CS201J: Engineering Software, Fall 2002
Notes: Thursday 12 September 2002
Assignments Due
- 12 September: Read Ch 5.3-5.10
- 19 September: Problem Set 3
- Upcoming lab hours: (Small Hall): Thursday, 5-7pm (Sol); 7-9pm (Tiffany); Sunday 4-6pm (Mike); Monday 6-8pm (Serge); Wednesday (18 Sept), 5-7pm (Sol); Wednesday (18 Sept), 8-9pm (Tiffany).
Notes and Questions
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to array bounds errors:
- No checking (C)
- Run-time checking (Java)
- Static checking (ESC/Java)
Graph Data Abstraction
In class Tuesday, we will work on implementing a Graph data abstraction that satisfies this specification:
public class Graph { // OVERVIEW: // A Graph is a mutable type that represents an undirected // graph. It consists of nodes that are named by Strings, // and edges that connect a pair of nodes. // A typical Graph is: < Nodes, Edges > // where // Nodes = { n1, n2, , nm } // and // Edges = { {from_1, to_1}, , {from_n, to_n} } // Creator public Graph () // EFFECTS: Initializes this to a graph // with no nodes or edges: < {}, {} >. // Mutators public void addNode (String name) // REQUIRES: name is not the name of a node in this // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: adds a node named name to this: // this_post = < this_pre.nodes U { name }, this_pre.edges > public void addEdge (String fnode, String tnode) // REQUIRES: fnode and tnode are names of nodes in this. // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: Adds an edge from fnode to tnode to this: // this_post = < this_pre.nodes, this_pre.edges U { {fnode, tnode} } > // Observers public boolean hasNode (String node) // EFFECTS: Returns true iff node is a node in this. public StringIterator nodes () // EFFECTS: Returns the StringIterator that // yields all nodes in this in arbitrary order. StringSet getNeighbors (String node) // REQUIRES: node is a node in this // EFFECTS: Returns the StringSet consisting of all nodes in this // that are directly connected to node: // \result = { n | {node, n} is in this.edges } }Links
Buffer Overflows
- CAIDA Analysis of Code Red
- CERT Advisory. The request that exploits the buffer overflow vulnerability: /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a- Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit, Aleph One
- Improving Security Using Extensible Lightweight Static Analysis (David Evans and David Larochelle), IEEE Software, Jan/Feb 2002.
Run-Time Exceptions
- Reports on the Ariane 5 run-time exception: Lions Report (official inquiry), Jean-Marc Jiziquel and Bertrand Meyer Stephen Marshall (include video of explosion)
Our recommendation now is the same as our recommendation a month ago, if you haven't patched your software, do so now.
Scott Culp, security program manager for Microsoft's security response center
University of Virginia Department of Computer Science CS 201J: Engineering Software |
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation |
cs201j-staff@cs.virginia.edu |