public class Genome {
    // OVERVIEW: A genome is an immutable type for representing sequence of base pairs.

    private /*@non_null@*/ String dna;

    public Genome (/*@non_null@*/ String s)
	dna = s;

    public String toString ()
	return dna;

    int mutationDistance (/*@non_null@*/ Genome g)
    // effects Returns the number of point mutations required to turn 
    //         this into g.  Each mutation changes the value of one
    //         base.  (We are not allowing insertions, deletions, etc.
    //         for now.)
	int size = dna.length ();
	int mutations = 0;

	if (dna.length () > g.dna.length ()) {
	    size = g.dna.length ();
	    mutations += (dna.length () - size);
	} else if (g.dna.length () > size) {
	    mutations += (g.dna.length () - size);

	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
	    if (dna.charAt (i) != g.dna.charAt (i)) {
	return mutations;
