
Quiz 3 Grading Guidelines

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These are the instructions given to the graders when they graded Quiz 3.

If the program does not compile and/or not run, you need to look at the code, and manually trace it to find out why.  Don't take points off if it doesn't compile, though -- the system does that automatically.

Sample Output

The output should be what's listed below -- there is only one execution run.

Testing findCity()...
Point returned should be (1,0): java.awt.Point[x=1,y=0]
Point returned should be (7,7): java.awt.Point[x=7,y=7]
Point returned should be null: null
findCity() passed all tests!

Testing getDestination()...
Point returned should be Charlottesville: Charlottesville
Point returned should be Colombo: Colombo
getDestination() passed all tests!

Score so far: 100

Testing find()...
Output should be 'Hong Kong -> New York -> Charlottesville -> Nairobi':
Redirecting standard out to a String...
Output was: 'Hong Kong -> New York -> Charlottesville -> Nairobi'

Final quiz grade: 100

Point Distribution

In an effort to get the quizzes graded quickly, the quizzes were graded automatically by a testing program.  There were two grading schemes, depending on if the code ran successfully (and thus compiled) or not.

Correct execution

The execution run tested the various method, and deducted points accordingly.

  • findCity(): Three tests were run, and 8 points deducted for each test that failed
  • getDestination(): Two tests were run, and 8 points deducted for each test that failed
  • find(): One test run, and 8 points deducted for each intermediate city that was not present (New York and Charlottesville)

A missing method got 16 points off.  An error in the method got points off as if the method failed.

Incorrect execution

If the code had a compile error, each method could earn up to 25 points, according to the scheme below:

  • 25 points: If the method was correct, and would have worked
  • 20 points: If the mostly correct, but had a "minor" compile error
  • 15 points: If they had the right idea, but it wasn't coded correctly
  • 10 points: If it looked like they had some clue
  • 5 points: For at least making an attempt
  • 0 points: If the method was missing or had a completely empty body

Due to the fact that a compile error could receive a maximum of 75 points, there was no additional compile error penalty.  There were a few cases of serious run-time errors, and these were considered to be in this category (and this was noted in the comments for the grade).


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