This course is intended to be a introduction to concepts in architecture beyond those taught in typical undergraduate architecture courses, such as:
The course will particularly focus on the effects on these hardware designs on application programmers.
The particular topic areas we will cover are subject to change.
A secondary objective of this course is obtaining practice and proficiency in reading and evaluating research papers in computer architecture.
Lecture is optional but strongly encouraged.
You will be required to submit reviews of papers as indicated on the schedule. Paper reviews are required for all papers except those indicated on the schedule with an asterisk.
There will be several programming-based homework assignments, as detailed on the schedule.
There will be an exam, to be held in class time.
If we believe you have cheated, we may apply an arbitrarily harsh grade penalty up to and including an F in the course. This penalty is independent of (and potentially in addition to) any findings of the University Honor System.
If I believe you have cheated, I may apply an arbitrarily harsh grade penalty up to and including an F in the course. This penalty is independent of (and potentially in addition to) any findings of the University Honor System.
It is cheating to give or take code from another. This does not depend on the medium: digitally, visually, or audibly, it is the same. It also does not depend on the source: unsanctioned collaboration, web search, paid tutor, it is the same. Looking at another’s code to debug it or the like is still looking at it, and not appropriate.
Official course staff who are on the clock may give or take code freely, and you may accept what they give without dishonesty.
It is permitted to share non-task-specific code; however, these should not be too close to the task at hand.
It is good citizenship to share ideas. But keep them at the broad outline and picture level; the moment you start identifying code, you’ve overstepped your bounds.
The line between sharing ideas and sharing code can be fuzzy. However, another line is not: plagiarism. If you found any help in any source, note that in your assignment writeup.
You do not need to note TA or professor help unless it was extensive and specific.
If you qualify for accommodations under LNEC or SDAC, please let me know.
Paper reviews should be submitted on time as I hope to use it to guide what I discuss in class.
For other assignments, to discourage students from leaving assignments to the last minute, I will only give full credit if they are handed in on time. Otherwise, I will deduct 10% if the assignment is handed in between the deadline and 48 hours late and 20% if the assignment is handed in between 48 hours and one week late.
Bad things happen. People forget things and make mistakes. Bad days coincide with due dates. Etc.
If you believe that circumstances warrant an change in deadline, a second chance, or some other accommodation in order to more accurately synchronize grade with knowledge, come talk to me and we’ll make it happen.