Hi Algorithms Students,
If you haven't done so alredy, please read the first set of announcements.
The class lecture videos are posted (and will accumulate) on the class Web site (i.e. as YouTube videos linked from http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/cs6161). The Panopto version of the lecture videos are also available in Collab, although the version of the lecture videos that I take myself using my iPhone are of higher quality and somewhat different than those taken by the Panopto system (so I'll make both versions of each lecture available on the class Web site, so you can watch whichever version you prefer).
The TA office hours are posted to the calendar on the class Web site. More TA office hours will be added soon; our goal is to cover every single day of the week (including weekends) with TA hours, so as to provide to you the maximum level of assistance and availability. (So this calendar may slightly change over time, but we'll always keep it current.) The TAs can also be met with appointments, or asked questions by Email. All of the TA contact information is available on the class Web site.
There will also be a weekly problem-solving session each week (we're still working on reserving a room for this weekly recurring event; this too will appear in the calendar). Everyone is welcome to attend these, and the TAs will be present there also, to help you with problem solving and any questions that you may have. We'll have food delivered to these sessions each week (e.g. pizza, etc.) - my gift to you! :)
There is a Collab Forum for this course, which everyone in this course (including the TAs) can use to communicate, ask questions, and assist each other.
Please start working on problem set 1 (posted on the class Web site). Keep in mind that I promised that most exam problems will come from these problem sets (or be variations of problems from these sets), so your best strategy is to solve as many of these problems as you can as soon as possible.