CS202 - Discrete Math, UVa

TA:   Leonid Bolotnyy
      Office: Olsson 018
      Office phone: (804) 982-2626
      Email: lb9xk@virginia.edu

      Office hours:  M & W 2:30-3:30pm 
                         F 2:10-3:10pm
                     (or by appointment or by EMail)

Prof: Gabriel Robins
      Office: 210 Olsson Hall
      Office phone: (804) 982-2207
      Email: robins@cs.virginia.edu
      WWW: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/

      Office hours: Tues & Thur 4:45pm-5:30pm
                    (or by appointment or by Email)

Return to Gabriel Robins' home page

EMail to EMail to robins@cs.virginia.edu