CS 200 
Computer Science
from Ada and Euclid to Quantum Computing and the World Wide Web
Spring 2003
Schedule - Problem Sets - Exams - Lectures - Syllabus - Links

CS200 - Poolside Cafe

On 7 February, our class visited the Poolside Cafe in the Aquatic and Fitness Center to work on the Barista Assista problem on sorting algorithms and recursive programming with lists. The IM/REC sports staff responsible for the AFC found it disturbing that students would come to the Cafe in the AFC and buy coffee and smoothies and use their ample and pleasant space to study and threatened to call the police to forcibly remove us.

Here are some letters about that incident:

Excerpted from Craig Littlepage's letter
CS 200

CS 200: Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
University of Virginia

Circle Fractal by Ramsey Arnaoot and Qi Wang

Using these Materials