I received my PhD from the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia, advised by Professor
Kevin Skadron, the director of
Center for Research in Intelligent Storage and Processing in Memory (CRISP).
My research explores accelerator design for machine learning applications, mapping and optimization of modern applications on emerging processors
and accelerators, processing in memory (PIM), GPGPU, parallelism and optimization, MPSoC and NoC, and heuristic optimization.
Marh 2022: Our paper is accepted to appear in ISCA 2022.
Feb 2022: I am invited to present my PhD dissertation at Qualcomm.
December 2021: Our paper is accepted to appear in IEEE Micro.
September 2021: I am inivited to speak at 6th IBM Research Workshop on the Future of Computing Architectures (FOCA 2021).
July 2021: SRC funded our patent application for the second generation of Fulcrum with additional support for a new range of applications.
June 2021: Our patent for Fulcrum is awarded.
May 2021: I received John A. Stankovic Outstanding Graduate Research Award.
March 2021: Our paper, Sieve, is accepted in ISCA 2021.
Jun 2020: Our paper is accepted to appear in JETC.
Jan 2020: Our HPCA paper, Impala, is nominated for the best paper award.
November 2019: Our paper, Fulcrum, is accepted in HPCA 2020.
November 2019: Our paper, FlexAmata, is accepted in ASPLOS 2020.
November 2019: Our paper, Impala, is accepted in HPCA 2020.
October 2019: Our paper is nominated for the best paper award in IISWC-2019.
August 2019: Our paper is accepted in IISWC 2019.
Reducing Data Movement
by Lightweight Semi-general-processing inside Memory
Reducing Data Movement
by a Data-aware Compression in General-purpose Processors
●Gearbox: A Case for Supporting Accumulation Dispatching and
Hybrid Partitioning in PIM-based Accelerators.
Marzieh Lenjani, Alif Ahmed, Mircea R. Stan, and Kevin Skadron.
The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2022. (Acceptance rate: 16%).
● Supporting Moderate Data Dependency, Position Dependency, and Divergence in PIM-based Accelerators.
Marzieh Lenjani, and Kevin Skadron.
IEEE Micro, 2022.
● Sieve: Scalable In-situ DRAM-based Accelerator Designs for
Massively Parallel K-mer Matching.
Lingxi Wu, Rasool Sharifi, Marzieh Lenjani, Kevin Skadron, and Ashish Venkat.
The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2021. (Acceptance rate: 18%).
● Fulcrum: a Simplified Control and Access Mechanism toward Flexible and Practical In-situ Accelerators.
Marzieh Lenjani, Patricia Gonzalez, Elaheh Sadredini, Shuangchen Li, Yuan Xie, Ameen Akel, Sean Eilert, Mircea R. Stan, and Kevin Skadron.
The 26th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2020 (Acceptance rate: 19%).
● Towards on-node Machine Learning for Ultra-low-power Sensors Using Asynchronous Σ Δ Streams.
Patricia Gonzalez-Guerrero, Tommy Tracy II, Xinfei Guo, Rahul Sreekumar, Marzieh Lenjani, Kevin Skadron, and Mircea R. Stan.
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC)), 16(4), 1-20, 2020.
● FlexAmata: A Universal and Efficient Adaption of Applications to Spatial Automata Processing Accelerators.
Elaheh Sadredini, Reza Rahimi, Marzieh Lenjani, Mircea Stan, Kevin Skadron.
The 25th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2020 (Acceptance rate: 18%). Artifact Available and Artifact Evaluated/Functional Badges.
● Impala: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Design for In-Memory Multi-Stride Pattern Matching. (Best Paper Nominee).
Elaheh Sadredini, Reza Rahimi (equal contribution), Marzieh Lenjani, Mircea Stan, Kevin Skadron.
The 26th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2020 (Acceptance rate: 19%).
● An Overflow-free Quantized Memory Hierarchy in General-Purpose Processors. (Best Paper Nominee).
Marzieh Lenjani, Patricia Gonzalez, Elaheh Sadredini, M Arif Rahman, and Mircea Stan.
IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2019,
● Scalable In-situ DRAM-Based Accelerators and Methods of Operating the Same
Lingxi Wu, Rasool Sharifi, Marzieh Lenjani, Kevin Skadron
U.S. Patent Application No. 17/462,836.
● Filing in progress: Second version of Fulcrum with additional support for new applications
Marzieh Lenjani, Kevin Skadron
Patent application funded by SRC,
MoveProf (
GitHub): Integrating NVProf and GPUWattch for extracting the
energy cost of data movement.
QuantizerDequantizer (
GitHub): Verilog implementation of a lightweight, flexible bitwidth, and overflow-free quantizer-dequantizer modules for general-purpose processors.
● John A. Stankovic Outstanding Graduate Research Award, May 2021.
● Best Paper Candidate, IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, San Diego, February 2020.
● Best Paper Candidate, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), Florida, November 2019.