Table of Contents
Software Modules
Software modules make it easy for you to use software installed on CS servers. We provide a wide range of software across all our servers so that you don't have to install software on your own. We also offer different versions of software, letting users choose which they want to use.
How Software Modules Work
Software modules modify Environment Variables unique to your shell. Environment variables include for example the variable PATH
, which are directory path(s) to executables to use when typing a command in your terminal. For example, when you log in via SSH, variables such as the PATH
variable are set or updated to contain the location(s) of various executable commands such as vim
, sinfo
, and others.
Each time you load a module, this variable and others are updated to make additional commands or libraries available to your shell.
Software Module Requests
If software is required but is not listed, please send an email to
with the following information:
- In the subject line, write: Software Module Request: <software name and version>
- In the body of the email, include information about the requested software
- Links to software documentation page(s) if available
- Version(s) required
Backend Module Software Transition (2025)
In January of 2025, the CS department is transitioning the backend software used for interacting with modules from Environment Modules to LMOD (LMOD Homepage), and implementing EasyBuild (EasyBuild Homepage) for maintaining modules.
Reasons for using LMOD
- LMOD is a modern module interaction software that is commonly found in Linux based computing environments
- Interacts directly with EasyBuild so that modulefiles are integrated and managed easily
- Customizable options such as caching to improve speed for commands such as
module avail
Reasons for using EasyBuild
- EB automatically generates modulefile(s) when compiling software and allows for granular control for software builds
- This allows our team to more quickly add/update available software as needed
- EB offers a large library of available software modules that can be compiled from prewritten compilation/build definition files
- These can be adjusted to fit specific needs and requests
- EB is commonly used in HPC environments, including UVA Research Computing, and thus can be used as an instructional tool
- EB compiles and creates software dependencies as modules themselves so that OS package dependencies are de-emphasized
- Software is compiled using a specific toolchain, such as a specific version of GCC. This means we can support software compiled with specific versions of GCC more easily and support multiple versions
The existing module system will be kept until approximately January 2026 and then fully removed thereafter. For information on how use the legacy system, click here.
Under this new system, there will be three primary types of modulefiles and available software
- Common/Core
- These are software modules compiled and maintained using EasyBuild
- Custom
- These are software modules that were manually compiled that are not available within EasyBuild or have another reason for manual compilation
- Licensed
- These are software modules that require some form of license to use (for example,
, etc.)
Important Notes & Changes
- Generally, executing
module purge
before loading software or when switching modules is recommended. This ensures dependency modules are unloaded from other software(s) and only the software you want is loaded
- Module version suffixes now end with a slash character
instead of a dash charactergcc-11.2.0
- When a version is not specifed, the default will be loaded. Default modules are marked with
when usingmodule avail
- Modules Renamed
is nowcuda
is nowcudnn/<version>-CUDA-<version>
is nowpython/3.12.3
, or simplypython
for the latest version availablepython2
is nowpython/2.7.18
- Modules Removed
- These are modules that failed to compile, are presumed unused due to their age, or are not functional under the new system. If one is listed that is still required, please submit a request to cshelpdesk@virginia
valgrind 3.13.0
(now a local OS package install on each server)valgrind 3.20.0
(now a local OS package install on each server)valgrind 3.23.0
(now a local OS package install on each server)verilator-4.024
Using Legacy Modules
To switch to the legacy module system, execute the following
- Note, this makes the new EasyBuild module system unavailable to use to prevent software conflicts
- Note, all legacy modules may or may not function properly due to paths being updated
module purge export MODULEPATH="/swlegacy/ubuntu/modules/modulefiles"
If you are submitting a SLURM job that uses the old modules, you will have to include this in your SBATCH scripts before any module load
commands are used.
To switch back to the new system, simply log out and back in.
Module FAQ
- What is the difference between
can be considered a base or core compiler used for compiling items such asCLang
howver containsGCCCore
- For any module that lists
as a requirement, loadinggcc/<version>
will also work
- I'm unable to run module commands in a *ZSH* shell OR receiving the error
compinit: function definition file not found
. To solve this, execute the following command before starting your zsh shellunset FPATH
source /etc/profile.d/
(this may not be necessary depending on your zsh configurations)
Using Software Modules
Modules are compiled using a toolchain such as gcc
, the system default (i.e. what the server has available), or others. This means that modules compiled using a toolchain will not be available (i.e. won't be shown with module avail
) until the toolchain has been loaded.
For example, openmpi
will not show up in the module avail
output until the appropriate GCC toolchain is loaded. Required modules can be found by using the module spider <module name & version>
as shown below.
In-depth information about module usage and interaction can be found (here).
To list available modules
module avail
To load a default module (no version specified)
module load <module name>
To load a specific version, include the version suffix
module load <module name>/1.2.3
To search for modules and list required dependency modules to load certain modules
module spider <module name & version>
For example, to load python
, first search for what python versions are available
module spider python ---------------------------- python: ---------------------------- Description: Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Versions: python/2.7.18 python/3.10.8 python/3.11.3 python/3.12.3
Then, search for required modules to load first before loading a specific version of python
module spider python/3.12.3 ---------------------------- python: python/3.12.3 ---------------------------- ... output omitted ... You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "python/3.12.3" module is available to load. gcccore/13.3.0
Thus, gcccore/13.3.0
is required to load python/3.12.3
module load gcccore/13.3.0 module load python/3.12.3
Alternatively, you can load the required module and the module itself on one line
module load gcccore/13.3.0 python/3.12.3
To load the default version, simply omit the version
module load gcccore python
To show all currently loaded modules
module list
To show information about a module
module whatis <module name & version>
To unload a module
- Note, some module load multiple dependencies as shown with a
module list
command, which are not unloaded automatically. It's recommended to purge (unload all) modules instead
module unload <module name & version>
To purge (unload all) loaded modules
module purge
Software Modules & SLURM
Before submitting a job, it is recommended to unload all loaded modules using module purge
before and during the job launch, and then load them in the job script or at the command line for an interactive job.
This ensures that no unexpected modules are carried forward into your job from your shell's environment variables.
SBATCH Example
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 #SBATCH --mem=16000 #SBATCH -t 04:00:00 #SBATCH -p gpu #SBATCH --mail-type=begin,end #SBATCH --mail-user=<computingID> module purge module load gcc module load python python3 myprogram
Virtual Environments
For most Python related packages (i.e. pip install …), it is often more applicable to utilize a virtual environment. This can be done with Conda or venv. The former requires loading an miniforge module, and the latter requires the python3 module.
Example Conda Creation
After loading and using this module, your ~/.bashrc
file will be updated to source the base environment each time you log in.
After logging into portal, load the module and configure your shell to allow for conda activate
abc1de@portal01:~$ module load miniforge abc1de@portal01:~$ conda init bash // after logging out and back in (base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda create -n mynewenvironment
This will by default create an environment named mynewenvironment
in ~/abc1de/.conda/envs/
You can also specify a path where an environment should be created
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda create -n mynewenvironment --prefix /p/myprojectdirectory/condaenvs
Packages can be specifed when creating an environment
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda create -n mynewenvironment matplotlib=3.5 numpy=1.21
Environments can be created using a .yml
file as well
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda env create -f /<path>/env.yml
To list available environments
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda env list OR (base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda info --envs
To activate an environment (if the name is shown with conda env list
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda activate mynewenvironment
To activate an environment by path
(base) abc1de@portal01:~$ conda activate /<path>/mycustompathenv
Example VENV Creation
After logging into portal, load the python
abc1de@portal01:~$ module load python
To create a python3 venv envrionment
abc1de@portal01:~$ python3 -m venv /<path>/myvenv
To activate a python3 venv environment
abc1de@portal01:~$ source /<path>/myvenv/bin/activate
Commands such as pip3
can now be used within the envrionment
abc1de@portal01:~$ which pip3 /<path>/myenv/bin/pip3 abc1de@portal01:~$ pip3 install <package name>
Jupyter Notebook
A Jupyter Notebook interface can be loaded using a virtual environment (as described above). This is best done using a NX virtual desktop. Once you've logged into your NX virtual desktop, load python3 or miniforge as a software module:
abc1de@labsrv03~:$ module load miniforge
Then, load Jupyter Notebook:
abc1de@labsrv03~:$ Jupyter Notebook
Follow the link given to you by the Notebook Server to access the interface:
[W 12:52:23.489 NotebookApp] Loading JupyterLab as a classic notebook (v6) extension. [I 12:52:23.492 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /u/abc1de [I 12:52:23.492 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.5.4 is running at: [I 12:52:23.492 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=eb9345040d71bbeb1eddc75fb88504f98e25beb207907f6d [I 12:52:23.492 NotebookApp] or [I 12:52:23.492 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation). [C 12:52:23.634 NotebookApp] To access the notebook, open this file in a browser: file:///u/<youruserid>/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-20880-open.html for example... file:///u/abc1de/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-20880-open.html
Apptainer is the supported software for using containers throughout the CS environment. See our page on (Apptainer) for more information.