
  • 6 Oct 2024: clarify item 6 regarding what kind of reworking of page_allocate/translate is not expected

Your task:

  1. This assignment has multiple submissions.

    For all parts of this assignment, follow the coding style described below and make sure your code does not give warnings when compiled with -Wall1.

    For the first submission, you must complete one of the following:

    1. ptbr and translate from item 2 for LEVELS=1 and POBITS=12. We describe below how you can test translate without working page_allocate.
    2. ptbr and page_allocate from item 2 for LEVELS=1 and POBITS=12, where ptbr is manually set to an allocated, empty page table as described below (i.e., its lower 12 bits are 0).

    (You can choose which to complete; if you attempt both, we will take the grade based on whichever option’s implementation is more complete.)

    For the second submission, which is in preparation for a code review, you must complete all of items 2 and 3 below.

    For the final submission, you must complete all parts below (and should fix any problems identified in the code review).

    (This assignment will be worth considerably more than a normal one-week assignment. A vast majority of the grade for the assignment will be based on what you submit on the final submission. For the final submission, we will grade (again) tasks which should have been completed on earlier submissions.)

  2. Implement a simulation of multi-level page table lookup and allocation.

    For the purposes of this simulation physical addresses are the ones your simulation program can access via pointers.

    The layout of this page table must be configurable via config.h (example shown below), which will #define the constants:

    • LEVELS – number of levels in the page table
    • POBITS – the size of page offsets (which, as described below, also determined the size of each page table)

    Page tables will follow the format described below.

    Although virtual addresses will be represented using 64-bit size_ts, usually not all bits of those size_ts will be used; you may assume that any unused bits will be set to 0 when your code is called.

    Your code must implement API provided by a header file called mlpt.h, an version of which is supplied here. It includes:

    • extern size_t ptbr — page table base register; must be initially 0. Later, will contain the address of a page table your code allocates as a result of calls to page_allocate.

    • size_t translate(size_t va) — translate the virtual address va using the currently setup page table. If the address is not allocated, return a value with all bits set to 1.

    • void page_allocate(size_t va) — setup a mapping in the page tables pointed to by ptbr so that it contains a mapping from the virtual address va to physical address (if such a mapping does not already exist). Any page tables and pages needed and not yet allocated must be allocated using posix_memalign. (Any pages or page tables already created, such as by a prior call to page_allocate, should be reused. If the mapping is already entirely setup, the function should do nothing.)

  3. Prepare a Makefile for your code that:

    • produces, as its default target, a library called libmlpt.a that exports the API defined in mlpt.h (and does not export a function called main)
    • has CC, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS defined
    • uses defined arguments in its work
    • has correct dependencies for each target
    • has all and clean targets
  4. Write a README explaining (at a minimum):

    • How to customize config.h, with some guidance on how to pick values for that file.
    • Any known bugs or limitations (if you know of none, there is no need to say so; if you have an incomplete implementation so far, you’ll probably have some to document).

    You are encouraged to add additional detail, such as

    • Any limitations, aspects you think are incomplete, or suggestions for future expansion.
    • Big-O analysis (time, space, or both).
    • Description of any testing hooks you added.
    • Code samples for how to use this library.

    If anyone or any resource helped your implementation, also include an ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS file acknowledging those people and/or resources.

  5. Include a LICENSE and licenses.txt files as described below.

  6. The interface we describe above does not support deallocating memory.

    Propose some kind of interface to support de-allocation for the page table implementation. You can decide what kind of function(s) should be part of this interface. Document this interface in your README.

    Then, determine whether the interface you chose is possible to implement without changing the existing page_allocate/translate interface or reworking the internals of your implementation of those functions.

    If so, add it to your implementation (including mlpt.h).

    If not, document why did not implement the interface in your README. This explanation must include at least one of —

    • a description of specific changes that should be made to the page_allocate and/or translate implementations to allow the de-allocation interface to be implemented; or
    • an explanation of how the interfaces for page_allocate and/or translate (and related functionality) should be changed to accomodate de-allocation (in addition to the code in any new de-allocation-specific functions)

1 Specification

We supply two header files.

1.1 config.h

config.h does nothing other than #defineing two constants.

/** LEVELS = number of PTEs used to translate one address. */
#define LEVELS  1

/** POBITS = number of bits used for the page offset. */
#define POBITS  12

and must continue to work even if we change their values. For example, if we compile with a different config.h that #defines LEVELS as 3 instead of 1, your code should create a 3-level page table instead of a 1-level page table. Your code should work for all integer values of LEVELS between 1 and 6 inclusive and all integer values of POBITS between 4 and 18 inclusive. As an exception, it does not need to (but may) support cases where (POBITS − 3) × (LEVELS + 1) > 60.

1.2 mlpt.h

mlpt.h defines the public API your code will use. You are welcome to edit it, provided such edits will not cause testing code to fail to compile.

 * Page table base register.
 * Declared here so tester code can look at it; because it is extern
 * you'll need to define it (without extern) in exactly one .c file.
extern size_t ptbr;

 * Given a virtual address, return the physical address.
 * Return a value consisting of all 1 bits
 * if this virtual address does not have a physical address.
size_t translate(size_t va);

 * Use posix_memalign to create page tables and other pages sufficient
 * to have a mapping between the given virtual address and some physical address.
 * If there already is such a page, does nothing.
void page_allocate(size_t va);

2 Pages, page table and ptbr format

  1. Since POBITS is the size of page offsets, pages occupy 2POBITS bytes (where POBITS is a constant defined in config.h that we may change).

  2. Each page table will be an array of 8-byte page table entries. Each page table will occupy one physical page. (For example, with POBITS set to 12, this means that page tables will contain 212/8 = 512 entries.)

  3. When interpreted as a size_t, a page table entry’s least significant bit will indicate whether it is valid:

    • If that bit is 0, then that indicates that there is no corresponding physical page. The remaining bits have no meaning, so you may use them however you wish.

    • If that bit is 1, then most significant (64-POBITS) are the physical page number of the corresponding physical page. For a non-last-level page table entry, this will be the location of the next level’s page table; otherwise, this will be a location where (non-page-table) data could be stored.

      If POBITS is set to 12, then PTE 0x1234567812345679 has a one in the low-order bit, and thus indicates the presence of a physical page or another level page table. If POBITS is 12, the physical page number (of the page or next page table level) is 0x1234567812345. The corresponding physical address of the first byte of that page is 0x1234567812345000.

  4. There will be LEVELS level of page tables (where LEVELS is a constant defined in config.h that we may change).

    The number of LEVELS and the size of page tables will determine the effective size of virtual addresses.

    With POBITS set to 12 and LEVELS set to 2,

    page tables each contain 212/8 = 512 = 29 entries and only 30 bits from virtual addresses will be used: a 12-bit page offset and an 18-bit (2 times 9 bits) virtual page number, which will be divided into two parts for the page table lookup.

  5. The global variable ptbr represents the page table register. It should be 0 (a null pointer) when no page tables are allocated. (Even though it is a size_t, it represents an address.)

3 Coding Style

4 LICENSE and licenses.txt

You need to choose a license for the code you supply. Include the chosen license as LICENSE and a file licenses.txt indicating your exploration of licenses.

This should be based on an existing family of license agreements. Unless you have had formal training in commercial law, you should use an existing license, not try to create your own.

4.1 licenses.txt

In licenses.txt, list at least three licenses you considered; include a short (sentence or two) summary of what they seemed to say; and why you chose to or not to use each as your license.

Your review should include at least three licenses, including

All should be software licenses; this excludes licenses such as the various CC licenses for creative works, the SIL Open Font License, operating system licenses, etc.


Include a LICENSE file with the license agreement under which you provide your code to us.

5 Not required: create a manual page

If you want to understand the real world a bit better, you might also try writing a manual page. These are written in a language known as roff; to see an example of what this looks like, try running

cp /usr/share/man/man3p/poll.3p.gz ./
gunzip poll.3p.gz
less poll.3p

to see the roff source of the manual page man 3p poll. I don’t personally know anyone who writes roff by hand; generally it is output from a source-code processing tool like doxygen2 or a converter like pandoc from an easier-to-write format like markdown or reStrucuredText.

Including man page page_allocate.3.gz and translate.3.gz in your submission will earn you kudos. To test that these work properly,

  1. create a directory man3 (i.e., mkdir man3)

  2. gzip the roff file and move it to man3/term_to_look_up.3.gz (e.g., gzip translate.roff; mv translate.roff.gz man3/translate.3.gz) – note that some authoring tools may do some of this for you

  3. use the -M flag with man pointing to the parent directory of man3 (i.e., man -M. 3 translate)

6 Hints

6.1 Common C issues

6.1.1 posix_memalign issues

  1. posix_memalign(&x, ...) is similar to x = malloc(...) except that the address x is guarenteed at a multiple of a particular value. The pointer to pointer passed into posix_memalign is used in lieu of returning a pointer to the memory allocated. (The return value of posix_memalign indicates success (0) or failure (non-zero error code).)

  2. If posix_memalign is not defined after #include <stdlib.h>, adding #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 or similar before any #include may help.

    posix_memalign is not part of standard C; it’s something Linux and other Unix-like systems have added. If you are compiling with -std=c11 or similar, then by default <stdlib.h> only includes things from the C standard. You can override this to request additional functions with feature test macros like _XOPEN_SOURCE. On Linux, the command man feature_test_macros brings up the full documentation about thea available feature test macros.

  3. posix_memalign does not initialize the memory it allocates to any particular value (so you cannot rely on it being all 0s, for example).

6.1.2 using ptbr

  1. (size_t*) ptbr uses the value contained in ptbr as a pointer — in other words, it interprets ptbr as a memory address and allows it to be dereferenced to access that memory address. In contrast, &ptbr gets a pointer to the value contained in ptbr; in other words, it makes a pointer to ptbr — derferencing that pointer will modify ptbr itself, not things around the address it contains.

6.1.3 integers versus pointers

  1. If you have an integer (such as something declared as a size_t) and want to access the value stored there, you can convert it to a pointer and then dereference it:

    size_t address;
    size_t *address_as_pointer;
    address = /* some code that computes an address as an integer */;
    address_as_pointer = (size_t *) address;
    size_t value_from_address = *address_as_pointer;
  2. If you add to a pointer, it modifies the address based on the size of what the pointer points to. For example given:

    size_t *ptr;
    size_t *new_ptr;
    new_ptr = ptr + 10;

    will set new_ptr to an address that is 10*sizeof(size_t) = 80 more than new_ptr, similar to if one did:

    size_t temp;
    temp = (size_t) ptr;
    temp = temp + 80;
    new_ptr = (size_t*) temp;

6.2 Page table format and page numbers

  1. Our testing code will expect you to follow the page table format specified above. We specify the format in terms of page numbers rather than full addresses (which would have a page number and page offset). If our testing code seems to think that page table entries don’t contain the addresses you think they do, using a different format might be why.

6.3 Testing translate without page_allocate

  1. You can manually set ptbr to a hard-coded page table array to test translate without page_allocate being implemented. The below items show examples of how to do this with POBITS = 12 and LEVELS = 1.

  2. After including <stdalign.h>, you can use alignas(4096)3 to make a variable be allocated at an address that is a multiple of 4096. Using this, you can declare an array of size_ts which takes up a (simulated) physical page as follows:

    static size_t page_of_data[512];

    We could also declare it as an array of 1-byte chars as follows:

    static char page_of_data[4096];

    though this would make it more difficult to set individual page table entries later.

  3. By default, global-scope variables in C (and C++) will be zero-initialized, so page_of_data declared as above will initially be an array of 0s. Since these have a valid bit of 0 in our page table format, you can test translate() with an empty page table by doing something like:

    static size_t testing_page_table[512];
    static void set_testing_ptbr(void) {
        ptbr = (size_t) &testing_page_table[0];

    (and calling set_testing_ptbr())

    With a proper implementation of translate(), translate(X) will be ~0 (all 1 bits) for every address (that is not too big to be a virtual address).

  4. Since page table entries are 8 bytes (the size of size_t), setting index X of the array declared will set index X of the page table. So, let’s say (with POBITS = 12 and LEVELS = 1), we want to set virtual page 3 to point to a (simulated) physical page of data. We’ll first allocate memory for that physical page of data as a global variable:

    static char data_for_page_3[4096];

    Then, we need to convert the physical address of data_for_page_3 into a page table entry. To do this, we can first extract the page number from the address:

    size_t address_of_data_for_page_3_as_integer = (size_t) &data_for_page_3[0]; 
    size_t physical_page_number_of_data_for_page_3 = address_of_data_for_page_3_as_integer >> 12;
        // instead of >> 12, we could have written:
            // address_of_data_for_page_3_as_integer / 4096
    size_t page_table_entry_for_page_3 = (
            // physical page number in upper (64-POBITS) bits
            (physical_page_number_of_data_for_page_3 << 12)
            // valid bit in least significant bit, set to 1

    Then, we can store that page number at index 3 in a page table:

    // assuming testing_page_table initialized as above and ptbr points to it
    testing_page_table[3] = page_table_entry_for_page_3;

    After this, we should observe that passing an address with virtual page number 3 to translate() will return physical addresses that are part of data_for_page_3. For example, we would expect

    translate(0x3045) == (size_t) &data_for_page_3[0x45]

6.4 Testing page_allocate

  1. Since page_allocate’s primary job is to allocate memory when neeeded, for testing, I would recommend having some way to count how many allocations occur.

  2. With LEVELS=1, there are three cases to test for page_allocate:

    • on the first call, two physical pages should be allocated — one to create the page table (and set ptbr to a non-zero value) and one to allocate a page for data
    • on later calls:
      • if the page number supplied to page_allocate hasn’t been used before (is not marked valid in the page table), then one page for data should be allocated;
      • otherwise, no pages should be allocated
  3. page_allocate should set page table entries pointed to by ptbr. You can treat ptbr like an array of size_ts to examine them. For example, to print out the page table entry with index 3 (with POBITS=12, LEVELS=1):

    size_t *pointer_to_table;
    pointer_to_table = (size_t *) ptbr;
    size_t page_table_entry = pointer_to_table[3];
    printf("PTE @ index 3: valid bit=%d  physical page number=0x%lx\n",
        (int) (page_table_entry & 1),
        (long) (page_table_entry >> 12)

6.5 Example for LEVELS=4, POBITS=12

The comments in the following code correctly describe the number of pages that have ever been allocated assuming that LEVELS is 4 and POBITS is 12. (With smaller LEVELS values, either you would not use all the non-zero bits of the virtual addresses being tested or the virtual page numbers would be out of range.)

If you want to use this code to test your solution, it would be useful to have a counter of how often posix_memalign is called.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "mlpt.h"
#include "config.h"

int main() {
    // 0 pages have been allocated
    assert(ptbr == 0);

    // 5 pages have been allocated: 4 page tables and 1 data
    assert(ptbr != 0);

    // no new pages allocated (still 5)
    int *p1 = (int *)translate(0x456789abcd00);
    *p1 = 0xaabbccdd;
    short *p2 = (short *)translate(0x456789abcd02);
    printf("%04hx\n", *p2); // prints "aabb\n"

    assert(translate(0x456789ab0000) == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
    // 1 new page allocated (now 6; 4 page table, 2 data)

    assert(translate(0x456789ab0000) != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
    // 2 new pages allocated (now 8; 5 page table, 3 data)

6.6 Diagrams of translate and lookup

All these assume a ptbr variable stored at address 0x5898, containing 0x10000 and a POBITS setting of 12.

The diagrams show physical memory addresses, with lowest address at the bottom of the diagram and the address of each thing labeled on the left-hand side. For example, translate(va) labeling a line indicates that the translate(va) (that is, the return value of translate) is equal to the address of this line. Lines with arrows at both ends marking a portion of the address space indicate that the size of that space is based on the value of something. For example, the region labeled virtual page number from va indicates that the size of that region is computed from the virtual page number stored in va.

6.6.1 1-level translate

6.6.2 1-level page_allocate

6.6.3 2-level translate

6.7 reading

In addition to materials from slides, our reading on multi-level page tables work generally also include some relevant diagrams and pseudocode.

  1. …because you resolved the warnings, not because you disabled them with warning-ignoring #pragmas or the like.↩︎

  2. which is installed on department machines; see man doxygen for more.↩︎

  3. An alternate way to do this, mentioned by previous version of this writeup, is to use __attribute__((aligned(4096))) instead of alignas(4096). This is only likely to work in GCC or Clang (and, in my opinion, is a lot uglier).↩︎