CS 6501: Text Mining Spring 2019 · CS@UVa


This is the course website for CS 6501: Text Mining.

Instructor: Hongning Wang
TAs: Lu Lin
Lecture time and place: Tuesday/Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm, Olsson Hall 009
Contact Info: Piazza
Office Hour: Hongning Wang: Tuesday/Thursday 12:00pm-1:00pm, Rice Hall 408; TA's: Wednesday/Friday 1:00pm-2:00pm, Rice Hall 340
Class Calendar: Google Calendar


April 30: The solution for Quiz 4 has been posted.

April 25: The lecture slides for k-means have been posted.

April 24: The solution for Quiz 3 has been posted.

April 22: The reference solution for MP3 has been posted here.

April 22: The reference solution for MP2 has been posted here.

April 22: Our tentative project presentation schedule has been posted here.

April 22: The lecture slides for text clustering have been posted.

April 9: The lecture slides for support vector machines have been posted.

March 28: MP3 has now become official! And the deadline is April 12th.

March 28: The lecture slides for logistic regression have been posted.

March 24: The lecture slides for kNN & Naive Bayes classifiers have been posted.

March 19: The solution for Quiz 2 has been posted.

March 4: The lecture slides for Text Categorization have been posted.

March 2: The lecture slides for Statistical Machine Translation have been posted.

February 25: The lecture slides for Lexical Semantics and Word Senses have been posted.

February 20: The solution for Quiz 1 has been posted.

February 7: The lecture slides for POS sagging and sequence labeling have been posted.

February 7: The lecture slides for the introduction to natural language processing have been posted.

February 5: The course proposal is due by February 8th, 11:59pm on collab.

February 5: The lecture slides for latent semantic indexing have been posted.

January 25: The lecture slides for language models have been posted.

January 22: The lecture slides for vector space models have been posted.

January 17: The lecture slides for the introduction to text mining have been posted.

January 7: Course Piazza webpage is available now, please sign up the course.

January 7: The template for course project report is provided here. Please choose "ACM Standard" or "ACM Large" for your report.

January 7: Our course syllabus has been posted.