University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
CS588: Cryptology - Principles and Applications, Fall 2001

Course-Specific Evaulation Survey

Please return this in class on December 5th. Your comments are much appreciated and will help me improve future classes I teach. This is a quite long and specific survey; answer as much or as little as you want. For some questions, choices are given to save you time filling out the survey, but feel free to write free-form answers instead if you prefer.

This survey is anonymous. If you prefer to type your answers, you may download the HTML from

Please remember to also fill out the official SEAS survey. That survey is for the administration to evaluate me and the class. This survey is for me to improve future courses I teach.


What was the worst thing about this course?

What was the most useful thing about this course?

What (if anything) from this course do you expect to use a year from now?

What (if anything) from this course do you expect to remember 10 years from now?

I would prefer:
____ Fewer topics, more depth
____ More topics, less depth
____ Similar to what was done


What should I do to make lectures easier to follow?

What should I do to make lectures more interesting?


For each of the guest lectures, please indicate whether or not you thought it was worthwhile by checking one of the choices. (Leave blank if you missed that class.)

Gary McGraw, Cigital: (Attacking Malicious Code)
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.
____ Missed it.

Laura Brown, Ernst and Young: (Privacy)
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.
____ Missed it.

Dan Ortiz, UVA Law School: (Copyright)
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.
____ Missed it.

Who (either specific people or types of people) would you suggest for future guest lecturers?


Was the forced random partner collaboration policy for PS4 a good idea?
____ Yes, do all assignments that way
____ Yes, but only for PS4
____ No, I'd rather pick my partner
____ No, I'd rather work alone

Should the encrypted midterm be handed out?
____ Yes, like it was
____ Yes, but make it more clear what it is
____ No

Any other comments on the assignments?


How likely are you to pursue a job or graduate school in a field related to security:
____ I hope to get a job/grad school in security, I did before the class.
____ I hope to get a job/grad school in security, I didn't before the class.
____ I don't want to get a job in security, I didn't want one before the class.
____ I don't want to get a job in security, I wanted one before the class.

CS 655 University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science
CS 588: Cryptology - Principles and Applications
David Evans