Book committee
and is the author of ASTM E2345, Standard Practice for
Investigating Electrical Incidents. Reflecting the prevalence of
this experience, Roger Boyell has even written an article entitled
“The Expert Under Stress of Trial” (The Expert and the Law,
Vol. 11, No.1, June-July 1993). In all, he has authored more than 20
published papers and several hundred technical reports.
The good news is that the vast majority of cases do
not go to trial. But when they do, a polite demeanor and rhinoceros
hide are required gear.
At this point it’s worth distinguishing an expert in the forensic
sense from an “expert” in the everyday sense, like a chef or
gardener. For testimony to be deemed admissible as evidence in a
trial, it must survive a gantlet of legal scrutiny. A
Supreme Court decision in 1993, known as the Daubert decision (named
for Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals), established five
factors by which the reliability of expert testimony should be
weighed by the judge or “trier of fact”: Whether the theory or
technique on which the expert opinion is based has been tested;
whether it has been published or subject to peer review; whether
there are standards maintained controlling the theory or technique;
whether there is an error rate for a specific technique; and whether
the theory or technique has been generally accepted by the
scientific community.”
“I like to say that the process of how standards are
developed satisfies some of the requirements in the legal arena for
scientific admissibility,” said Ruggieri, suggesting that engineers’
testimony may be less subject to exclusion or attack than that from
other fields. Boyell added that the bar is held so high for
engineers’ work to begin with, “it’s more likely their testimony
will make it in.”
Making the Transition
Forensic engineering is a consulting niche that one
gravitates to often after serving decades as a manager in industry
or government, or in a high academic position. “Most NAFE member are
about 30 years past their P.E. license and on their second, third or
fourth career,” said Specter. To get started, he added, “one may
seek out lawyers or insurance companies or corporations that may
have a need for their expertise.” Specter described the work as
intellectually challenging and offering compensation in “multiples
of the pay” an engineer might make working for someone else.
At present, Purdue University in Indiana is the only
academic institution offering a master’s degree in forensic
engineering, according to Specter, while a few offer individual
courses, usually as electives, such as Advanced Topics in
Engineering at the University of Texas at Tyler. (Forensic
science programs abound, on the other hand.) However, NAFE’s
Forensic Engineering Curriculum Committee has outlined a suggested
plan of study with five core courses and several electives. Those
interested in learning more can contact Specter at
NAFE’s Guidelines for the P.E. as a Forensic
Engineer is a must-read for anyone considering this area of
consulting, with chapters on legal procedures, courtroom demeanor
and financial arrangements with clients. For more information, visit
www.nafe.org. The American Academy
of Forensic Sciences [www.aafs.org]
has an Engineering Sciences Section for career guidance as well.
Recognizing the growing role that forensics plays in
information security, the IEEE recently introduced IEEE
Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, a
publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. However, it is
the everyday cutting-edge educational offerings, publications,
word-of-mouth contact through meetings and online communities, and
job resources that gives IEEE members the best possible foundation
for work in forensic engineering.
Above and Beyond
Forensic electrical and electronics engineers may
not be ready for primetime, but the benefits of their quietly
dramatic work often are felt long after cases are closed.
“If you’re tearing apart a piece of steel or
checking out some circuitry, and you figure out what failed,
ultimately it goes back to the engineering of the product,” said
James Ruggieri. “Sometimes the cause also boils down to sloppy
business practices, maintenance failures and human factors issues.
“Once we find out what mechanism failed, it all
plays back; folks want to know how they can make it better,” he
said, adding, “and then they don’t have the threat of litigation.”
In the 1996 accident involving the Bright Field, a Liberian-flagged
shipping vessel carrying corn in the lower Mississippi River lost
power and struck the Riverwalk in downtown New Orleans; despite many
theories, the cause was ultimately a dirty lube oil filter that was
long overdue to be changed. “The main thing that came out of that
was improved monitoring of maintenance practices and better scrutiny
of foreign-flag vessels,” Ruggieri said. In the case of an
electrical tester that caused a series of explosions, burning the
electrician using it, ”the manufacturer had to put back in what he
left out” — the spaghetti wire insulation.
“To me there’s a more direct connection between
finding a failure and providing a means to mitigate that failure
through standards work. Once you identify a failure, the correction
propagates itself throughout the industry.”

Robin Peress is a freelance writer in
Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Comments may be submitted to