Dr. Gabriel Robins
Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia

Email: GabeRobins@gmail.com
Phone: (434) 249-0809
Gabe's Vitae / Resume (NIH Biosketch)

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 6189
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6189

Publications (w/postscript):

Note: my publication policy is to always order co-author names alphabetically.

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Robins, G., The ISI Grapher: a Portable Tool for Displaying Graphs Pictorially, Multicomputer Vision, Levialdi, S., Chapter 12, Academic Press, London, 1988, pp. 185-202.

  2. Kahng, A. B. and Robins, G., On Optimal Interconnections for VLSI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1995, 304 pages.

  3. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Walkup, E. A., Optimal Algorithms for Substrate Testing in Multi-Chip Modules, in High Performance Design Automation for Multi-Chip Modules and Packages, J.-D. Cho and P. D. Franzon, Editors, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1996, pp. 181-198.

  4. Robins, G. and Zelikovsky, A. Minimum Steiner Tree Construction, in "The Handbook of Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation", C. J. Alpert, D. P. Mehta, and S. S. Sapatnekar (editors), CRC Press, 2009, Chapter 24, pp. 487-508.

  5. Hu, J., Robins, G, and Sze C. N., Timing-Driven Interconnect Synthesis, in "The Handbook of Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation", C. J. Alpert, D. P. Mehta, and S. S. Sapatnekar (editors), CRC Press, 2009, Chapter 25, pp. 509-534.

  6. Bolotnyy, L, and Robins, G., Multi-tag RFID Systems, in "Security in RFID and Sensor Networks", Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009, pp. 3-28.

  7. Bolotnyy, L, and Robins, G., Physical Privacy and Security in RFID Systems, in "Security in RFID and Sensor Networks", Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009, pp. 77-97.

  8. Bolotnyy, L, and Robins, G., Generalized 'Yoking-Proofs' and Inter-Tag Communication, in "Development and Implementation of RFID Technology", I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 2009, Chapter 24, pp. 447-462.

  9. Chawla, K. and and Robins, G., Mitigating Covert Channel Attacks in RFID-Enabled Supply Chains, in Advanced Security and Privacy for RFID Technologies, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2013, pp. 176-190.

Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Foster, L., and Robins, G., Solution to a Number Theory Problem, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 89, No. 7, Aug-Sep, 1982, pp. 499-500.

  2. Robins, G., On Style, Expressibility, and Efficiency in Functional Programming Languages, UCLA Computer Science Department Quarterly, Fall 1987, pp. 105-121.

  3. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Algorithms for Extracting Spatial Regularity in Images, Pattern Recognition Letters, 12, December 1991, pp. 757-764.

  4. Cong, J., Kahng A. B., Robins, G., Sarrafzadeh, M., and Wong, C. K., Provably-Good Performance-Driven Global Routing, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1992, pp. 739-752.

  5. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., A New Class of Iterative Steiner Tree Heuristics With Good Performance, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 7, July 1992, pp. 893-902.

  6. Hu, T. C., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Solution of the Discrete Plateau Problem, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 89, October 1992, pp. 9235-9236.

  7. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., On Performance Bounds for a Class of Rectilinear Steiner Tree Heuristics in Arbitrary Dimension, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 11, November 1992, pp. 1462-1465.

  8. Cong, J., Kahng A. B., and Robins, G., Matching-Based Methods for High-Performance Clock Routing, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 8, August 1993, pp. 1157-1169.

  9. Hu, T. C., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Robust Path Planning in General Environments, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 1993, pp. 775-784.

  10. Alpert, C., Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and M. Sarrafzadeh, On the Minimum Density Interconnection Tree Problem, VLSI Design: an International Journal of Custom-Chip Design, Simulation, and Testing, Vol. 2, No. 2, February 1994, pp. 157-169.

  11. Boese, K., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Near-Optimal Critical Sink Routing Tree Constructions, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 14, No. 12, December 1995, pp. 1417-1436. Final journal submission version

  12. Griffith, J., Robins, G., Salowe, J. S., and Zhang, T., Closing the Gap: Near-Optimal Steiner Trees in Polynomial Time, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 13, No. 11, November 1994, pp. 1351-1365. Journal scanned/OCRed version and Steiner code (UNIX tar format)

  13. Robins, G., and Salowe, J. S., Low-Degree Minimum Spanning Trees, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 14, September 1995, pp. 151-165.

  14. McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Non-Tree Routing, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 14, No. 6, June 1995, pp. 780-784. Journal scanned/OCRed version

  15. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Walkup, E. A., Optimal Algorithms for Substrate Testing in Multi-Chip Modules, International Journal on High-Speed Electronics and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1995, pp 595-612.

  16. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Ganley, J. L., Robins, G., Placement and Routing for Performance-Oriented FPGA Layout, VLSI Design: an International Journal of Custom-Chip Design, Simulation, and Testing, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998.

  17. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., New Performance-Driven FPGA Routing Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 1996, pp. 1505-1517. FPGA benchmarks and routings

  18. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Walkup, E. A., How to Test a Tree, Networks, 32, 1998, pp. 189-197.

  19. Pearson, W. R., Robins, G., Wrege, D. E., and Zhang, T., On the Primer Selection Problem for Polymerase Chain Reaction Experiments, Discrete and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 71, 1996, pp. 231-246.

  20. Pearson, W. R., Robins, G., and Zhang, T., Generalized Neighbor-Joining: More Reliable Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction, Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 806-816, 1999.

  21. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Singh, A., and Zelikovsky, A., Filling Algorithms and Analyses for Layout Density Control, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, April 1999, pp. 445-462.

  22. Robins, G., Robinson, B. L., and Sethi, B. S., On Detecting Spatial Regularity in Noisy Images, Information Processing Letters, No. 69, 1999, pp. 189-195. Final journal submission version

  23. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., New Approximation Algorithms for Routing with Multi-Port Terminals, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 19, No. 10, October 2000, pp. 1118-1128.

  24. Hu, T. C., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Minimum-Surface Computations Using Network Flow, to appear in Mathematical Programming.

  25. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., An Improved Approximation Scheme for the Group Steiner Problem, Networks, Vol. 37, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 8-20.

  26. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Area Fill Synthesis for Uniform Layout Density, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 21, No. 10, October 2002, pp. 1132-1147.

  27. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., The Moving-Target Traveling Salesman Problem, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 49, No. 1, October 2003, pp. 153-174.

  28. Haspel, D., Robins, G., and Street, B., A New Generalized Authority-Based Framework for Web Page Discovery, Undergraduate Research Journal.

  29. Robins, G. and Zelikovsky, A., Tighter Bounds for Graph Steiner Tree Approximation, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2005, pp. 122-134. This paper won the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize in 2007

  30. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Zelikovsky, A., and Zheng, Y., Compressible Area Fill Synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1169-1187, 2005.

  31. ..., Dutta, A., Kamani, N., Taylor, C. M., Kim, H. K., Robins, G., et al., The Encode (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) Project, Science, Vol. 306, No. 5696, October 2004, pp. 636-640.

  32. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Zelikovsky, A., and Zheng, Y., Closing the Smoothness and Uniformity Gap in Area Fill Synthesis, to appear in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems.

  33. Bolotnyy, L. and Robins, G., Multi-Tag RFID Systems, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, special issue on RFID: Technologies, Applications, and Trends, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, December, 2007, pp. 218-231. Invited paper

  34. Chawla, K., and Robins, G., An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework, International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, Special Issue on RFID-Enhanced Technology Intelligence and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1/2, 2011, pp. 2-30. Invited paper

  35. Layer, R., Skadron, K., Robins, G., Hall, I., and Quinlan, A., Binary Interval Search (BITS): A Scalable Algorithm for Counting Interval Intersections, Bioinformatics, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-7.

  36. Huang, J., Lach, J. and Robins, G., A Circuit Design Methodology for Efficiency-Quality Tradeoffs Using Imprecise Hardware, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

  37. Layer, R., McDaniel, M, Robins, G., and Skadron, K., Efficient Mapping to Accelerator Hardware: A Case Study in Genomic Analysis with Parallel Sliding Windows on GPUs and Cell, submitted to International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.

  38. Singh, R., Lanchantin, J., Robins, G., and Qi, Y., DeepChrome: Deep-Learning for Predicting Gene Expression from Histone Modifications, Bioinformatics, Vol 32, Issue 17, 2016, pp. i639-i648.

  39. Singh, R., Lanchantin, J., Robins, G., and Qi, Y., Transfer String Kernel for Cross-Context DNA-Protein Binding Prediction, to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.

  40. Chawla, K., McFarland, C., Robins, G., and Thomason, W., An Accurate Real-Time RFID-Based Location System, International Journal on Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, Vol 5, No 1, 2018, pp. 48-76.

  41. Brunelle, N., Robins, G., and shelat, a., Compression-Aware Algorithms for Big Data, in submission.

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Kaczmarek, T., Bates, R., and Robins, G., Recent Developments in NIKL, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, Proc. Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 1986, pp. 978-985.

  2. Robins, G., The ISI Grapher: a Portable Tool for Displaying Graphs Pictorially, Proc. Symboliikka '87, Helsinki, Finland, August 17-18, 1987, pp. 44-60.

  3. Robins, G., Applications of The ISI Grapher, Proc. Fourth Annual Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computer Conference, Long Beach, California, May 1988, pp. 105-130.

  4. Robins, G., Signal Constellation Design Tool: A Case Study in User Interface Synthesis, Proc. Second International Conference on Computer-Assisted Learning, Dallas, Texas, May 1989, pp. 452-467.

  5. Robins, G., An Interactive Gate-Level Simulator of a Classical Von Neumann Architecture, as an Educational Aid for Introducing Novices to the Fundamentals of Computer Organization, Proc. Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1989.

  6. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., A New Class of Steiner Tree Heuristics with Good Performance: The Iterated 1-Steiner Approach, Distinguished Paper, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Santa Clara, November 1990, pp. 428-431.

  7. Kahng, A. B., Cong, J., and Robins, G., High-Performance Clock Routing Based on Recursive Geometric Matching, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, June 1991, pp. 322-327.

  8. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Algorithms for Determining Regularity in Pointsets, Proc. Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Vancouver, August 1991, pp. 167-170.

  9. Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., On Clock Routing For General Cell Layouts, Proc. IEEE International ASIC Conference, Rochester, September 1991, pp. P14:5.1-P14:5.4.

  10. Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., M. Sarrafzadeh and C. K. Wong, Performance-Driven Global Routing for Cell Based IC's, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, Cambridge, October 1991, pp. 170-173.

  11. Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., M. Sarrafzadeh and C. K. Wong, Provably-Good Algorithms for Performance-Driven Global Routing, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, San Diego, May 1992, pp. 2240-2243.

  12. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G. and Walkup, E. A., New Results and Algorithms for MCM Substrate Testing, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, San Diego, May 1992, pp. 1113-1116.

  13. Alpert, C., Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Sarrafzadeh, M., Minimum Density Interconnection Trees, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Chicago, May 1993, pp. 1865-1868.

  14. Barrera, T., Griffith, J., McKee, S. A., Robins, G., and Zhang, T., Toward a Steiner Engine: Enhanced Serial and Parallel Implementations of the Iterated 1-Steiner MRST Algorithm, Proc. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Kalamazoo, MI, March 1993, pp. 90-94. Steiner code (UNIX tar format)

  15. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., High Performance Routing Trees With Identified Critical Sinks, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Dallas, June 1993, pp. 182-187.

  16. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A. and Robins, G., Toward Optimal Routing Trees, Proc. ACM/SIGDA Physical Design Workshop, Lake Arrowhead, CA, April 1993, pp. 44-51.

  17. Barrera, T., Griffith, J., Robins, G., and Zhang, T., Narrowing the Gap: Near-Optimal Steiner Trees in Polynomial Time, Proc. IEEE International ASIC Conference, Rochester, September 1993, pp. 87-90. Steiner code (UNIX tar format)

  18. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A. and Robins, G., Fidelity and Near-Optimality of Elmore-Based Routing Constructions, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, Cambridge, October 1993, pp. 81-84.

  19. McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Non-Tree Routing, Proc. European Design Automation Conference, Paris, France, February 1994, pp. 430-434.

  20. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., A Unified New Approach to FPGA Routing Based on Multi-Weighted Graphs, Proc. ACM/SIGDA International Workshop on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Berkeley, CA, February 1994.

  21. Hodes, T. D., McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Dynamically-Wiresized Elmore-Based Routing Constructions, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, London, England, May 1994, Volume I, pp. 463-466.

  22. Robins, G., and Salowe, J. S., On the Maximum Degree of Minimum Spanning Trees, ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Stoney Brook, NY, June 1994, pp. 250-258.

  23. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Rectilinear Steiner Trees with Minimum Elmore Delay, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1994, pp. 381-386.

  24. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., High Performance Routing for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Proc. IEEE International ASIC Conference, Rochester, NY, September 1994, pp. 138-141.

  25. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Ganley, J. L., and Robins, G., An Architecture -Independent Approach to FPGA Routing Based on Multi-Weighted Graphs, Proc. European Design Automation Conference, Grenoble, France, September, 1994, pp. 259-264.

  26. Robins, G., and Robinson, B. L., Pattern Minefield Detection from Inexact Data, Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Dual-Use Photonics, Volume 2496, Orlando, FL, April 1995, pp. 568-574.

  27. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., New Performance-Driven FPGA Routing Algorithms, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 1995, pp. 562-567. FPGA benchmarks and routings

  28. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Colflesh, J. L., Karro, J., and Robins, G., Three-Dimensional Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Proc. IEEE International ASIC Conference, Austin, TX, September 1995, pp. 253-256.

  29. Pearson, W. R., Robins, G., Wrege, D. E., and Zhang, T., A New Approach to Primer Selection in Polymerase Chain Reaction Experiments, Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, July, 1995, pp. 285-291.

  30. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Ganley, J. L., and Robins, G., Performance-Oriented Placement and Routing for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Proc. European Design Automation Conference, Brighton, England, September, 1995, pp. 80-85.

  31. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Colflesh, J. L., Karro, J., Peters, E. L. and Robins, G., Physical Layout for Three-Dimensional FPGAs, 1996 ACM/SIGDA Physical Design Workshop, Reston, VA, April, 1996, pp. 142-149.

  32. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Colflesh, J. L., Karro, J., Peters, E. L. and Robins, G., Placement and Routing for Three-Dimensional FPGAs, Fourth Canadian Workshop on Field-Programmable Devices, Toronto, Canada, May, 1996, pp. 11-18.

  33. Bateman, C. D., Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Provably-Good Routing Tree Construction with Multi-Port Terminals, ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Physical Design, Napa Valley, CA, April, 1997, pp. 96-102. group Steiner code (Java)

  34. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Improved Approximation Bounds for the Group Steiner Problem, Proc. Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe, Paris, France, February, 1998, pp. 406-413. group Steiner code (Java)

  35. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Singh, A., Wang, H., and Zelikovsky, A., Filling and Slotting: Analysis and Algorithms, Proc. International Symposium on Physical Design, Monterey, California, April, 1998, pp. 95-102.

  36. Helvig, C. S., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Moving-Target TSP and Related Problems, Proc. European Symposium on Algorithms, Venice, Italy, August, 1998, pp. 453-464, published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1461, G. Bilardi, G. F. Italiano, A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci (eds.), 1998.

  37. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Singh, A., and Zelikovsky, A., New and Exact Filling Algorithms for Layout Density Control, Proc. VLSI Design Conference, Goa, India, January 1999, pp. 106-110.

  38. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Singh, A., and Zelikovsky, A., New Multi-Level and Hierarchical Algorithms for Layout Density Control, Proc. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Hong Kong, China, January 1999, pp. 221-224. Nominated for Best Paper Award

  39. Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Improved Steiner Tree Approximation in Graphs, SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), San Francisco, CA, January 2000, pp. 770-779.

  40. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Monte-Carlo Algorithms for Layout Density Control, Proc. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Yokohama, Japan, January 2000, pp. 523-528.

  41. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Practical Iterated Fill Synthesis for CMP Uniformity, Proc. Design Automation Conference, Los Angeles, June 2000, pp. 671-674.

  42. Blair, D., and Robins, G., A New Distributed System for Large-Scale Sequence Analyses, International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, San Diego, August 2000.

  43. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Hierarchical Dummy Fill for Process Uniformity, Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Yokohama, Japan, January 2001, pp. 139-144.

  44. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Closing the Smoothness and Uniformity Gap in Area Fill Synthesis, ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Physical Design, Del Mar, CA, April 2002, pp. 137-142.

  45. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Monte-Carlo Methods for Chemical-Mechanical Planarization on Multiple-Layer and Dual-Material Models, Proc. Microlithography 2002, International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE), Santa Clara, CA, March 2002, pp. 421-432.

  46. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Zelikovsky, A., and Zheng, Y., Area Fill Generation With Inherent Data Volume Reduction, Proc. Design Automation and Testing in Europe, Munich, Germany, March 2003, pp. 868-873.

  47. ..., Robins, G. et al., Intelligence and Planning, Proceedings of the Conference on Interagency Requirements for Regional Stability / Capacity Building Research and Development, sponsored by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. Department of Defense, Washington D.C., December 2004.

  48. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Zelikovsky, A., and Zheng, Y., Evaluation of the New OASIS Format for Layout Fill Compression, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Israel, December 2004, pp. 377-382.

  49. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Multi-Tag Radio Frequency Identification Systems, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, October, 2005, pp. 83-88.

  50. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Randomized Pseudo-Random Function Tree Walking Algorithm for Secure Radio-Frequency Identification, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, October, 2005, pp. 43-48.

  51. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Generalized 'Yoking Proofs' for a Group of Radio Frequency Identification Tags, Proc. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2006), San Jose, CA, July, 2006.

  52. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Physically Unclonable Function -Based Security and Privacy in RFID Systems, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2007), New York, March, 2007, pp. 211-218.

  53. Bolotnyy, L., Krize, S., and Robins, G., The Practicality of Multi-Tag RFID Systems, Proc. International Conference on Enterprise Information System (ICEIS 2007), International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT 2007), Funchal, Portugal, June 2007.

  54. Bolotnyy, L. and Robins, G., The Case for Multi-Tag RFID Systems, Proc. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA 2007), Chicago, August 2007, pp. 174-186.

  55. Dutta, A., Karnani, N., Malhotra, A., Robins, G., and Taylor, C. M., Extraction of Human DNA Replication Timing Patterns from Discrete Microarray Data, Proc. IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2008), Melbourne, Autralia, October, 2008.

  56. Chawla, K., Robins, G., and Weimer, W., On Mitigating Covert Channels in RFID-Enabled Supply Chains, Proc. Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDSEC 2010), Singapore, February, 2010.

  57. Chawla, K., Robins, G., and Zhang, L., Object Localization Using RFID, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC 2010), Modena, Italy, May, 2010, pp. 301-306.

  58. Chawla, K., Robins, G., and Zhang, L., Efficient RFID-Based Mobile Object Localization, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), Canada, Oct, 2010, pp. 683-690.

  59. Huang, J., Lach, J., and Robins, G., Analytic Error Modeling for Imprecise Arithmetic Circuits, IEEE Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic - System Effects (SELSE 2011), Urbana-Champaign, IL, Mar, 2011.

  60. Huang, J., Lach, J. and Robins, G., A Methodology for Energy-Quality Tradeoffs Using Imprecise Hardware, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2012, pp. 504-509.

  61. Brunelle, N., Robins, G., and shelat, a., Algorithms for Compressed Inputs, IEEE Data Compression Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013, p. 478.

  62. Chawla, K., McFarland, C., Robins, G., and Shope, C., Real-Time RFID Localization Using RSS, IEEE International Conference on Localization and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICL-GNSS), Torino, Italy, 2013, pp. 1-6. This paper won the Best Presentation Award.

  63. Singh, R., Lanchantin, J., Robins, G., and Qi, Y., Transfer String Kernel for Cross-Context Transcription Factor Binding Prediction, International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD'15), Sydney, Australia, 2015.

  64. Brunelle, N., Robins, G., and shelat, a., Compression-Aware Algorithms for Massive Datasets, Data Compression Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.

  65. Tracy, T., Stan, M., Brunelle, N., Wadden, J., Wang, K., Skadron, K., and Robins, G., Nondeterministic Finite Automata in Hardware - the Case of the Levenshtein Automaton, International Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data, at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 2015.

  66. Toward Metrics of Design Automation Research Impact, Kahng, A. B., Luo, M., Nam, G.-J.m Nath, S., Pan, D., and Robins, G., IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Austin, Texas, 2015, pp. 263-270.

  67. Wadden, J., Brunelle, N., Wang, K., El-Hadedy, M., Robins, R., Stan, M., and Skadron, K.,q Generating Efficient and High-Quality Pseudo-Random Behavior on Automata Processors, International Conference on Computer Design, Phoenix, Arizona, 2016, pp. 622-629.

  68. Wadden, J., Dang, V., Brunelle, N., Tracy, T., Guo, D., Sadredini, E., Wang, K., Bo, C., Robins, G. Stan, M., and Skadron, K., ANMLZoo: A Benchmark Suite for Exploring Bottlenecks in Automata Processing Engines and Architectures, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), Providence, Rhode Island, 2016, pp. 105-116.

Technical Reports

  1. Robins, G., The NIKL Manual, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, April 1985.

  2. Kaczmarek, T., Bates, R., and Robins, G., Recent Developments in NIKL, ISI Technical Report ISI/RS-86-167, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, California, November 1986.

  3. Robins, G., The ISI Grapher: a Portable Tool for Displaying Graphs Pictorially, ISI Technical Report ISI/RS-87-196, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, California, September 1987.

  4. Robins, G., The ISI Grapher Manual, ISI Technical Report ISI/TM-88-197, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, California, February 1988.

  5. Robins, G., Applications of The ISI Grapher, ISI Technical Report ISI/RS-88-210, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, California, June 1988.

  6. Robins, G., On Style, Expressibility, and Efficiency in Functional Programming Languages, UCLA Computer Science Department Quarterly, Fall 1987, pp. 105-121; also UCLA CSD TR # CSD-880029, 1988.

  7. Robins, G., Signal Constellation Design Tool: A Case Study in User Interface Synthesis, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-880051, 1988.

  8. Gafni, E., and Robins G., A Potential-Based Proof for a Certain Pebbling Game and its Generalization, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-880062, August 1988.

  9. Robins, G., Teaching Theoretical Computer Science at the Undergraduate Level: Experiences, Observations, and Proposals to Improve the Status Quo, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-880063, August 1988.

  10. Robins, G., An Interactive Gate-Level Simulator of a Classical Von Neumann Architecture, as an Educational Aid for Introducing Novices to the Fundamentals of Computer Organization, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-880064, August 1988.

  11. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., A New Family of Steiner Tree Heuristics with Good Performance, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-900014, April 1990.

  12. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., On Performance Bounds for a Class of Rectilinear Steiner Tree Heuristics in Arbitrary Dimension, April 1990, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-900015, April 1990.

  13. Robins, G., and Kahng A. B., An Optimal Algorithm for Computing All Regular Linear Degeneracies of Pointsets in E^d, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-900045, December 1990.

  14. Kahng, A. B., Cong, J., and Robins, G., High-Performance Clock Routing Based on Recursive Geometric Matching, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-900046, December 1990.

  15. Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Performance-Driven Global Routing for Cell Based IC's, UCLA CSD TR # CSD-900052, December 1990.

  16. Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Provably-Good Performance-Driven Global Routing, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-910013, April 1991.

  17. Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., On Structure and Randomness in Practical Optimization, 1990-1991 UCLA Computer Science Department Annual, 1991, pp. 25-40.

  18. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Walkup, E. A., On Connectivity Verification in Multi-Chip Module Substrates, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-910074, October 1991.

  19. Gomory, R., Hu, T. C., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Robust Path Planning in General Environments, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-910082, December 1991.

  20. Hu, T. C., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., Optimal Solution of the Discrete Plateau Problem, UCLA, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-920006, March 1992.

  21. Robins, G., On Optimal Interconnections, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-920024, June 1992.

  22. Alpert, C., Cong, J., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and M. Sarrafzadeh, Minimum Density Interconnection Trees, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-92-35, October 1992.

  23. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., and Robins, G., High Performance Routing Trees With Identified Critical Sinks, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-92-37, November 1992.

  24. Barrera, T., Griffith, J., McKee, S. A., Robins, G., and Zhang, T., Toward a Steiner Engine: Enhanced Serial and Parallel Implementations of the Iterated 1-Steiner MRST Heuristic, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-92-40, December 1992.

  25. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A. and Robins, G., Fidelity and Near-Optimality of Elmore-Based Routing Constructions, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-14, March 1993.

  26. McCoy, B. A. and Robins, G., Non-Tree Routing, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-16, April 1993.

  27. Robins, G., and Salowe, J. S., On the Maximum Degree of Minimum Spanning Trees, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-93-22, May 1993.

  28. Barrera, T., Griffith, J., Robins, G., and Zhang, T., Narrowing the Gap: Near-Optimal Steiner Trees in Polynomial Time, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-31, June 1993.

  29. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A. and Robins, G., Near-Optimal Critical Sink Routing Tree Constructions, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-46, August 1993; also issued as UCLA Computer Science Department Technical Report # CSD-930029, August 1993.

  30. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., An Architecture-Independent Unified Approach to FPGA Routing, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-51, October 1993.

  31. Robins, G., Wrege, D. E., Zhang, T., and Pearson, R. P., On the Primer Selection Problem in Polymerase Chain Reaction Experiments, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-68, November 1993.

  32. Hodes T. D., McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Dynamically-Wiresized Elmore-Based Routing Constructions, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-93-69, December 1993.

  33. Boese, K. D., Kahng, A. B., McCoy, B. A., and Robins, G., Rectilinear Steiner Trees with Minimum Elmore Delay, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-94-11, March 1994.

  34. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., New Graph Arborescence and Steiner Constructions for High-Performance FPGA Routing, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-94-12, April 1994.

  35. Alexander, M. J., and Robins, G., New Performance-Driven FPGA Routing Algorithms, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-94-49, October 1994.

  36. Alexander, M. J., Cohoon, J. P., Colflesh, J. L., Karro, J., and Robins, G., Three-Dimensional Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-95-15, March, 1995.

  37. Robins, G., and Robinson, B. L., Landmine Detection from Inexact Data, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-95-21, April 1995.

  38. Robins, G., Surfing the Internet, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-95-25, May 1995.

  39. Bateman, C. D., Helvig, C. H., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Provably-Good Routing Tree Construction with Multi-Port Terminals, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-97-07, April 1997.

  40. Helvig, C. H., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., An Approximation Scheme for the Group Steiner Problem, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-97-18, July 1997.

  41. Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., Singh, A., Wang, H., and Zelikovsky, A., Filling and Slotting: Analysis and Algorithms, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-97-30, December 1997.

  42. Helvig, C. H., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Moving-Target TSP and Related Problems, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-98-07, April 1998.

  43. Zelikovsky, A., and Robins, G., Improved Steiner Tree Approximation in Graphs, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-99-28, October 1999.

  44. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Monte-Carlo Algorithms for Layout Density Control, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-99-31, November 1999.

  45. Chen, Y., Kahng, A. B., Robins, G., and Zelikovsky, A., Practical Iterated Fill Synthesis for CMP Uniformity, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2000-10, March 2000.

  46. Haspel, D., Robins, G., and Street, B., A New Generalized Authority-Based Framework for Web Page Discovery, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2001-04, January 2001.

  47. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Inter-Tag Communication and Tag Cooperation in RFID Systems, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2006-11, February 2006.

  48. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Generalized "Yoking-Proofs" for a Group of Radio Frequency Identification Tags, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2006-12, March 2006.

  49. Bolotnyy, L., and Robins, G., Physical Unclonable Function -Based Security and Privacy in RFID Systems, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2007-01, January 2007.

  50. Kreuter, B., Layer, R. M., McDaniel, M., Robins, G., and Skadron, K., Accelerating Genomic Analyses with Parallel Sliding Windows, University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science Technical Report # CS-2010-14, October 2010.

Presentation Slides

  1. A Brief History of Computing [Powerpoint]

  2. A Brief History of Computing [PDF]

  3. Applied Algorithms and Optimization [Powerpoint]

  4. RFID Object Localization (short version) [Powerpoint]

  5. RFID Object Localization (long version) [Powerpoint]

  6. Algorithmic Analysis of Human DNA Replication Timing from Discrete Microarray Data [Powerpoint]

  7. New Directions in Reliability, Security and Privacy in Radio Frequency Identification Systems (Dec 2007) [Powerpoint]

  8. New Directions in Detection, Security and Privacy for RFID (Ph.D. proposal) [Powerpoint]

  9. The Practicality of Multi-Tag RFID Systems [Powerpoint]

  10. Physically Unclonable Function -Based Security and Privacy in RFID Systems [Powerpoint]

  11. Randomized PRF Tree Walking Algorithm for Secure RFID [Powerpoint]

  12. New Approaches to Analyzing Biological Sequences [Powerpoint]

  13. Multiple Sequence Alignment by Iterative Tree-Neighbor Alignments [Powerpoint]

  14. A Web-based Tool for Visual Identification of Novel Genes [Powerpoint]

  15. A Distributed System for Biological Sequence Analyses [Powerpoint]

  16. Quantum Algorithms for the Moving-Target Traveling Salesperson Problem [Powerpoint]

  17. Improved Steiner Tree Approximations in Graphs [Powerpoint]

  18. Hierarchical Dummy Fill for Process Uniformity [Powerpoint]

  19. Closing the Smoothness and Uniformity Gap in Area Fill Synthesis (long version) [Powerpoint]

  20. Closing the Smoothness and Uniformity Gap in Area Fill Synthesis (short version) [Powerpoint]


  1. Computer Science at Virginia - Thomas Jefferson With Laptop

  2. Applied Algorithms and Optimization

  3. Radio Frequency Identification Systems: New Ideas and Algorithms

  4. Generalized 'Yoking-Proofs' for a Group of RFID Tags

  5. Area Fill Synthesis Algorithms for Enhanced VLSI Manufacturability

  6. Quantum Algorithms for the Moving-Target Traveling Salesperson Problem

  7. A New Distributed System for Large Scale Sequence Analyses

  8. A Web-based Tool for Visual Identification of Novel Genes

  9. The Generalized Neighbor Joining Method

  10. Primer Selection for Polymerase Chain Reactions

  11. Filling Algorithms and Analyses for Improved VLSI Manufacturability

  12. Moving Target TSP and Related Problems

  13. Improved Approximation Bounds for the Group Steiner Problem

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