CS201J: Engineering Software, Fall 2002
Notes: Tuesday 3 December 2002
- 4 December (11:59pm): Problem Set 7 (code submission)
- 5 December (beginning of class): Problem Set 7 (turnin)
- Thursday's class will meet in Olsson 001 (details below)
- The final exam will be handed out 5 December and due Tuesday 10 December before 4:30pm.
Snakes Tournament Thursday's class will meet in Olsson 001, try to arrive a bit early to get logged in and warm up your snakes. Guests are welcome to help cheer for your snake and intimidate your opponent's.
- Java History:
- The Java Saga, Wired, December 1995
- A Brief History of the Green Project, James Gosling.
- Microsoft-Java Lawsuit:
- Microsoft's Unbiased Information Site
- Sun's Unbiased Information Site
- Jousting over Java, cNet News, 27 October 1997.
- Sun, Microsoft settle Java suit, cNet News, 23 January 2001.
- C#
- C# Introduction
- A Comparative Overview of C#, Ben Albahari.
- C# for Dummies
- University of Waterloo: University of Waterloo lands $2.3-million Microsoft grant, Globe and Mail, 14 August; UW receives first $2.3M from Microsoft alliance, 14 August 2002; UW reconsiders deal with Microsoft, The Record, 13 September 2002.
E&CE weighed all the aspects of it and was comfortable with the change...
UW is really sensitive to curriculum decisions it makes. $2.3 million isn't enough to sacrifice curriculum.
DiCiccio, University of Waterloo's Director of Institute for Computer Research
(Note: those are Canadian dollars.)
University of Virginia Department of Computer Science CS 201J: Engineering Software |
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation |
cs201j-staff@cs.virginia.edu |