All Publications
Below is a list of publications in reverse chronological order.
[P24] J.L. Pfaltz,
Union-Closed Systems of Sets and the Frankl Conjecture
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 12 (2024) 43-51, doi:
[P21a] J.L. Pfaltz,
A Set-Theoretic Approach to Modeling Network Structure
2021,14, 153.
[P20a] J.L. Pfaltz,
Cycle Systems
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 9,2 (2020) 137-164
[P20b] J.L. Pfaltz,
The Interior of a Network
2020 IEEE/ACM International Conf. on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining.
Dec. 7-10, 2020
[P19a] J.L. Pfaltz,
Two Network Transformations
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 8, 1 (2019) 79-96
[P18d] J.L. Pfaltz,
Humans Have a Distributed, Molecular Long-term Memory>
2018 Internat. Conf. on Brain Informatics, BI 2018,
Arlington, TX,
(Dec. 2018):
1-12 (B203)
[P18c] J.L. Pfaltz,
An Algorithmic Approach to the Representation of Biological Information and Long-term Memory
9th ACM Conf. on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Information,
Washington, DC,
(2018) 579-580
[P18b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Graph Similarity Defined by Graph Transformation
2nd International Conf. on Applied Math and Computational Science,
Budapest, Hungary,
(2018) (proceedings to appear)
[P18a] J.L. Pfaltz,
A Category of "Undirected Graphs": A Tribute to Hartmut Ehrig,
Graph Transformation, Specifications, and Nets: In memory of Hartmut Ehrig,
LNCS 10800", (2018) 223-230
[P17b] J.L. Pfaltz,
A Role for Chordless Cycles in the Representation and Retrieval of Information
Proc. of 6th International Workshop on Querying Graph Structured Data (GraphQ 2017)
at EDBT/ICDT 2017,
Venice, (10-15)
[P17a] J.L. Pfaltz,
Computational Processes that Appear to Model Human Memory
Proc. 4th International Conf.,Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2017)
LNBI 10252 (2017), 85-99
Aveiro, Portugal
[P16] J.L. Pfaltz,
Using Closed Sets to Model Cognitive Behavior
Proc. Australian Conf. on Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence (ACALCI 2016)
LNCS 9592, 13-26,
Camberra, ACT
[P15a] J.L. Pfaltz,
The Role of Continuous Processes in Cognitive Development
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 4, (2015) 61-76
[P15b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Continuous Functions Over Discrete Partial Orders
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 4, (2015) 61-76
[P13a] J.L. Pfaltz,
The Irreducible Spine(s) of Discrete Networks
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISW 2013
LNCS #6984, Part 2, (104-117),
Nanjing, China, Oct. 2013,
[P13b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Mathematical Evolution in Discrete Networks
Mathematics for Applications
Vol. 2, (2013) 153-167
[PS12] J.L. Pfaltz and Josef Slapal,
Transformations of discrete closure systems
Acta Math. Hungar.
Sept.2012 (electronic version), March 2013 (print version).
[P12] J.L. Pfaltz,
Finding the Mule in the Network
Intern. Conf. on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2012
Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012,
[P11] J.L. Pfaltz,
Mathematical Continuity in Dynamic Social Networks
Third Intern. Conf. on Social Informatics, SocInfo 2011
LNCS #6984, (36-50),
Singapore, 2011.
Reprinted in "Social Network Analysis and Mining", 2013.
[P08] J.L. Pfaltz,
Establishing Logical Rules from Empirical Data
Intern. Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
Vol. 17, no. 5 (2008) 985-1001
[P07a] J.L. Pfaltz,
What Constitutes a Scientific Database?,
SSDBM, 19th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical
Database Management,,
Banff, Canada, July 2007.
[P07b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Establishing Logical Rules from Empirical Data
ICTAI, 19th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
Patras, Greece, Oct. 2007.
[P06a] J.L. Pfaltz,
Using Concept Lattices to Uncover Causal Dependencies in Software,
Proc. Int. Conf. on Formal Concept Analysis, Springer LNAI 3874 ,
Dresden, 233-247, Feb.. 2006.
[P06b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Logical Implication and Causal Dependency,
ICCS, 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures,
Springer LNAI 4068,
Aalborg University, Denmark, July 2006, pp 145-157 (supplemental volume).
[JP05] Robert E. Jamison, J.L. Pfaltz,
Spaces that are not Uniquely Generated,
Discrete Applied Math,
147, (2005), 69-99,
also in,
Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis, OSDA 2000
Brussels, Belgium July 2000.
[P04a] J.L. Pfaltz,
A Category of Discrete Closure Systems,
Spatial representation:Discrete vs. Continuous Computational Models ,
Dagstuhl Seminar 04351, August 2004.
[P04b] J.L. Pfaltz,
A Category of Discrete Partially Ordered Sets,
Mid-Atlantic Algebra Conf.
George Mason Univ., Fairfax VA, Nov. 2004.
[KP04] Ralph Kopperman and J.L. Pfaltz,
Jordan Surfaces in Discrete Topologies,
IWCIS, 10th Intern'l Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
Auckland, NZ, Nov. 2004.
[PT02a] J.L. Pfaltz, C. M. Taylor
Closed Set Mining of Biological Data,
BIOKDD 2002, Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics,
(at KDD 2002, Edmonton, Alberta,
July 2002, 43-48.
[PT02b] J.L. Pfaltz, C. M. Taylor
Scientific Discovery through Iterative Transformations
of Concept Lattices,
Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining,
(at 2nd SIAM Conf. on Data Mining, Arlington VA)
April 2002, 65-74.
[P01] J.L. Pfaltz,
Transformations of Concept
Graphs: An Approach to Empirical Induction ,
2nd Intern'l Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, GTVM 2001,
Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2001, Crete, Greece July 2001, 320-326.
[PJ00] J.L. Pfaltz, Robert E. Jamison
Closure Systems and their Structure,
5th Intern'l Seminar on Relational
Methods in Computer Science, RelMiCS 2000, Valcartier, Quebec, Jan.
2000, 121-123.
Also found in
Information Sciences, 139(2001) 275-286
[PK98a] J.L. Pfaltz, John Karro,
Transformations of Antimatroid Closure Spaces,
Computer Science TR 98-013 June
[PK98b] J.L. Pfaltz, John Karro,
Transformations of Antimatroid Closure Spaces,
Computer Science TR 98-017 August 1998.
[PKM97] J.L. Pfaltz, John Karro, Sean McCulloch,
in Anti-Matroids,
Congressus Numerantium 127:5-22, 1997.
[P96] J.L. Pfaltz,
Closure Lattices,
Discrete Mathematics ,
154:217-236, June 1996.
[P95a] J.L. Pfaltz,
Partitions of 2^n,
Congressus Numerantium 109:3-12, 1995.
[P95b] J.L. Pfaltz,
Partition Coefficients of Acyclic Graphs,
21st Intern'l Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts
in Computer Science, Aachen, June 1995 (Springer Verlag, LNCS #1017)
[PFG91] J.L. Pfaltz, James C. French, Andrew Grimshaw
An Introduction to the ADAMS Interface Language,
IPC-TR-91-06, Institute for Parallel Computation, April 1991
[P83] J.L. Pfaltz,
Convex Clusters in a Discrete m-Dimensional Space,
SIAM J. Computing
Oct. 1983
[PBC80] J.L. Pfaltz, William J Berman, Edgar M. Cagley
Partial-match retrieval using indexed descriptor files,
Commun. ACM
Sept. 1980
[P75] J.L. Pfaltz,
Representing Graphs by Knuth Trees,
July 1975
[P72] J.L. Pfaltz,
Graph Structures,
April 1972
[P71] J.L. Pfaltz, Convexity in directed graphs,
J. of Comb. Theory, 10(2):143-162, Apr. 1971.
[PR69] J.L. Pfaltz, Azriel Rosenfeld
Web Grammars,
Intern. Joint Conf. on Artif. Intell. (IJCAI)
[PR67] J.L. Pfaltz, Azriel Rosenfeld,
Computer representation of planar regions by their skeletons,
Commun. ACM
Feb. 1967
[RP66] Azriel Rosenfeld, J.L. Pfaltz,
Sequential Operations in Digital Picture Processing,
Oct. 1966